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12charlie, AcuraTLSFan, adam_burch, ahawke01, akyboy, alex13182, apeas2, azidrane, bains4u, bboyneko, Benntt, Benson12321, bhedberg, Bkzn3ne, Blaze209, bling26, BlingDynasty, blurryfingers, bonezsz90, bporter001, brandouno, brockmandl, buzzew, bwhite4801, CaptainMorgan, caxiem, cdubb9800, chrondon619, clfarrar, cmurder84, coach_r1, commonplace, conmebol, COWHEAD, cpm199, cruisincali, cybersailor, cyburke, danielhookup, DaOnlyRecless, DasaniIV, dealpapa, desh, DesiChora, divxmaster, dl00, dmon21382, doanius, docbrew, Dojey, dsshap, edru, eldenson, emsdude, erick10, ethereal, Extremedigital, ezln0423, fahimflint, fairshake2002, FastRX8, fixxxer2012, fparkin, fresnogamer, frobins, frostyguy, GeekLee, gjbnh, Greg Brady, gregp23, gunslinger, hab1tz, hartly, heresfitz, htcman724, iDoc21, infecti0N-113, intimidatorx31, jaewang, jagat, jampower, JBaker, JeXeR, jmacphee9, jmal, joemike60, johndoe1980, johnnyxxx, JordanBurroughs, JoshKorn12, jpgarcia, JUANFORD, just4kix, krylon, kspahr, Kushed, larado1, latinsbest, lawmangrant, LaWNMoWER, littlejs, lizbeidy, lonelythief, lou83196, lukstrr, MadHacker, marr17, masalma, Masterface7, mh2mh2, miffeny, minmac00t, mirek1972, mkearl, montyburns, Mr_Alexander, mustang88, NascarKid, neo_rambo, nitsuj, onetwothree, Oramac_n, patelnet, piggy99, piscesjoey, PMT, PrO..., proheart, psychodeathman, raybond25, redskykiter, Red_Fox, rhk107, roland2, RShackTouch, s4sanju, Schoolbob, scorpionreign, sg_805, shinuha, sipnor, slickcat, SlipperyMonkey, smoke-1, soess, strone80, Stuebs0569, svtracer05, t0mmyr, thor-ua, tinydawg123, tk45, tmz, tornadog, tortuous801, TrainWreck44, user60396561, vader4633, vasit39, vin255764, wakerash, wdbanks, Whosdaman, wizard, yourmoms, youxinchn, zarxic, ZlajaC
168 68.85%
It's OK 35 14.34%
Neutral 30 12.30%
Not so Good 4 1.64%
No 7 2.87%
Voters: 244.

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