Originally Posted by pastert33
Yea well we knew that, but the new port did have some things fixed and perfected(although has a few quirks too) I know I like to try new things!
Are you going to come out with a build with it in it's state now? CDMA or just GSM?
I will release a very basic build in the next few days for CDMA Diamond only. JMZ has the files too, and will likely release a CDMA TP ROM.
Originally Posted by piscesjoey
More pics Groove! Lol, but was wondering with the home screen when you hide the clock, how many slots for shortcuts? It kinda looks like only 9, unless you can scroll to get more shortcuts, that would be sweet.
I'll try to get more pics soon, but now the priority is testing and tweaking. Right now, only 9 slots for shortcuts, but actually only 6 because the bottom 3 are hidden by the bottom curtain.
Originally Posted by t0mmyr
cant wait to try 2.5 on my cdma tp. hope u can pursuade that italian chef to release the oems/cabs/packages soon  i wanna get them in the hands of my favorite chef...psyki
The port still needs some work, and he's not gonna make the packages public until it's more stable. Like I sadi, JMZ should have a TP rom soon. They will be supported at ED/TP.
Right now, most of the tabs work well. Some issues in the contacts tab, footprints tab doesn't work yet -- but it sounds like it is close. Minor issue with the internet tab.
Muttim86 sent me his entire kitchen which has many Leo packages ported to VGA as well, so some if the Manila stuff may be dependent on some of these packages. I wanna add packages slowly, so that I can try to isolate and deal with issues individually..