View Poll Results: Will you pledge to the project
Yes I will Pledge. (if you vote, post how much you pledge below)
1loudsvt, asenduk, avatar120, azidrane, capthr, chicubs3794, Compusmurf, conflipper, dabackwoodboy, DarkLord, deep309, DHarvey, Diode, djk1, dkapp, dogboy66, dougw714, dude1, forbes256, ftablas, glitch77-2, h311boy, Hajii1, hermeez, icekold_56, JacobWW60, jaredakelly, jlechner, latinsbest, leoiden, mixxy, moosimoo, njakobs, nmazloum, pcdoc, Rabid_Gypsy, rlmcs, sckbassg3, ScrapMaker, scuccia, skyheli, snovvman, soicy423, stealth-twinturbo, superman1101, tacke, Tenny, White6900, Whosdaman, willysp, winmobilelawyer, xencloud, xenokira, yamus08
54 |
50.00% |
No I will not pledge to the project.
Animatorman, AstainHellbring, bedaweed, blasphemous_prime, boggsie, brownkaos112, bwhite4801, caleb02, cibjibb203, cj10488, cymbaliner, darufryda5, davy1280, deegimus, dicast, digitalkhaos, ecker2008, Fam Money, flyhighusa, freespeech, gedster314, ghostridr, hexto, Hivez, hmltnjrmy7, HotSheep, ilkevinli, imneveral0ne, JBaker, jblade, Jimskalajim, jmacjr82, justpctech, kaiguy, KhMeRA, kyle13, ludester, maximmos, maxqc, mherald81, mike_85_ripper, naiserie, nmyer89, polargoat, qfiveo, rohandy, rstoyguy, Snackdragons, Spencer_Moore, up2detime, xcopmanx, zztoolzz
54 |
50.00% |