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jjday7 12-20-2007 07:28 PM

Build Quality Issues with the Touch
What's up guys pretty new to the forum but not new to forums. Anyway

Am I the only one that notices all the build quality issues with this phone. I may be wrong but I haven't seen this mentioned in detail
My first issue is that when you press on the front of the phone near the corner of the phone you can feel it move in and make a creaking noise.

I also noticed that on both my phones that the back cover is real cheap and creaks when you press it in. This happens on calls and really sucks. I had my first one adjusted and still have the problem. I got another one from Sero and still the same problem. These things I can live with but here is the big issue.

Both phones have buttons that stick especially the up and right on the d pad. The first one was real bad and would happen all the times. Now with the second one the up and right are messed up again and now my down button clicks sometimes and then sometimes it doesn't. Guys let me know if you notice any of these things

MrOuija36 12-20-2007 08:11 PM

forreal? my touch is built pretty solid...

get an extended battery it will make the back feel more tight and solid .. as for the d pad sticking .. who knows ..

kellybrf 12-20-2007 08:29 PM

the only issue i have is that the memory card door squeeks

jjday7 12-20-2007 08:35 PM

I wish my problems were that simple but man this button sticking problem is really getting on my nerves. Every time I use opera or play a game it does it. Like I said though I can deal with the back cover making a little noise. i just want to see if anyone has any of the same problems or have found some other stuff I may have not noticed

hippity.hoppity 12-20-2007 08:59 PM

All of the Touches have creaky battery doors but it's easy to fix. Just put something on the underside of the door like thick tape, folded paper, etc. to shore it up and you won't have any more creaking. Not the most elegant solution but very simple.

jjday7 12-20-2007 09:11 PM

did the paper trick and it worked pretty good. I did that about a day after I got it. my blackberry pearl was bad too and that's how I had to fix it.

Big D5 12-20-2007 09:22 PM

Buttons sticking is a real problem, I don't know what to say about that, I would think Sprint would have to fix that for you. I haven't noticed and problems with my battery back, want a flimsy battery back look at the Mogul now that's a flimsy cover. I was actually very impressed with the build quality of my Touch, after 3 PPC's with sliding keyboards "my touch feels light and very solid" :) no pun intended. Have you compared yours to any others? It might be worth a stop at a local Sprint store to compare maybe your just getting some from a bad batch.

badchad 12-20-2007 09:28 PM

It seems that the "creaky" sound produced by squeezing the lower left-hand corner is pretty universal. I find the battery cover to be pretty solid. The microSD card door was a little funky, but I've only opened it once (to put the stock card in) and don't plan on doing that too often.

I have no issues with the d pad.

I only have two minor complaints. One is the speaker volume. My speaker sounds pretty weak even with the volume turned all the way up. I plan on comparing it to one in the store. I've never read anyone else having this problem.

The second is my volume slider. If I click it up, it skyrockets up, and usually "beeps" up about 4-5 extra clicks.

ANyone care to comment on my slider issues and call volume? or am I the only one?

jjday7 12-21-2007 04:54 PM

I too have the problem with the volume continuing to chime once it hit the top of the bar. I don't mean just for a second either. I mean for the same amount of time your talking about.

Don't get me wrong I love the phone and it's the best ppc that I have had and I have had a ton of smart phones but... I just don't know about he quality and sprint told me that the keys don't stick. I think I will do a youtube on this maybe to see if anyone else has this problem. it only happens in opera and in games sometimes so is this a software issue or a hardware issue.

jjday7 12-21-2007 05:14 PM

I wonder how I can get this fixed. I figure it happened on both my phones so am I doing something wrong. It is really driving me crazy.

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