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Old 11-08-2008, 08:44 PM
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BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

All I can say, is the Touch is much more solid, and reliable, from a HARDWARE stand-point. The software has some issues too, but that can be taken care of fairly easily.

I just needed a phone that wouldn't QUIT charging while plugged in, just because I am on a phone call.

I returned my phone back to Best Buy, because of the following problems:
-Screen hardly usable around the edges
-Overall poor construction (creaks/pops/crooked surfaces/etc)
-Earpiece was VERY blurry/cracklily
-Speakerphone is about half the volume as the Touch
-Phone gets scalding-hot
-Phone stops charging when it gets hot, which is quite often. I got off a 1.5 hour call, and my battery had drained from 100% to 20%. Pretty crappy.

So now I am back to my rock-solid Touch. Maybe someday HTC will make the Pro, or another phone just like it that has these problems worked out.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:21 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

same here man. I am still debating on keeping mine. I have a brand new touch that I can go back to. I have a backup touch too. I like the pro but it does have some pretty irritating problems. The screen sensitivity is big and the build quality is down right a shame atleast on mine.

The biggest thing that stops me is the resolution between the two phones. Like night and day

I play with my old touch sometimes and just feel like it was more reliable. Now the touch has it's own little quirks but it's still feels way more solid and just works when needed. Now with tf2d here and tf3d coming and android really ramping up. I just don't know
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:25 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

why not get a diamond? i love mine. i like my pro better.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:45 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
why not get a diamond? i love mine. i like my pro better.
well, I really like what the pro SHOULD be... just not what it turned out to be...
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:46 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

I seen and briefly played with both the touch pro and diamond. the diamond, essentially, is the touch pro minus the keyboard and intermal 4 gig mem, flash, etc... If i had achoice i would get the pro.
I, however, will stick to the The vogue cuz it has a smoother flo and feel....
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2008, 12:11 AM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

Originally Posted by user1 View Post
I seen and briefly played with both the touch pro and diamond. the diamond, essentially, is the touch pro minus the keyboard and intermal 4 gig mem, flash, etc... If i had achoice i would get the pro.
I, however, will stick to the The vogue cuz it has a smoother flo and feel....
you need to play with both phones more then. vogue over the diamond is crazy. i have all three.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2008, 01:41 AM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

u guys are crazy. but the problems with the pro seems to be mostly with the people who bought them from best buy. id suggest trying to get one from sprint this time
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
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Old 11-09-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

I can safely say, that my Touch has a much more responsive screen, louder/clearer speaker, and an earpiece that is in an entirely different league than the earpiece on the Pro. I don't need an Audiopara3.csv file to make the Touch sound better---and it's not crackily.

If I can get a GOOD Touch Pro, then I will likely return to that phone, but for now, the ONLY thing I liked better on the new phone was that the screen is VGA, and it's hardware-accelerated.

Although, I didn't see ANY benefit from the acceleration. I guess I don't use and games or anything that use it.

I hear that the Diamond has many of the same problems as the Pro, like the heat issue. Although, I don't really care about the heat, as long as the battery keeps charging. I need a phone that is usable. If I can't make a 2 hour phone call, (which I do at least two or three times a week,) obviously I will have to take the phone back.

It seems that many people are having the same problems I was, with the charging. I really hope that it's not as widespread as it appears. I love what the TP could be, but it's just not refined enough to be released in the wild. I felt as if I was holding a beta unit. The Touch feels more solid, like a retail product release. I think this is because the Touch was out for a LONNNGGG time before it came to Sprint, while there was less time to make improvements from the GSM version on this phone this time...
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

Scrap had you tried the audio tweeks listed in the TP forum? Also I have to agree that BB got what sounds like some bad quality TP's have you thought about going back to a sprint store and looking at one of theirs?

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Old 11-09-2008, 01:35 PM
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Re: BACK to the ORIGINAL Touch, after 3 weeks of hell with the Pro

Originally Posted by shellguy View Post
Scrap had you tried the audio tweeks listed in the TP forum? Also I have to agree that BB got what sounds like some bad quality TP's have you thought about going back to a sprint store and looking at one of theirs?

I tried EVERY tweak imaginary Trust me, I wanted this thing to work.

I could have lived with the crappy earpiece, the crappy speaker, and the uneven touchscreen, but I cannot, from a usability perspective, keep a phone that refuses to charge during a phone call. I make many multi-hour phone calls a week, and this thing either dies completely, or nearly dies during the phone call. Seems that many people (even non-BB stock,) are having this issue.

When I played with one at the Sprint store, the screen was significantly better, but still took about twice the pressure to get the outer areas to respond, (like the OK or START--same with the soft keys.)

Basically, I am waiting until I start hearing much more success stories with the TP, before I get stuck in a 2-year with a buggy phone.

I am humoring the idea of switching carriers, because now that I have a taste of a phone LIKE the TP, I would almost be willing to go to AT&T so I can run unlocked phones like the iMate Ultimate 9502, or the HP ipaq phones that are coming out....

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