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QkSi1ver 08-13-2008 08:12 AM

Default keyboard Keeps changing

anyone knows why my default keyboard keeps changing? I have installed spb full keyboard and set it as default it would initially but when i try entering more text and bring it up again, it switches back to the hideous tiny keyboard. So I tried touchpal and same thing...

Is there a known problem on keyboards? I have the Official BELL ROM.


hibby50 08-13-2008 08:14 AM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
use sip change it is in the new kitchen it changes it on startup

QkSi1ver 08-13-2008 09:16 AM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
am afraid... im no cook nor have i ever been in a kitchen :P
i think i've narrowed down the problem... seems like everytime i fired opera 9.5 it screws up the default kb and anything i open after still uses the def win kbd... after reboot if i open any other app but opera it opens the right one... the minute i go to opera it messes up...

hibby50 08-13-2008 10:14 AM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
1 Attachment(s)
you dont need to flash let me find you the file
Here i extracted it from the kitchen all you do is unzip the folder to \program files then take the file sip change .inc and put it in \windows\startup and to launch the program use sipchange.exe

QkSi1ver 08-13-2008 11:37 AM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing

Originally Posted by hibby50 (Post 381062)
you dont need to flash let me find you the file
Here i extracted it from the kitchen all you do is unzip the folder to \program files then take the file sip change .inc and put it in \windows\startup and to launch the program use sipchange.exe


jay1200 08-13-2008 02:55 PM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
QKSi1ver, did you try it yet. seems i have the same problem and i run the same sofware as you are. I would love to fix this problem but of course i was wondering if it worked ok for you . let me know, it would be greatly appreciated.

hibby50 08-13-2008 06:00 PM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
it defiantly works i use it and i dont mean to pressure but there is a thanks button

eric2k 08-13-2008 06:03 PM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
I bet your having issues with opera 9.5 beta?

If so uninstall what you have, then grab this
That fix's the SIP issues.

Sip changer is semi useful but even it wont help fix opera issues. Only diamond build does.

QkSi1ver 08-13-2008 07:31 PM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing

Originally Posted by hibby50 (Post 381062)
you dont need to flash let me find you the file
Here i extracted it from the kitchen all you do is unzip the folder to \program files then take the file sip change .inc and put it in \windows\startup and to launch the program use sipchange.exe

ok i got home to install it so i placed the unzipped folder in program files on the WM
i dont get " then take the file sip change .inc"

also does the sipchange has to be done everytime why is it in startup?


jay1200 08-13-2008 10:40 PM

Re: Default keyboard Keeps changing
Eric, which link am i supposed to click on after entering your link? there are so many i am not sure which is the right one. maybe you can be more clear on what I should do instead of the SIP changer

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