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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 04:31 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd {How To} Manually Deodex Your Froyo Droid X to Allow Custom Themes

Everything worked for me up until step 9.Open a command prompt, and do the following: I am not the most computer savy person and Im not sure how to do this step correctly. When I open the cmd.exe and start to enter the code it says, "adb is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". What am I doing wrong here? any help on this would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks Graham
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 02:13 AM
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Lightbulb Re: BiGnAdAd {How To} Manually Deodex Your Froyo Droid X to Allow Custom Themes

Hey Bignadad,
Thank you for this info I appreciate it. Only have one problem. In the c-Prompt when I get to
cp /sdcard/done_app/* /system/app/ It says no such File or Directory???
I put the two file on my sdcard as per the instructions so its looking for system/apps,
I remember when I took java (Chubby here. lol) *=all but sometimes the file is to deep and
the parses stop at a lower level missing it by 1 or2files before. I know the system/apps is
only one level back so it should b able to find it. If I remember right, it was ./* for 1 level
and .//* for 2 or more. It went something like that, i think. Its was many years ago.
Can this b the case here. Or am I just an old man who didn't remember to good. Lol
Was wondering if u can help me with that.
Thanks again Bro for all ur help
Hey Big,
I was just wondering, now that I have the folders on my phone is it possible to use the
Terminal Emulator to push these thru instead of the adb. And if so can I get the instructions for that please?

Last edited by PeakyBoo; 01-05-2011 at 06:09 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 06:15 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd {How To} Manually Deodex Your Froyo Droid X to Allow Custom Themes

Hey Skinshaman,
You have to give it the full path to the folder first.
All the way to the jar folder. You must also start with "cd".
put a space then type the first folders name followed by "/".
Then the second folders name followed by"/" etc...
all the way to the "jar" folder. Mine For example ="c:>cd footlocker/droidxstuff/xultimate2.2.2/jar
Now hit enter. After that no more "cd" u are in the jar folder.
All you type once in the jar folder is the code that Bignadad gave us
"adb" enter "su" enter "stop" enter etc. Hope this helps. Happy deodexing
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2011, 07:33 PM
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Re: BiGnAdAd {How To} Manually Deodex Your Froyo Droid X to Allow Custom Themes

I have My Droid plugged in and I have it on Media Sync. With USB DEbugging on. It says:*Checking Scrpit Version....*
* Checking Phone ROM Build....*
* Waiting for Phone....*
And then it never goes on! My phone is plugged in and registered on my computer. Everytime i get a text it shows on my computer so i know its in. ANy help??
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