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pizzaboy192 is keeping up the good workpizzaboy192 is keeping up the good work

pizzaboy192 Offline

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  1. fernand_11
    01-31-2013 08:32 PM - permalink
    Hello friends, I would first like to thank him for taking Mangatron this post as helpful for people who bought the LG Pathom. I wanted to check because my phone gets the black screen with HTC. I tell you what I did 1-Download this Android 2.2 Froyo on the link, I removed the file and the folder is 2.2, which I copy and paste on my micro sd. 2 - Under breaststroke extremebat001 kernel, extract the folder, open it, copy the three files and stuck them on the micro sd, replacing the old files (although there is still the old haret, but do not use that). 3 - Done all this I unplug the phone, open the files on the SD card, I click on the file CLRCAD (4 or 5 times), and then open the haret-pre-0.5.3-20100629_092009-QSD8250-ONLY, the small black screen with white letters and then goes to the HTC screen with the letters and then nothing .... Please help me to see what I'm doing wrong and correct it. Of course, thank you very much and a big hug from Argentina, goodbye!
  2. ajayrajsingh
    03-19-2012 01:56 AM - permalink
    hello sir i have lost my .nvs file for fathom as i was only able to boot in emergency mode .. i m writing with very hope please give solution
    can u mail me my id is mail.vishal.pd@gmail.com

About Me

  • About pizzaboy192
    Pocket PC
    LG Fathom, Palm T|X, MotoQ9c, Jornada 567
    Between Computer and Chair
    Student being educated in Teaching.


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  • Last Activity: 09-12-2013 10:01 AM
  • Join Date: 07-28-2010
  • Referrals: 2

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06:32 PM - feliciano mentioned pizzaboy192 in post Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.
pizzaboy192 I can't find the "A...
11:09 PM - feliciano mentioned pizzaboy192 in post Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.
pizzaboy192: As a workaround (wh...
12:36 PM - pizzaboy192 mentioned cac2us in post Re: Kitchen released
cac2us: Here's what I think...
07:46 AM - da_reeseboy mentioned pizzaboy192 in post Re: Kitchen released
... and let you know. pizzaboy192: I'll clean up my ki...
03:47 PM - pizzaboy192 mentioned da_reeseboy in post Re: Kitchen released
da_reeseboy Got the keys you're ...
10:02 AM - da_reeseboy mentioned pizzaboy192 in post Re: NEW LG Fathom Owner
...5 to it. blog is at pizzaboy192.com/blog/ (redirects...
12:45 AM - pizzaboy192 mentioned vzw in post Get Verizon to nag LG to fix the Fathom
... reached on twitter vzwSupport, by email at ...

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