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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2014, 09:26 AM
Awem Games's Avatar
Pocket PC: iPad
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Location: Belarus, Mogilev
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Cradle of Empires [iPad/iPhone] - new adventurous match-3 game


We're Awem Games, an independent casual game developer from Belarus. We would appreciate your feedback on our latest iOS game Cradle of Empires, the most adventurous match-3 game on the App Store!

Cradle of Empires is rather an adventure with lots of match-3 gameplay, than a puzzle with a hint of adventure. Completing match-3 levels, collecting resources and numerous collection items, constructing and upgrading the city, solving quests, and a unique bonus system that helps the player work out his own strategy, is only a means to uncover a great adventure with rich story and bright characters!

Cradle of Empires Features:
- A unique mix of match-3 puzzle, adventure and city builder never seen before
- All-new bonus system including amulets, totems, artifacts and more to help you choose your own gameplay tactics
- Original twists on classical Match-3 featuring six new modes of play
- Fairy-tale inspired story line with unexpected twists, interesting quests, and lots of appealing characters
- Additional content coming in updates with new quests, buildings, characters and civilizations
- Mesmerizing hand drawn graphics and original music


Free download

Game trailer

We're looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the game and maybe receiving some recommendations on its improvement. We would really appreciate any of them. You can contact us at social@awem.com

Thanks a lot,
Awem Team
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  PPCGeeks > Other Devices > iPad Series > iPad Apps/Games

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