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View Poll Results: What phones have you owned and like best?
Owned the Mogul and the Touch like the Touch better 79 53.02%
Owned the Mogul and the Touch like the Mogul better 17 11.41%
Only owned the Mogul considering the Touch 28 18.79%
Only owned the Touch considering the Mogul 8 5.37%
Own another phone deciding what to upgrade to 17 11.41%
Voters: 149. You may not vote on this poll

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2007, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by 8675309 View Post
What hardware? From what I understand they have the same chip set???
The hardware im speaking of is hardware that the touch lacks, like...
hardware buttons (which you may need to use some programs for example; emulators, or any non-touch screen application or function)
wifi (which you may also need to benefit from some software)
ir beam (which some never use but is convent to have, and can be used to send files to or interact with printers, or other phones, or really anything with ir senors like a tv)
flashlight ( its obvious what a flashlight does)
and a hardware keyboard (also obvious, and might I add very convenient)

otherwise your right.... the touch has similar hardware ability... as far as bluetooth... a touch screen... micro sd.... send and end hardware buttons.... a power button.... a camera button.... um.. a d-pad..... mini usb... as well as a bunch of other standard hardware features found on mobile phones... but I think all the major hardware differences are listed above.

Last edited by gxnext; 12-17-2007 at 11:18 PM.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2007, 12:52 AM
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Talking WOW!!! Better than the Touch Keyboard

Originally Posted by 8675309 View Post
(3) Keyboard - Yes, I do miss the keyboard. I have been practicing with the new Touch keyboard, and I have gotten used to it far faster that I expected I would. I only send about 1000 texts a month, and write maybe a few hundred emails, but I can defiantly live with out it.
Ok, I am getting closer to being happy with out a hardware keyboard!! I found this posted here on PPCGeeks, and I would say that it solves a lot of the lack of keyboard problems!!

I have been using it for about 30 min, and I am already typing almost as fast as I did with the hardware keyboard of the 6800. That coupled with the lack of screen flip, makes me almost not miss the hardware keyboard.

CooTek TouchPal

  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2007, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by 8675309 View Post
(3) Keyboard - Yes, I do miss the keyboard. I have been practicing with the new Touch keyboard, and I have gotten used to it far faster that I expected I would. I only send about 1000 texts a month, and write maybe a few hundred emails, but I can defiantly live with out it.
No contest here. Physical Keyboard > touchscreen keyboard. But of course there are a lot of other factors that make a superior pda phone.

(2) Buttons - Now this is a frustration for me! I wish the darn thing had more than one button! I like to use the hard buttons for shortcuts, and only having one is a little bit of a pain.
Are you sure you're not talking about the iPhone? There are more than one button, not nearly as many as the Mogul, but there is the camera button on the right side, which has two functions (short press, long press), and of course the two phone buttons, along with the 4-way and select button, and the side slider switch.

(1) Flash - Now I am not a cellphone camera user. I think if I am planning to take a picture I will just get a real camera. However the flash on the 6800 and the 6700 for that mater made for a great flash light that I do miss form time to time.
Both cameras suck, I almost never use the mini flashlight flash thing. The Mogul's camera sucks less than the Touch, though.

(1) Touch Keyboard - Though I like the Touch Keyboard, I also like using Calligrapher. Unfortunately the Touch Word Completion can not be shut off, and interferes with Calligrapher.
My favorite is now TouchPal. I hate the bug that only allows one third party keyboard to be used at a time.

(1) Clarity - While the screen is brighter, it has a fade effect when you look at the device form a an angle.
This one falls under lifestyle choice. Both the LCD's in the Touch and Mogul are excellent in their class, best I've seen in Pocket PC's. That's IF you understand the technology behind them and their limitations. First off the Touch has a Transreflective LCD. What this means is that it is quite viewable in direct sunlight. Downside of transreflective is narrow viewing angle, glare issues at off angles, and color / contrast not as good.
The Mogul, however has a standard Transmissive LCD. So, with no backlight on, you will see absolutely nothing. Direct sunlight washes out the screen and can be almost impossible to see. Of course, this makes for nice wide viewing angles, and more saturated colors and better contrast.

So basically, if you are going to be indoors most of the time, the Mogul LCD will be more useful. If you are outside a lot or in very bright lighting, the Touch LCD will be more useful.

(1) The SD Card - The card is hidden beneath the side panel of the device which means you have to take of the back, and then undo the side to get at it. What a pain in the but. Someone mentioned that it kept it safer, but I have never had an issue with the MicroSD cards coming out.
The design of the side door is defective. The should've recessed or had less material on the door cover over the micro SD card slot. If you squeeze the side of the case too hard, you can slightly unseat the micro SD card and get read errors, hence all the complaints.

