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-   -   ScreenShot of WM 6.1 Threaded SMS (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=17341)

Genjinaro 02-02-2008 12:16 AM

*SIGH* to think that I have to flash an entire ROM to enjoy that. :( (.1= Threaded SMS?)

The Palm one is annoying others with the 2x messages & the Pocket_CM is a forever updating madd app.

EDGE23 02-02-2008 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by ajones7279 (Post 174073)
For your future references, its "supposed"

a little too late to edit..=P,

ok, back to topic. OP thanks for the screen shots, it really makes me want to flash 6.1 now.

storino03 02-02-2008 01:52 AM

Anyone know how to stop the threaded sms from displaying a popup of new texts? It's sort of convenient to reply right away, but I rather go into the inbox and do it that way.


ajones7279 02-02-2008 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by EDGE23 (Post 174797)
a little too late to edit..=P,

ok, back to topic. OP thanks for the screen shots, it really makes me want to flash 6.1 now.

Lol I had to

ajones7279 02-06-2008 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by klurf8881 (Post 174957)
no offense but DROP IT ALREADY you're detracting from the thread now and being annoying (not to mention making yourself look foolish) going after people's spelling when you obviously can't spell and proofread to your own "high standard."

Keep going off topic and insulting people and you'll be reported to mods- end of story bud.

Jeez I wasn't trying to be insulting I was actually trying to be helpful thats all. I apologize

Pibe38 02-06-2008 02:55 PM

Enough please.

If there's nothing to add to the topic, then don't post anymore. Let's all be respectful to each other.

Thank you for understanding.

divxrippimp 02-06-2008 05:41 PM

6.1 Is really Nice, and super fast (given i have a 32 meg page pool)
The threaded sms is awesome, and the camera is waaaay faster...
But iv had the issue where i cant install certain cabs, when i open them they just
sit at the beginning of the installer, and i have to soft reset...
Its happend with Weather Panel, opera 6.65 and a couple others i cant think of right now...

Brera 02-06-2008 05:48 PM

how do i enable threaded messages on my sprint Touch?

kellybrf 02-06-2008 06:00 PM

flash a rom with windows mobile 6.1

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