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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2012, 08:54 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Dear pizzaboy192
I thanks for your help, I have made a cleaned rom with manila 2.5 working 99.9 %. After manila I am getting about 65 mb ram free.
Here I want to delete MSN money, Microsoft my phone, market place.
I deleted these folders and made a rom and installed. It got deleted from phone but when I restart the phone (lg fathom) it went up setting wizard. Any application deleted from system file and after edited to initflashfiles the same behavior is doing after restarting.
Here I want to know is any way to delete these folder (MSN money, Microsoft my phone, market place.) without adding (Set VZ Access Manager as default in Switch USB)
Please help.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2012, 02:34 PM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

You need to remove them from the files that are in the ROM before you build it. That way you don't need to edit any other files, just pull the Verizon added files from the OEM folder and move them into a folder in the EXT section of the kitchen. Then in the kitchen make sure it's not selected.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2012, 01:00 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Slight Bump:
Moved from build V6B2 to V6B6a
Updated: Nearly all bugs squashed.
PowerMobia Removed, Themes working
Data working
Using build 23569 for SYS with 6.5.5 Email enabling threading in all accounts.
Widgets removed.

Available at Untitled document
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2012, 07:35 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Originally Posted by pizzaboy192 View Post
Slight Bump:
Moved from build V6B2 to V6B6a
Updated: Nearly all bugs squashed.
PowerMobia Removed, Themes working
Data working
Using build 23569 for SYS with 6.5.5 Email enabling threading in all accounts.
Widgets removed.

Available at Untitled document
Dear Sir
I have downloaded your (Untitled document rom) and tested. It has trace of city id, vvm in device program file. The sms as like original lg rom. It has also call back number, It's massage delivery not working. Its calculator is not scientific calculator.
I requested you to simply test only,My cleaned rom uploaded at sendspace. In my rom I have not used the program (Set VZ Access Manager as default in Switch USB) its calculator is replaced by HTC scientific calulator named as lg calculator, it has no any trace of verizon software, and it is working fully even on hard reset by keyboard or by system set factory default.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2012, 07:19 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Dear Pizzaboy,
Could you please enable link for V6 Manilla B2 ROM?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2012, 10:07 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Dear hero121
I have made a cleaned rom with manila 2.5 working 99.9 %.
Could you please check *228 is working with manila you created(without popup-Activation not available)?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2012, 10:39 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Originally Posted by headhair View Post
Dear Pizzaboy,
Could you please enable link for V6 Manilla B2 ROM?
V2 was pulled due to too many bugs in it.
http://pizzaboy192.com/downloads/Fat...B7b_Manilla.7z is the link to the latest build. I'll eventually make a static link that can be used whenever I build a new ROM, but for now, that's the latest Manilla build. A bit newer than my non-Manilla build, but not much different.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2012, 07:44 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

V2 was pulled due to too many bugs in it.
http://pizzaboy192.com/downloads/Fat...B7b_Manilla.7z is the link to the latest build.
It seems file is corrupted. Downloaded 3 times. same problem.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2012, 02:08 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Originally Posted by pizzaboy192 View Post
1- Install drivers
- LGUnitedMobileDriver_S4981CAN33AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3. 3
- LGWindowsMobile_USBDriver_WHQL_ML_Ver_1.0
- LGSmartPhone_ModemlinkDUNDrive_WHQL_ML_Ver_1.0

Translated: Google each of those nasty strings and download what you find.

2: Get youself a copy of a patched version of LGNPST. We can't provide links for it, because you need a copy that allows you to write to the phone. I have a copy somewhere, but don't count on me to find it. If you have trouble, PM Me and i'll get you sorted out.
There is also a .dll file that you need to register. (you can google for how to do that)
It's the one linked to on the XDA thread. it's called vs750.dll

3: on your phone, go to settings, connections, switch usb and choose VZAccess mode.
then plug the phone in and wait for windows to see it. Load up your copy of LGNPST and see if it sees your phone.

- Launch LGNPST.exe, it should detect your phone (filename on the top right panel should be "VS750.dll").
- Click on "phone settings", wait a few secondes for a new window to appear
- Click on read button
- It will create a VS750_COMx.nvs in C:\LG Electronics\LGNPST
copy that file to as many places as you can. if your flash goes wrong, this file will be what keeps you from having to RMA your phone.

The files listed (The SCR and PRL) need to be gotten from a decrypted ROM. I can upload those later since I forgot you need them.
if someone else beats me to it, i'll throw them on my site.

- Go in provision Tab (should be selected by default)
- Select Upgrade
- BIN file : "c:\VS750\BIN\VS750XXX5.BIN"
- Check SCR File, then select "C:\VS750\SCR\VS750VZ7_04.scr"
- Check PRL, Nam1 (uncheck nam2), select "C:\VS750\PRL\58006 - EVDO OEM Factory Default.prl"
- Don't check Eri file
- Click on "start"
- Keep fingers crossed for approximately 10min. The phone will reboot a few times, this is normal.
- Enjoy your 1st VS750 custom rom

The reason the phone reboots is it first flashes the ROM, then it flashes all your user content back, then it flashes your radio settings. The last one is important because if it doesn't flash them you're left with a brick unless you backed up your .nv file. If you did, and the flash goes sour, all you need to do is place a copy of your .nv file back in the LGNPST folder and pray it works..

I hope that clears some stuff up. If it's a little murky, it's because my brain is murky right now too.

Dear Sir,
i flashed my phone with clean rom with opera.
i also backed up my nvs file and copied it to my pendrive before upgrading.
now i think i have bricked my phone, as suddenly some error came in between upgrading. now my phone is not sensing any network in gsm mode, and i think it has a bad esn,mdnetc.
iam unable to flash the nvs back to phone,because everytime it flashed it copies the bad nvs from phone to c: and reloads the same to phone after flashing.
pls help me to restore the nvs to phone.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2012, 02:13 AM
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Re: LG Fathom V6 ROM release thread.

Originally Posted by lgbabuin View Post
Dear Sir,
i flashed my phone with clean rom with opera.
i also backed up my nvs file and copied it to my pendrive before upgrading.
now i think i have bricked my phone, as suddenly some error came in between upgrading. now my phone is not sensing any network in gsm mode, and i think it has a bad esn,mdnetc.
iam unable to flash the nvs back to phone,because everytime it flashed it copies the bad nvs from phone to c: and reloads the same to phone after flashing.
pls help me to restore the nvs to phone.
Open LGNPST with the phone connected. Go to the Data option at the top of the screen and choose "Data Recovery"
Then browse to the file that you backed up to your flash drive and you should be good to go.
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