01-08-2008, 07:33 PM
Pocket PC: HTC touch
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Storage Device not showing as a choice up when installing programs
I have looked around and not found an answer so Ill give this a shot.
I noticed that when installing a program I used to have the option of installing the program in "device" and in "storage device" (memory card). Now my options have changed between "Device" and "\Bluetooth". When I go into Start>Settings>System tab>Memory>Storage Tab in the pull down menu I only see "Bluetooth" does anyone know how to change this to show my memory card, which is installed and I can see items inside of it from file explorer and from active sync explorer. I am also able to drag and drop items into the memory card and store them there and see them from the PDA's file explorer (like I mentioned). I am also able to install items "from" the memory card. But it seems I cannot install program into the memory card because it is not available for selection (only Device and Bluetooth are) when installing a program. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks