Alltel Touch/WM6.1/correct settings/No GPS
I upgraded my touch to the official Alltel WM 6.1 ROM last week. Since then I have tried to enable GPS. I have been searching multiple forums for the past week and have tried multiple fixes and still have no GPS. My location settings are turned on. My GPS settings are com4/none/4800/manage auto.
I have tried it with both google maps and windows live search. In google maps it says initializing and then times out and says no GPS receiver detected.
I know this is talked to death in the threads (I think I have read them all this past week), but I have found nothing to get me any closer than I was before the updgrade.
please help..thanks!
FYI my device info is as follows
ROM version: 3.04.671.2
ROM Date: 4/9/08
Radio version: 3.37.10