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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 06:01 AM
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Exclamation Help dumping TELUS rom

Solved - Please see last page for information of the TELUS ROM Release...


I trying to dump my Telus Vogue Rom but i'm getting an error.

Here's what i'm trying to do...

D:\rom>pdocread.exe -l
231.50M (0xe780000) FLASHDR
|           3.12M (0x31f000) Part00
|           3.38M (0x360000) Part01
|          67.88M (0x43e0000) Part02
|         157.13M (0x9d20000) Part03
968.75M (0x3c8c0000) DSK1:
|         968.50M (0x3c880e00) Part00
STRG handles:
handle 4789530e968.50M (0x3c880e00)
handle 27873852157.13M (0x9d20000)
handle 0787318e 67.88M (0x43e0000)
handle 0788de6a  3.38M (0x360000)
handle 0788df72  3.12M (0x31f000)
disk 4789530e
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 27873852
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 0787318e
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 0788de6a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 0788df72
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
So i try...

D:\rom>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part02 -t
real nr of sectors: 1  - 512.00byte (0x200)
Seem's to be a problem it only see's 512 byte's

Here's same command with verbose info...

D:\rom>pdocread -w -v -d FLASHDR -p Part02 -t
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x40000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 40000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x200000 / offset 40000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x20000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 20000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x100000 / offset 20000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x10000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 10000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x80000 / offset 10000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x8000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 08000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x40000 / offset 8000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x4000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 04000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x20000 / offset 4000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x2000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 02000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x10000 / offset 2000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x1000000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 01000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x8000 / offset 1000000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x800000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00800000, 00000000)
testsector 0x4000 / offset 800000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x400000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00400000, 00000000)
testsector 0x2000 / offset 400000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x200000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00200000, 00000000)
testsector 0x1000 / offset 200000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x100000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00100000, 00000000)
testsector 0x800 / offset 100000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x80000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00080000, 00000000)
testsector 0x400 / offset 80000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x40000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00040000, 00000000)
testsector 0x200 / offset 40000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x20000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00020000, 00000000)
testsector 0x100 / offset 20000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x10000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00010000, 00000000)
testsector 0x80 / offset 10000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x8000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00008000, 00000000)
testsector 0x40 / offset 8000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x4000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00004000, 00000000)
testsector 0x20 / offset 4000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x2000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00002000, 00000000)
testsector 0x10 / offset 2000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x1000 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00001000, 00000000)
testsector 0x8 / offset 1000 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x800 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00000800, 00000000)
testsector 0x4 / offset 800 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x400 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00000400, 00000000)
testsector 0x2 / offset 400 : error
reading 0x200 bytes from 0x200 with winceread FLASHDR/Part02
readdisk('FLASHDR', 'Part02', -2, 00000200, 00000000)
testsector 0x1 / offset 200 : error
real nr of sectors: 1  - 512.00byte (0x200)
If I try directly i get...

D:\rom>pdocread.exe -v -h 0787318e -h 0 0x43e0000 test.nb
HexdumpTFFSToStdout(0x43e0000, 0x0)
Still nothing. What's going wrong?

Cany enyone help me...

Last edited by Mustan-tech; 02-22-2008 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Rom dump complete.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

Check your PM =)
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
Undoing advances in Mogul's since 2007. Titan ReLocker, WM5 roms (don't use w/ gps radio): Telus, TNZ
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

The method, or rom would be appreciated here aswell =D

Looking to get into this whole community and would like to have a backup just in case =D
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 09:38 PM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

I am having the exact same problem, but CokeMan saw your post first and PM'd you. Any luck?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 01:28 AM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

Contents of the PM i sent are below, but here are the cautions/notes:
* These command swill only work for that exact same pdocread -l output otherwise might need to be editied

* Once the files are dumped they need to be manually patched before they can be put into an nbh and flashed (i can do this once the files are on the FTP)

* Only one user per rom type needs to do a dump and i'll make sure a flashable version is available on the FTP for all when i get it patched together.

PM excerpt:
Yay, someone willing to help with the telus dump! I saw your post and below are the commands you'll need to do to dump the files. After you get them rar them up (or zip) and place them on the FTP i'll reassemble them into a flashable format.

