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undarated is keeping up the good workundarated is keeping up the good work

undarated Offline

PPCGeeks Regular

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. undarated
    08-14-2010 05:48 PM - permalink
    Hey no problem bro. Now that I actually check to see if I have any messages I will respond sooner. With that being said. I'm about to start work on a customers Toshiba. The issue is the ID10T removed the product key for windows! People do some of the damndest things I tell ya! Good luck with the lappy and let me know if i can help in anyway!
  2. jamio88
    08-14-2010 03:46 AM - permalink
    You sent me a message once asking about what kind of hard drive it took as you might have a spare one lying around you could help me out with. It is alright now though, as I got it covered.

    Thanks anyway buddy.
  3. jamio88
    07-11-2010 03:52 PM - permalink
    Whats up buddy? I got a Dell Latitude (Custom build from Dell to my specs).

    It runs an IDE HDD.

    It is about 5 or 6 years old now, but the damn thing cost me $6500 when I got it.

About Me

  • About undarated
    Pocket PC
    Mogul,Touch,TP2,Hero,Pre,Evo,Evo Shift,Evo 3d
    On a never ending roller coaster
    Computer Tech
  • Signature
    Is it just me or does this thing we call life have no sense of direction?


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-28-2012 01:08 PM
  • Join Date: 12-06-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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