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Old 09-19-2009, 04:13 AM
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Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

Obviously, there's an entire subforum, so the interest is around. But I was going to throw it in as an 'incentive' when I sell my Diamond. It has a bad esn so it would only be good for flashing roms and what not.

Is it even an incentive? Will it make a difference in the sale? Or should I just keep it in case anyone needs a phone on metropcs....?
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Old 09-19-2009, 04:18 AM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

Heck yeah!I'll take it if your gonna throw it away! lol Cute picture by the way!
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Old 09-19-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

heck it would be useful for flashing roms out testing them if it still works. Im sure there would be plenty that would take it off your hands for whatever.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

Sweet, I'll post them both as soon as I can.
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Old 09-20-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

how can a phone get a bad esn anyways?

to answer your question it does seem like there is a small surge of vogue users coming back. it is a cheap phone but not slow by any means. i do know alot of members will be getting new phones shortly like the hero and such. im one of them and my vogue will be going up for sale come november.

i can tell you this much, i owned my first vogue in 2008, had it for awhile then bought a diamond, then got rid quickly of that and bought a blackberry. 2 months later got fed up and came back to the vogue. my point is, it is one of the more solid phones out there, i am shocked they even still sell it considering it is over 2 years old now but they do. also with android coming along pretty nicely with the vogues it does breath new life into them.

Last edited by fixxxer2012; 09-20-2009 at 06:26 PM.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

i was wondering just today how much longer the love for the vogue will go on? as i can see there really isn't many new roms out there and i see less and less posts in this forum and on the xda vogue section too.
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Old 09-20-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

In my humble opinion fixxxer, the vogue seems to be just about dead... Sure there's still chefs (vin, me, nfsfan, nag, ghetto, jtuite) and sys porters (ali3n) But for the most part everything seems to be moving to VGA resolution, and the Vogue is aging.

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE my Vogue and will stick with it untill my contract expires, but it doesnt take a genius to see the Vogue is starting to see its end of days. But its had a good run, and will continue to "jog" along behind the others

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Old 09-20-2009, 09:30 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

im interested in the diamond if your wanting to sell please send me a pm
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 08:11 AM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
i can tell you this much, i owned my first vogue in 2008, had it for awhile then bought a diamond, then got rid quickly of that and bought a blackberry. 2 months later got fed up and came back to the vogue. my point is, it is one of the more solid phones out there, i am shocked they even still sell it considering it is over 2 years old now but they do. also with android coming along pretty nicely with the vogues it does breath new life into them.
I'm the same way. First I had the titan, but I didn't like the thickness with the keyboard. Then I got a vogue and enjoyed every minute of it. Everything worked just the way it was supposed to. I didn't really like any of the custom roms, so I made my own. Then I tried the diamond for a couple of weeks and pretty much hated it. Then I tried the samsung omnia for a couple of weeks. I really wanted to like it, but just didn't. I eventually went back to the old, faithful, vogue.
Sure, it doesn't have wifi, but I rarely used it on the titan/diamond/omnia. Sure, it only has a 400mh cpu, but snes/gba emulators don't run THAT slowly on it. Sure, it doesn't have a light sensor, but I turned that off on both the diamond and the omnia. Sure, it doesn't have a motion sensor, but I turned that off, too.
In the end, the vogue is the best phone, for me, that I've used. I think it would be even better if it had 2 small buttons above the screen, like the titan. That's just for emulated games, though.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

i have a touch pro now and my daughter is using my vouge. she is getting another rumor for her bday and i am prob going to be switching back to my old vouge. main reason is screen is slightly larger. i am not liking the small screen on the tp. and i am not that impressed with the keyboard on my tp. i didn't have any problems using my touch screen for texting on the vouge.
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