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ezln0423 11-16-2007 06:09 PM

touch overclocking program
hey i just wanted to tell u guys about this program it kicks ass...:headbang:


if some one already post this sorry newbie here lol.

-E Z L N-

gtnotoriouz 11-16-2007 06:14 PM

So you have a SPRINT Touch and installed this? If yes, What did you set your new processor speed to?

ezln0423 11-16-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by gtnotoriouz (Post 123660)
So you have a SPRINT Touch and installed this? If yes, What did you set your new processor speed to?

nvm dude it work fine for like 2hrs but then it fed up i hatd to do a hard reset lol sorry fals alarm..... or maybe it was because a adjusted the new CPU speed to 260 MHz

well if someone can make it work let me now..

-E Z L N-

gtnotoriouz 11-16-2007 06:40 PM

Well from my understanding, the SPRINT Touch has a processor speed of 400MHz default. So if you have one from SPRINT and lowered it all the way down to 260MHz yeh it may croak.

If anything you should have raised it to 460MHz lol!

sketchy09 11-16-2007 07:23 PM

Has anyone used the HTC Performance application that was included in the Helmi WM6 ROM for the Apache?

Polen 11-16-2007 07:45 PM

Cool, we could mode the case and mount a heat sink with a blue LED fan on the cpu and overclock it to 600 MHz, then we call make calls faster. Whooooop!!:D


Maxx134 11-16-2007 07:55 PM

There are two versions, and the Sprint one is a faster running processor, so this program may be of no use.
The program in the link is for an Omap processor, and I'm not shure if the Sprint is even an omap one as well, as I see one site saying it's a Qualcomm MSM7500, at 400MHz ...
Last time I used an Omap overclocker on a regular Intel CPU I eventually jammed my OS, messed up my mem card, and had to hard reset.

The HTC Performance app is for a non-omap processor (Apache) and runs only on WM6 OS.

hippity.hoppity 11-16-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Maxx134 (Post 123739)
The HTC Performance app is for a non-omap processor (Apache) and runs only on WM6 OS.

The Touch is non-omap and WM6.

Maxx134 11-17-2007 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity (Post 123777)
The Touch is non-omap and WM6.

Sounds good then.
Go here for cab:

EDIT: Good idea to ask around forum as well as OEM author luv2chill before trying at your own risk.
I dont want to mis-inform or mislead as I dont own a "Touch"..

EtherealRemnant 11-17-2007 01:51 AM

I'm doubting that there will ever be a program that can overclock the MSM7500.

The dual-core architecture will make overclocking a pain in the ass since I'm sure Qualcomm didn't put a speedstep-type function in the chip.

This means you'll probably have to do an overclock on the bus frequency, thus overclocking the chip, just like the PC, which will pose problems on the 133MHz core IMO.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

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