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-   -   xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! ! (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=32017)

kuz420187 07-15-2008 08:39 PM

xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
running radio 3.12 with omjs custom 3.1 rom. gps works great. vzw access manager does not recognize my 6900. i checked all the settings by doing pound pound 778. all is well there. any ideas? thanks

rvenkat 07-15-2008 08:45 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
I bel. you are trying this on window and you don't need vzw access manager all you need to do is use internet sharing application and hit connect. if you get any error like 66 or something try connecting internet and then start internet sharing application and see.

kuz420187 07-15-2008 08:48 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
even though i pay for a tethered modem? if so can i save myself 15 bucks a month by disabling this feature (without getting in trouble) ?

rvenkat 07-15-2008 09:16 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
I am not sure if it is $15 generally it will be around $39.99 something like that ...well I do tether but won't cross more then 200MB a month and using it for past 3 months and didn't see any charges.

kuz420187 07-15-2008 09:22 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
internet on phone is 39.99 but modem option is 14.99. i understand that in the settings you can make the phone act as a modem kind of " secretly"??? . i have no dsl access where i live so i rely soley on my xv6900

pmitch 07-15-2008 10:26 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
I'm with Verizon and have been waiting for someone to figure out how to tether without using the VZW Access Manager. I'm already paying 39.99 per month for "unlimited data" and was able to tether with my last phone (XV6700) with no issues for the past 2 years. With my XV6900, I haven't yet heard of a rom/radio combination that will allow me to tether again. If anyone figures this one out, please post!

kuz420187 07-16-2008 10:18 AM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !
used omj's 3.01 rom with the internet sharing icon in the program menu. internet works great. radio 3.12.00 . speeds of 1250/410 for download and upload respectively.

bigben 07-16-2008 03:27 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !

Originally Posted by pmitch (Post 348509)
I'm with Verizon and have been waiting for someone to figure out how to tether without using the VZW Access Manager. I'm already paying 39.99 per month for "unlimited data" and was able to tether with my last phone (XV6700) with no issues for the past 2 years. With my XV6900, I haven't yet heard of a rom/radio combination that will allow me to tether again. If anyone figures this one out, please post!

It really is straightforward. Connect a usb cable between your 6900 and computer, select internet sharing, select USB under PC connection press connect on soft key. The status will change to connect and away you go.

pmitch 07-16-2008 05:36 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !

Originally Posted by bigben (Post 349223)
It really is straightforward. Connect a usb cable between your 6900 and computer, select internet sharing, select USB under PC connection press connect on soft key. The status will change to connect and away you go.

My XV6900 is using Radio 3.42.30 with a WM6.1 GPS 3.02 ROM. When I connect the usb cable to the laptop, it makes a great connection, but the browser will only open to the default VZ Access Manager page, advising you to contact them and sign-up for the $15/month access plan. I've gotta believe someone will figure out a workaround and share it. Until then, I'm forced to activate the old battleaxe XV6700 via the VZW website whenever I need to tether, then start Wmodem so I can get online without wires.

It's such a rip that I am paying extra every month for the "unlimited data" plan, but now Verizon excludes data via tethering. There oughta be a law...

So, if anyone knows a hack or trick to get past the VZ Access Manager screen while tethering with an XV6900, do tell!

Magicality 07-16-2008 05:45 PM

Re: xv6900 tethered modem help please ! !! !

Originally Posted by pmitch (Post 349401)
My XV6900 is using Radio 3.42.30 with a WM6.1 GPS 3.02 ROM. When I connect the usb cable to the laptop, it makes a great connection, but the browser will only open to the default VZ Access Manager page, advising you to contact them and sign-up for the $15/month access plan. I've gotta believe someone will figure out a workaround and share it. Until then, I'm forced to activate the old battleaxe XV6700 via the VZW website whenever I need to tether, then start Wmodem so I can get online without wires.

It's such a rip that I am paying extra every month for the "unlimited data" plan, but now Verizon excludes data via tethering. There oughta be a law...

So, if anyone knows a hack or trick to get past the VZ Access Manager screen while tethering with an XV6900, do tell!

Dial ##778
Select edit, enter 000000
View Info -> M.IP Default Profile
Change DUN NAI to yournumber@vzw3g.com
View Info -> Security
Change S.IP DUN User name to same as above (yournumber@vzw3g.com)

Menu->OK-> Let it soft reset

Now you can use the option above...Select Programs->Internet sharing...make an ActiveSync connection and click connect on the phone...all set!

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