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nargi 11-28-2009 06:38 PM

I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
Hey there,

First of all I would just like to say this site and its developers rocks. Really. Your work is appreciated very much.

I need someone to tell me how to start the ROM installation process.

I have Verizon Wireless XV6900. This phone was never modified in any way except for installing SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 on it. It has WinMo 6.1 installed, off course.

Now what I would like to do is to install Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (sys 23506_V4) on it, using this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=580113.

Here's what I do know about installing this ROM:
  • I will need to uninstall SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 (Not a problem for me)
  • I will need to unlock my phone using this unlocker: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370
  • I will not be able to make any kind of communications except for making calls, UNLESS if I will install my carrier's CAB for DATA.
  • I will need to do a backup to my phone (already did)
I would really appreciate it if someone will explain me the steps to installing this ROM. What I need to start with to what is the final step.

Thanks in advance & keep up the great work here :)

whitey10tc 11-28-2009 08:45 PM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time

Originally Posted by nargi (Post 1369594)
Hey there,

First of all I would just like to say this site and its developers rocks. Really. Your work is appreciated very much.

I need someone to tell me how to start the ROM installation process.

I have Verizon Wireless XV6900. This phone was never modified in any way except for installing SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 on it. It has WinMo 6.1 installed, off course.

Now what I would like to do is to install Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (sys 23506_V4) on it, using this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=580113.

Here's what I do know about installing this ROM:
  • I will need to uninstall SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 (Not a problem for me)
  • I will need to unlock my phone using this unlocker: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370
  • I will not be able to make any kind of communications except for making calls, UNLESS if I will install my carrier's CAB for DATA.
  • I will need to do a backup to my phone (already did)
I would really appreciate it if someone will explain me the steps to installing this ROM. What I need to start with to what is the final step.

Thanks in advance & keep up the great work here :)

Looks like your almost there now since you have Verizon is your GPS working currently? If it is cool all you will need to do is unlock it with the 2.31 unlocker and flash your new ROM the add the carrier cab.

horndoctor 11-28-2009 10:36 PM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
Like whitey said you are on the right track.:) You need to unlock first. Then make sure you have the 3.xx.xx radio which is gps enabled. If not upgrade to it. Then go through the steps to flash your custom rom. Here is a guide over on xda for flashing the vogue.


Read through it carefully so as to not miss anything. Start at step 3 if you already have the 3.xx.xx radio. Good Luck!! :)

nargi 11-29-2009 02:58 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
Wow, thanks for the quick response, guys.

This is very helpful.

I appreciate it a lot.

I do not have the GPS fix! luckily you guys mentioned it because otherwise I would probably never know! :)

I'll try it out :)

horndoctor 11-29-2009 03:19 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
No problem! Happy Flashing ! :)

Hawks2005 11-30-2009 03:04 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
I am trying to do the same thing, but I keep running into the same issue. When I do the hard re-set(power+camera+stylus) and then plug in the usb, activesync is no longer connected and I get the "communication error 262". Somebody please help!!!

horndoctor 11-30-2009 03:51 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
Try doing a soft reset first. Then run the Rom Update Utility again. If that doesn't work run the 2.31 unlocker again and then flash your rom.

Hawks2005 11-30-2009 04:08 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
I haven't even been able to run the unlocker, cause when I do the hard reset and the phone is at the colored screen and I plug it in, it doesn't show as connected to activesync,

horndoctor 11-30-2009 04:15 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
Can you sync normally with your pc when your phone has booted up?

Hawks2005 11-30-2009 04:46 AM

Re: I need help installing a ROM for the 1st time
I can, i've never had a problem syncing before.

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