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-   -   which cricket prl file works in florida (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=94237)

palmbeachboii 11-02-2009 06:15 PM

which cricket prl file works in florida
m in florida whats the prl file i need to use my htc vogue on cricket ?
i flashed the phone and tried every prl file. none of them are working
can someone help me plz??

horndoctor 11-02-2009 08:34 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
I don't know but you might want to check out this website:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1288982

horndoctor 11-02-2009 09:26 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
I did some research and found this:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1210612 That should help!:) If you have questions, I would contact the author of that post. I consider him the cricket expert.

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 12:56 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
Hey thanks Doc.
OP you may want to browse through the howardsforum cricket forum here is link to the PRL page and it is always being updated. http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1311637 You can also find alot of crickets PRL's here http://corolada.com/prl/. Also what is not working? *228, calls roaming? Just let me know what's happening and I'll try I help. What PRL's have you tried so far.

horndoctor 11-03-2009 01:46 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
lol Your welcome Whitey!The link I posted is a link to that same PRL Thread on howard forums that you posted before. I got it saved to try to help other folks . :)

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 02:02 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
i tried alot of prl's 1041 , 1042 , 1050, 1039 ,38515 ,38003 no of them worked for me, and when i diail *224 it says no service.
but when i put 38515 prl it says digital roaming , and when i dial *224 it says ur phone is not in service

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 02:30 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1293068)
i tried alot of prl's 1041 , 1042 , 1050, 1039 ,38515 ,38003 no of them worked for me, and when i diail *224 it says no service.
but when i put 38515 prl it says digital roaming , and when i dial *224 it says ur phone is not in service

Try PRL 1015, 1014, 38515 also try *228 or *2 to OTAP.

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 02:38 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
Also you list your carrier as Sprint did you just recently flash to cricket and if so have you verified they have the correct ESN in CID, check your MDN/MSID, SID,NID...........

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 02:43 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
where do i get the 1015 and 1014 i cant get them from corolada.com
thanx for helping me.

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 02:48 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
i just bought this fone from ebay. and i called my cousin in kc he owns a cricket store. he flash fones all the time . he told me how to flash it. everything is correct. but the prl file is the only problem i have.

zodiackid 11-03-2009 09:13 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
I have the prl file for las cruces,NM if anyone cares to tell me how to get it off my phone.

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 11:31 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by zodiackid (Post 1293517)
I have the prl file for las cruces,NM if anyone cares to tell me how to get it off my phone.

-open qpst service programming
-read phone
-save qcn file
-open qpst rl editor
-open qcn file
-save prl file

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 11:41 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1293186)
i just bought this fone from ebay. and i called my cousin in kc he owns a cricket store. he flash fones all the time . he told me how to flash it. everything is correct. but the prl file is the only problem i have.

What message do you get when you *228 or *2 for otap. You should receive a cricket message about programming, PRL 1042 should work for you, is your MSL/SPC set to 6 zero's?

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 01:27 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
yeah its set to 6 zero's when i dial *228 it keeps saying looking for service

horndoctor 11-03-2009 03:51 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
Did you check and see if cricket definitely has service where you want to use your phone? Is there anyone that you can contact with cricket and ask which prl you should be using? I'm also curious if the radio you have installed may have something to do with it. Just trying to think of why this isn't working for you.

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 04:22 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1294209)
yeah its set to 6 zero's when i dial *228 it keeps saying looking for service

I just checked crickets coverage map and it shows Florida as an extended coverage area. and doing a little research the PRL's that work in Florida are roaming PRL's.
Also have you had another handset on cricket in Florida? Do you have a Florida cricket phone number?
Double check with cricket for service in that area and also ask them for the PRL version.

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 09:56 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
I have another handset on cricket , i've been using it since april 2009. Its a kansas city number 816. I tried to put it on the new phone but the problem is the phone is not getting any service.
But when i put the prl's that start with 38*** the phone gets a verizon service.

palmbeachboii 11-03-2009 09:59 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
If i call the customer service u think they will give me the florida prl version?
I appreciate u'r help guys

horndoctor 11-03-2009 10:06 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
I'd say you don't have anything to loose by asking. Try to talk to a tech support person.

whitey10tc 11-03-2009 11:58 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
1 Attachment(s)
Try this one it is the one listed for Florida this is a hard one to find I had to ask Clutch from HoFo for it.

palmbeachboii 11-04-2009 02:20 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
i tried the cricket prl 38644 and 38944 i got a sprint signal , when i dial *228 it says your phone is not authorized for service at this time.

whitey10tc 11-04-2009 02:37 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1296627)
i tried the cricket prl 38644 and 38944 i got a sprint signal , when i dial *228 it says your phone is not authorized for service at this time.

