Idea for new threaded SMS app to be used on Vogue.
Since I bought my Touch, I have been using the Threaded SMS app for text messaging and I love the app but as great as the app is, it doesn't work that well with the UI of the Touch. The onscreen keyboard covers up the input panel and because the texts are linear with the newest texts at the bottom, you can't see new texts with the keyboard open either.
This is what I propose:
I think it would be awesome to see a new version of the Threaded SMS application that is reversed. A version that has the input panel at the top with linear text messages showing the newest messages at the top instead of bottom. This would solve a lot of typos and you would actually be able to see what you are typing while still keeping that threaded SMS look and making having a conversation through text messaging that much easier. Also I think the registry in this app needs to be cleaned up a bit or re-written. It has many bugs like not always showing the new message counter on the home plugin or showing the counter on the plugin but not on the taskbar. Also sometimes it does not alert you of a new message so I think that a few tweaks is all it would really need aside from being redone reversed.
The original version is attached below to be used as a base for modification.
I am willing to pay for this application to be revised. I really like the Threaded SMS app but it is just not "Vogue Friendly".
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Last edited by Pibe38; 01-13-2008 at 03:43 PM.