Run these commands:
Test with parameters:
pdocread -w -b 0x800 -h 0x0788df72 -t

If you get size as 0x31f000 continue with dump files
Dump files:
pdocread -w -b 0x800 -h 0x0788df72 0 0x31f000 telusvoguexip1.bin
pdocread -w -b 0x800 -h 0x0788de6a 0 0x360000 telusvoguexip2.bin
pdocread -w -b 0x800 -h 0x0787318e 0 0x43e0000 telusvogueOS.bin

Add results to rar and put on ftp then pm me back, i'll then let you know when i got it put together.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 09:26 AM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

Dam, I thought no-one could help so I already flashed a sprint rom - so I no longer have the original rom.

I hope someone else can help

Last edited by Mustan-tech; 02-22-2008 at 09:44 AM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 09:30 AM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

If someone else still has the original ROM and can extract it please upload to FTP so ImCoKeMaN can work on it.


Last edited by Mustan-tech; 02-22-2008 at 09:45 AM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

A couple of things. First, for those who are wondering why ImCoKeMaN didn't post detailed instructions, there are two reasons. First, the contents of the 3 pieces of the ROM will be different for everyone, so it would be pretty much impossible for him to write a step by step. Second, we only need one stock ROM from each carrier, so he really only has to walk one person through this for each CDMA carrier that sells the Vogue. Right now there are 3 in North America (Sprint, Bell, and TELUS), and the stock ROM is available for Sprint and Bell.

So, now we just need the TELUS stock ROM. Based on what ImCoKeMan posted in this thread, I was able to figure out what paramaters I need to use for my TELUS Vogue. I tried it on my already 6.1 flashed phone and it worked just fine, so after work tonight I'll do it on my wife's clean stock ROM and as soon as ImCoKeMaN can put the bins together we'll have a stock TELUS ROM.

BTW, ImCoKeMAN is a f'ing rock star! Thanks a mil man!
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Help dumping TELUS rom

That's great! Looking forward to having a backup that I can use with my Telus Touch! Thanks!
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 06:09 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Help dumping TELUS rom


Borrowed my brothers HTC Touch to try the backup.

It's still a no go..

It error's out

D:\rom>pdocread -w -b 0x800 -h 0x0788df72 -t
real nr of sectors: 1  -   2.00kbyte (0x800)
Same with verbose output...

D:\rom>pdocread -w -v -b 0x800 -h 0x0788df72 -t
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x40000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 40000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x80000 / offset 40000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x20000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 20000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x40000 / offset 20000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x10000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 10000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x20000 / offset 10000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x8000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 08000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x10000 / offset 8000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x4000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 04000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x8000 / offset 4000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x2000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 02000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x4000 / offset 2000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x1000000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 01000000, 00000000)
testsector 0x2000 / offset 1000000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x800000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00800000, 00000000)
testsector 0x1000 / offset 800000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x400000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00400000, 00000000)
testsector 0x800 / offset 400000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x200000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00200000, 00000000)
testsector 0x400 / offset 200000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x100000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00100000, 00000000)
testsector 0x200 / offset 100000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x80000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00080000, 00000000)
testsector 0x100 / offset 80000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x40000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00040000, 00000000)
testsector 0x80 / offset 40000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x20000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00020000, 00000000)
testsector 0x40 / offset 20000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x10000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00010000, 00000000)
testsector 0x20 / offset 10000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x8000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00008000, 00000000)
testsector 0x10 / offset 8000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x4000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00004000, 00000000)
testsector 0x8 / offset 4000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x2000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00002000, 00000000)
testsector 0x4 / offset 2000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x1000 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00001000, 00000000)
testsector 0x2 / offset 1000 : error
reading 0x800 bytes from 0x800 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00000800, 00000000)
testsector 0x1 / offset 800 : error
real nr of sectors: 1  -   2.00kbyte (0x800)
Tried the backup anyways and...

D:\rom>pdocread -w -v -b 0x800 -h 0x0788df72 0 0x31f000 telusvoguexip1.bin
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31f000, telusvoguexip1.bin)
reading 0x10000 bytes from 0x0 with winceread
readdisk('', '', -2, 00000000, 00000000)
ERROR: ITReadDisk : read 00000000 bytes - The handle is invalid.
So what do I try next...


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