How do you know it's a sprint signal? Is your phone sprint branded?
OK these are the only two listed for the extended coverage area in Florida, cricket does not have native service in Fl. You will not be able to *228 while in that area. You will need to do the following
Do an ESN swap with cricket on your account.
If the above has been done then you will need to do the following
program MDN/MSID
program SID/NID
load PRL
These Items can most likely be found on the phone that you have currently working in Florida. If it has a different PRL let me know and I can get it for you.

palmbeachboii 11-04-2009 02:57 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
Ok i will do it tomorrow, i'll let you know what happens, i really appreciate your help.

whitey10tc 11-04-2009 03:18 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1296696)
Ok i will do it tomorrow, i'll let you know what happens, i really appreciate your help.

Also double check all your pst setting http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1507276

palmbeachboii 11-05-2009 01:43 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
its not working for me. i tried every prl file. my pst settings r correct. but no luck. im going to georgia in 2 days i will do it there . it might work. cuz they have cricket coverage .
thanks guys.

whitey10tc 11-05-2009 03:39 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by palmbeachboii (Post 1300989)
its not working for me. i tried every prl file. my pst settings r correct. but no luck. im going to georgia in 2 days i will do it there . it might work. cuz they have cricket coverage .
thanks guys.

You should have no problem in crickets native coverage area.. Also I would recommend that you call cricket and double check that they have the correct ESN. It has happened to me before that it was wrong in there system.

ls40095 03-01-2010 06:27 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by whitey10tc (Post 1296664)
How do you know it's a sprint signal? Is your phone sprint branded?
OK these are the only two listed for the extended coverage area in Florida, cricket does not have native service in Fl. You will not be able to *228 while in that area. You will need to do the following
Do an ESN swap with cricket on your account.
If the above has been done then you will need to do the following
program MDN/MSID
program SID/NID
load PRL
These Items can most likely be found on the phone that you have currently working in Florida. If it has a different PRL let me know and I can get it for you.

Could you please help a newbie?

I have a BB Pearl I just flashed using QPST to cricket...I was told by cricket that when I travel I would have to manually load the PRL to where I am going. I went through this last month after buying an old BB 7130 and traveling to Ft lauderdale Florida only to be stranded with out a phone that worked..the phone works fine in my home area but not when I travel cause when *228 or any variation is called, it will not program forward PRL..

could you please advise on how to do this?

thank You so much.. (copy via PM)

whitey10tc 03-01-2010 06:35 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by ls40095 (Post 1600146)
Could you please help a newbie?

I have a BB Pearl I just flashed using QPST to cricket...I was told by cricket that when I travel I would have to manually load the PRL to where I am going. I went through this last month after buying an old BB 7130 and traveling to Ft lauderdale Florida only to be stranded with out a phone that worked..the phone works fine in my home area but not when I travel cause when *228 or any variation is called, it will not program forward PRL..

could you please advise on how to do this?

thank You so much.. (copy via PM)

I didn't mention this in my PM but your BB is a dual band CMDA and won't work in all cricket markets (AWS) so be advised that in places like most of FL you will be roaming on another network and will need either money in ur flexbucket or a plan that includes roaming.

You can also load one of these http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...1&d=1257307095 through QPST while in a native cricket area. Don't do the OTASP it will overwrite them with a local PRL.

whitey10tc 03-01-2010 07:07 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
Keep in mind that cricKets extended coverage is not cricket native coverage and features like WAP/MMS and *228 OTASP will not work because you will be roaming on another network. You also will need PEC on the account.

ls40095 03-01-2010 07:29 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
<OK in the thread there is a link to two PRL's unzip them to your PC, then hook up to your phone and run QPST service program and click the ROAM tab, towards the bottom you'll see browse click it and find the PRL that you want to load and then click write to phone let it do it's thing and it should load. Pretty much load it like ya did when you flashed it.>

OK.. but I cant find them, still looking.....

<I didn't mention this in my PM but your BB is a dual band CMDA and won't work in all cricket markets (AWS) so be advised that in places like most of FL you will be roaming on another network and will need either money in ur flexbucket or a plan that includes roaming.>

My plan includes roaming.

<You can also load one of these http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...1&d=1257307095 through QPST while in a native cricket area. Don't do the OTASP it will overwrite them with a local PRL. >

Ok.. I loaded it but whats it for?...Do you mean my home area when you say native?..Is otasp dialing *228?

<Keep in mind that cricKets extended coverage is not cricket native coverage and features like WAP/MMS and *228 OTASP will not work because you will be roaming on another network. You also will need PEC on the account.>

Not sure I understand ..Whats PEC?....Thanks in advance...I will donate something..

whitey10tc 03-01-2010 07:49 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by ls40095 (Post 1600284)
<OK in the thread there is a link to two PRL's unzip them to your PC, then hook up to your phone and run QPST service program and click the ROAM tab, towards the bottom you'll see browse click it and find the PRL that you want to load and then click write to phone let it do it's thing and it should load. Pretty much load it like ya did when you flashed it.>

OK.. but I cant find them, still looking.....

Save them to the desk top or rember where you save them to.