(0) I have seen several mentions about IR ports and 802.11. Seriously who uses 802.11 on a phone. I tried once and my phone went dead in 15 min. Also as someone pointed out if you are with in range of WiFi just get out your laptop. And as far as the IR port, I used it once about 3 years ago to play a battle ship game I had, never used it afterwards.
I'd rather have IR than 802.11. But I really don't miss either. I have SERO, so I rarely use wifi on the go even when I had a phone with wifi. (6700 and 6800)

(5) IT JUST WORKS!!!!! - Out of the box with no hacked ROMS and almost no customization the beautiful thing just works!!! Windows has yet to lock up on me. The system has yet to reboot, or freeze!! Windows just seems to work better with the extra memory, and maybe a cleaner ROM. If you just look at the programs in the start up folder there are considerably fewer.
Certainly a lot of bloatware like the Mogul, but has all the useful apps already installed like Task Manager, why it's not there by default on the Mogul is beyond me.

(5) Bluetooth - Yes, bluetooth that actual can be used!! I know it is shocking, but imagine a $300+ phone where they, I don't know remembered that the original use of the device was for making and receiving calls!! I have the JX10 headset (Purchased for $150), and I have had it sitting on my desk for the last year because I couldn't use the darn thing. It was fantastic to dust it off and use it once again.
I have found neither the Mogul or Touch to be very good with Bluetooth, particularly my headset of choice, the Jabra BT8010.

(5) The Phone - Yes, I know what a novel Idea, but the phone is much better with fewer dropped calls, and better reception.
I never noticed a difference between the two in this regard.

(4) Memory - Who ever says that the memory is not an issue on the 6800 is smoking something!! I had memory issues all the time to the point I simply stopped installing software. Now I have the majority of my software installed, and I can still use the phone just fine.

(3) Slimmer - I find myself not noticing the device as much. It is smaller and more comfortable to carry.

(1) The Cube - Its nice, but not the greatest thing since sliced bread. I find it fun, but not as useful as I had hoped.
Absolutely, these are the key reasons I'm keeping the Touch and the Mogul is going bye bye.

I think the battery life is almost the same, and everything else is close enough that is may be 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other. But that is my 2 pennis worth.
No way in hell. The Mogul (especially with the 2.17 firmware) crushes the Touch in battery life. The battery is nearly twice the physical size and rated at a significantly higher mAH capacity.

My advice get the Touch! You will miss the keyboard, but you will love the stability.
I didn't have any stability issues with 6.09 Mogul, and didn't have much time with 6.17 before I upgraded to the Touch. It was more a performance choice for me.

If I was a heavy texter or emailer, I would have to go back to the Mogul, because you just can't beat a physical keyboard.

But day to day use, the Touch works better for me.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2007, 01:22 PM
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The cube is very useful to me. Some ppl here have said it gimmiky, I dissagree completely .
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2007, 10:41 PM
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I'm in the 30 day trial with a mogul and having a touch sent to me to try. The SOLE reason is the memory. In my opinion everything else pales in comparison to the fact that this phone is simply slow. (yes, even with custom roms, including WM5)

Coming from a 6600 that's missing it's stylus, I'm used to doing everything touch-style anyway. The keyboard is definitely nice, but I'd give that up for performance in a heartbeat.

My current plan: I'll probably switch to the touch. Then when a mogulish device comes out with more power, I may use ebay to switch back.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2007, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by willpower101 View Post
I'm in the 30 day trial with a mogul and having a touch sent to me to try. The SOLE reason is the memory. In my opinion everything else pales in comparison to the fact that this phone is simply slow. (yes, even with custom roms, including WM5)

Coming from a 6600 that's missing it's stylus, I'm used to doing everything touch-style anyway. The keyboard is definitely nice, but I'd give that up for performance in a heartbeat.

My current plan: I'll probably switch to the touch. Then when a mogulish device comes out with more power, I may use ebay to switch back.
Then your going to love the touch, it's so much faster than the 6800 (which IMHO is a great phone with a couple of flaws)

You can have so many programs open and it is still very fast.

When you first get it and take it out of the Sleek Black Box (nicest phone box I've ever seen), you'll be like WOW that's so F**'n sweet.

Coming from the 6700, 700, and 6800 it's looks so perfect and "high class" for lack of a better word.

It's so small, you can't really get any smaller than the actual size of the screen

The lack of a keyboard doesn't matter to me either, personally, I prefer the reg WM onscreen keyboard with the stylus, even when I had the 6700 and 6800. I can type so fast with it.

The only things I miss are the flashlight, scrollwheel, wifi, better screen (this one is just as bright and colorful, but has a narrow viewing angle but just hold it right and it's just as good, this type of screen is a big reason for the outstanding battery life)

For me it's worth the tradeoff.

Last edited by Primenall; 12-18-2007 at 11:37 PM.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 03:25 AM
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Well I am running cube on my mogul and couldnt give up my KB.

My revA is smokin and gps is guiding and I can type a document or a text or an e-mail easily. I have never had a low memory alert, and should I bog the ppc down I simply soft resetsoft reset.

never had BT or phone problems so, you need to add another choice to the poll....

x- Have a Mogul and wouldnt consider switching to the Touch
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2008, 07:33 AM
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I just miss the flashlight/ flash for the camera. made some awesome random moment movies with my mogul. The light really helped. Other than that I couldn't say anything bad about it.

So glad ecare switched out my mogul it was friggen huge especially with the totally necessary extended batteries that i bought two of. Wifey and Me..... Only thing I bought for this was 8 gig microsd
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