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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 08:23 PM
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Re: Super Karma

First off let me start this with the possible introduction of the new Zebra PPC Crew logo

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
So I was in Best Buy today and I was looking at some of the accessories and there was these three really smokin hot girls(looked like Carla lol), about 20 or so, walking down the isle and they stopped and were lookin at the cases and one said "I saw this guy with one of these zebra striped ones on his phone and I laughed! It looked so weak. I could understand maybe for a young girl but not a guy!"
They all agreed.
I literally laughed out loud!
They looked at me kinda funny, but it was perfect!
LMAO!! Looking as plain or common as three other girls in the same place isn't really such a positive thing IMO...I must say that this story is very possible, if not probable. In fact, I can picture it now, pointing, laughing, more pointing, and much more laughing...and possibly some crying (from sai phone case carrying party)

Originally Posted by Link9228 View Post
I don't think she'll care. She might just laugh at me and make fun of me a little, but she won't shy away or anything.

Haha, I don't care. I want a zebra case. I'm in a very steady relationship that won't end over a case (16 months now)
I wouldn't bet the farm on it chief, if my husband came home with a Zebra case on his phone I would for one bust his ()()'s until I couldn't do it anymore, then I would make it clear I wasn going nowhere with him until that case came off...The ole Case or Me ultimatum.....And you not "thinking" she'll care could be the downfall. Don't do it my friend

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
Don't lie.
I call B.S. on this one!
If you didn't get it on video/tape, it didn't happen.
This sounds like the denial of a man scorned Did this possibly happen to "someone you know" Cody!?!?

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
Woot! Zebra PPC is one member stronger!

It just seems like all you "haters" out there are just not secure enough to rock one.
I am no hater, just trying to help y'all through this difficult time in your lives

BTW, food for thought...Maybe yall should pick up this accesory for your next trip to go along with the case

Or mabe this new bedroom set to entice the "ladies"

Cody in 20 years (had to add it in)
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 11:29 PM
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Re: Super Karma

@Carla- first off, aside from the fruity stripes, that is a down *** picture off the zebras, i actually liked it! +1 for that haha
and what if your husband decided to chose the case over you, as his wife, shouldn't you accept him as he is (including his zebra case fetish)? ask him about the cases, lol but make sure your completely UNBIASED! lol i want to hear what he says
  #283 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 12:48 AM
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Re: Super Karma

Originally Posted by inertone View Post
@Carla- first off, aside from the fruity stripes, that is a down *** picture off the zebras, i actually liked it! +1 for that haha
and what if your husband decided to chose the case over you, as his wife, shouldn't you accept him as he is (including his zebra case fetish)? ask him about the cases, lol but make sure your completely UNBIASED! lol i want to hear what he says

I certainly will ask him when he gets home tonight I know him well enough to know that isn't going to happen though LOL!!
  #284 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 01:02 AM
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Re: Super Karma

Ha! Ha! Ha!
This is so funny!
Nice pictures Carla!
I think the rainbow zebra pretty much sums up my thoughts about the case. lol
But, maybe some girls like the metrosexual look. lol
I kinda feel sorry now for the Zebra PPC Crew.
They are just a little out there. lol
Sorry guys!
  #285 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 11:25 PM
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Re: Super Karma

so carla what has your husband said? haha
  #286 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: Super Karma

next your gonns see the "zebra crew" postin pics of them with that bag and posing in their bedrooms with those bed sheets...way to go carla!!
  #287 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2009, 02:11 AM
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Re: Super Karma

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
First off let me start this with the possible introduction of the new Zebra PPC Crew logo

um no.

I wouldn't bet the farm on it chief, if my husband came home with a Zebra case on his phone I would for one bust his ()()'s until I couldn't do it anymore, then I would make it clear I wasn going nowhere with him until that case came off...The ole Case or Me ultimatum.....And you not "thinking" she'll care could be the downfall. Don't do it my friend
Since when do chiefs have farms?
I thought farmers have farms and Chiefs have the police squads....

In that case I might just have to secretly use GorillaGlue and glue your husbands phone with a zebra case and then threaten his life to not say anything about him not being the one that put it on his phone, and to always tell EVERYONE that the zebra case comes before them no matter who it is.

I'm sure horndoctor would appreciate that one too judging by all his posts about your pictures. hahahaa

This sounds like the denial of a man scorned Did this possibly happen to "someone you know" Cody!?!?
Nope. Never heard of that happening before....
I've always heard the exact opposite actually.

I am no hater, just trying to help y'all through this difficult time in your lives
no hater? this whole post seems like you're hating. hahahaha.

BTW, food for thought...Maybe yall should pick up this accesory for your next trip to go along with the case

Or mabe this new bedroom set to entice the "ladies"
hahahahaha. now those are just retarded.

Cody in 20 years (had to add it in)
now that was a good one, not gonna lie.
Even made me burst out in laughter.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 12:06 AM
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Re: Super Karma

People that write in yellow make me SOOO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP IT!!!!!
  #289 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:43 AM
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Re: Super Karma

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
People that write in yellow make me SOOO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP IT!!!!!
horndoctor mad!
horndoctor smash!
  #290 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:56 AM
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Re: Super Karma

why are people all of a sudden typin in yellow?
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