<I didn't mention this in my PM but your BB is a dual band CMDA and won't work in all cricket markets (AWS) so be advised that in places like most of FL you will be roaming on another network and will need either money in ur flexbucket or a plan that includes roaming.>

My plan includes roaming.
Good then with the new PRL loaded you shouldn't have any issues.


<You can also load one of these http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...1&d=1257307095 through QPST while in a native cricket area. Don't do the OTASP it will overwrite them with a local PRL. >

Ok.. I loaded it but whats it for?...Do you mean my home area when you say native?..Is otasp dialing *228?
Yes your home area would be the native cricket coverage and yes OTASP is *228 OTASP= over the air service programing.


<Keep in mind that cricKets extended coverage is not cricket native coverage and features like WAP/MMS and *228 OTASP will not work because you will be roaming on another network. You also will need PEC on the account.>

Not sure I understand ..Whats PEC?....Thanks in advance...I will donate something..
PEC = Premium Extended Coverage. It's like roaming but should not incur roaming charges. That is if the roaming partner in FL is providing CDMA coverage. If it's a AWS partner coverage then you will incur CDMA roaming charges.

CDMA= Code Devision Multiple Access
AWS= Advanced Wireless Services
OTASP= Over the Air Service Programing
PEC= Premium Extended Coverage
WAP=Wireless Application Protocol
MMS= Multy Media Messaging

ls40095 03-01-2010 09:09 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by whitey10tc (Post 1600325)
Save them to the desk top or rember where you save them to.

Good then with the new PRL loaded you shouldn't have any issues.

Yes your home area would be the native cricket coverage and yes OTASP is *228 OTASP= over the air service programing.

PEC = Premium Extended Coverage. It's like roaming but should not incur roaming charges. That is if the roaming partner in FL is providing CDMA coverage. If it's a AWS partner coverage then you will incur CDMA roaming charges.

CDMA= Code Devision Multiple Access
AWS= Advanced Wireless Services
OTASP= Over the Air Service Programing
PEC= Premium Extended Coverage
WAP=Wireless Application Protocol
MMS= Multy Media Messaging

Thank You.... Thank You....OK, almost there...

<OK in the thread there is a link to two PRL's unzip them to your PC>

I cant find them in the thread can you please point them to me (these will work in Florida?)

Providing I find the link to the 2 PRLs and unzip them to desktop,

all I have to do BERORE I travel to Florida is open DM/ QPST/QPST configuration/start clients/service programming/roam/prl/write...?

and can I do it now to see if it writes then just change it back to 38515 while im home?

If I dial #4357* I can view my current "PRL version" (its 38515)

thanks again...

whitey10tc 03-01-2010 09:29 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by ls40095 (Post 1600517)
Thank You.... Thank You....OK, almost there...

<OK in the thread there is a link to two PRL's unzip them to your PC>

I cant find them in the thread can you please point them to me (these will work in Florida?)

Providing I find the link to the 2 PRLs and unzip them to desktop,

all I have to do BERORE I travel to Florida is open DM/ QPST/QPST configuration/start clients/service programming/roam/prl/write...?

and can I do it now to see if it writes then just change it back to 38515 while im home?

If I dial #4357* I can view my current "PRL version" (its 38515)

thanks again...

Hey heres the post that has the link for the PRL's

ls40095 03-04-2010 03:24 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by whitey10tc (Post 1296233)
Try this one it is the one listed for Florida this is a hard one to find I had to ask Clutch from HoFo for it.

I got an error roaming list contains no data

whitey10tc 03-04-2010 07:56 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by ls40095 (Post 1606600)
I got an error roaming list contains no data

What is giving the error? The BB or QPST?
The file is named incorrectly and I apologize for that, but they are the two for florida. In Florida you'll be roaming either on PEC with Metro PCS, or "Roaming" on Sprints CDMA network.

ls40095 03-05-2010 01:56 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by whitey10tc (Post 1607221)
What is giving the error? The BB or QPST?
The file is named incorrectly and I apologize for that, but they are the two for florida. In Florida you'll be roaming either on PEC with Metro PCS, or "Roaming" on Sprints CDMA network.

To clarify, I paid cricket for PEC so its a free call for me, cricket pays Metro PCS or Sprint for the service?

whitey10tc 03-05-2010 02:08 PM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida

Originally Posted by ls40095 (Post 1608806)
To clarify, I paid cricket for PEC so its a free call for me, cricket pays Metro PCS or Sprint for the service?

Metro will be the PEC, Sprint would be roaming. and you said you had that on your plan so you should be all good.

subliminaltrips 09-23-2010 12:25 AM

Re: which cricket prl file works in florida
38288,38944,42100 all work here in ocala florida on my moto droid and my droid eris. i have no web but mms works. no picture messaging. im moving up to dayton ohio next week and ill see what happens there. fwiw, its metropcs' coverage they share, i was flashed to metro previously and i have the same coverage to a tee.

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