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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2007, 07:32 AM
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ok... just after a day of use for the Touch

me personally... Touch>>> Mogul to the 10th power!!

Now I do miss the hard keyboard... but the 128 RAM, better BT, and just a "Stress-free" device makes it better. The reception seems better to me. I get 3G in places I never got 3G before on the Mogul.

I left my AIM on the whole day, consistent usage, have my email checking every hour, a few BT convos... and my battery was still pretty good.
  #82 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2007, 09:16 AM
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I have my Touch comming to day or Monday, but I got to play with one yesterday. I really like it. It is the quickest device I have used since my 700wx. I like the design, the thiness, and the flush screen is awsome. And of course all the things mentioned before make this device worth taking a look at.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2007, 03:47 PM
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I have had my Touch for about two days now.
I must say I am in love.

In my opinion

-More memory than my 700wx
-Rubbery casing
-BT is great, no more dropping the BT like my Treo
-Sprint TV actually works (right out of the box at that)
-Included case is really nice. (might not have to buy a aftermarket case)
-Lack of buttons (streamlined design)
-Screen is gorgeous. (haven't read the specs but I think that it is a higher resolution than my Treo)
-Camera isn't half bad.

-No physical keyboard. (SPB Fullscreen Keyboard makes up for this)
-No physical ringer switch (if you have never used one, shouldn't be an issue)
-Lack of button(s) that can be programmed. (I like the uncluttered look though)
-Micro SD (guess b/c of the size it had to be Micro SD instead of SD)
-Lack of a headphone jack (have to use adapter)
* I use BT exclusively like I figure most of you do
-Attracts fingerprints and grease like a magnet.
  #84 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2007, 04:09 PM
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I have had mine for about 3 days now and love it. I had the 6700 and bought it because I thought I would use the KB for texting. I used it,(KB) very seldom. I got use to the stylus and after that, i was hooked. I loved the 6700 but felt it was too bulky and was preying for something that could give me no KB, but touchpad and slimmer. I have been reading on the Touch for awhile and saw the videos, but getting it in my habds was all together different. I love it and Im glad I spend the money on it. I can go on about the little things that do annoy me, but I wont. I like the lightweight of it. I like the touvhpad and no KB. I really dont care about the Toughflow and dont see myself using it all too often. The battery life so far, so good. Bluetooth i havent used yet, but I do use it often. I text about 3000 a month and dont mind the small stylus. My preys were answered with this phone and I will forgive any short coming of the phone, I love it
  #85 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2007, 01:58 AM
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Wow, these are all really positive reviews! I had tanked the touch on the no WiFi, but now I'm thinking again. Good batt life, no BT complaints. Some moans about not having a hardware keyboard. I have used the hardware keyboard very little since getting hooked on touchpal, so that to me is a non issue. I still want to wait a little longer to see what issues may crop up, but this is encouraging...
  #86 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2007, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Pibe38 View Post
The screen is weird, it has white-ish tone to it unless you are looking at it from an exact 90 degress angle.
OK, I thought it was just my unit... I wish the screen were more like the one from the Mogul.
  #87 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2007, 10:57 PM
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I thougt it went like, "na na na na naaaah, chooka choo choo choo choo kachoo da da doo doo da doo doo doooo. na na na naaaah..."
  #88 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2007, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by rijc99 View Post
OK, I thought it was just my unit... I wish the screen were more like the one from the Mogul.
It's probably the lauded touch interface, and I'd bet it's because of the higher resolution touch surface. Its denser array reflects light from an angle more. It could also be a security/privacy thing, so others can't make out what's on the screen.

I don't care. I have followed the tales of the misfortunate Mogul, and the Touch, and Touch owners are much happier with the phone, and also considering Sprint's recent troubles and the Mogul update fiasco the Touch looks like the better way to go.
  #89 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2007, 07:06 AM
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aight... more to add to my impression since its been more days of experience...

The screen sensitivity is better then the Mogul BUT its not perfect (compared to the iPhone). The touch sensitivity on the iPhone to me is flawless. My dad owns one so I play around with it all the time. Someone posted a registry hack to make the touch sensitivity better... I have mine currently at 5800. I'm about to raise it higher just to see if there's a difference.

The 2 key touch keyboard to me is the most annoying thing, especially with the XT9 enabled. I was at work and I accidentally left my AIM logged on. A friend IM'd and I try to type a quick response like "I'm at work, ttyl". But that XT9 kept on changing my words to some non sense. I got PocketCM-keyboard running and I'm fine with that. Its small... but I can deal with it. I wish there was a hack to make that full HTC 26 key password keyboard come up all the time. That would be the ultimate keyboard, its like the PocketCM one but bigger.

Not having WIFI is not that bad. It seems that the radio is alot better on the Touch then the Mogul. In my house, I usually had to turn on the Mogul wifi to stream videos or use Sprint TV... but with the Touch, the reception seems acceptable.

the latest Slide2unlock works very good on the touch. There's a few bugs on it they need to fix... but its still good.

I've had several convos with the BT using the Jabra JX10... flawless! No complaints. With the Mogul, no matter what ROM... it seem like I had to always turn off the BT somewhere in the convo because the receiving side started complaining. I try to beam files from my Mogul to the Touch via BT but couldn't get the phones to recognize each other.. but yet I didn't know exactly what I was doing either.

Even with all the highlights, they could have done better constructing the SD slot. Taking the battery cover off for it is very "what the hell??".

Also, the lack of buttons is hard of getting use to. But if we had tons of button, the whole "Touch" idea would be useless wouldn't it? But if they are going to make it more of a "touch feeling"... then it goes back to my point about the touch sensitivity.

Now only if the Touch had a 800 mhz chip like the iPhone... then this would be the ultimate device. But I still prefer the Touch over the iPhone for its Windows flexibilty. I don't care how much power the iPhone has, until it catches up with other phones with 3rd party apps and 3g... it won't be the "best cellphone ever!".

but back to the topic.... Touch>Mogul, Palms,Sidekicks,etc....
  #90 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2007, 04:18 PM
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"I wish there was a hack to make that full HTC 26 key password keyboard come up all the time. That would be the ultimate keyboard, its like the PocketCM one but bigger."

I totally agree with that. I keep fiddling to try to get that keyboard - it's the most painless
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