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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Offical Web And MMS Setting For Metro Pcs!!! Please Sticky!!!

Big Thanks for the OP, This worked perfectly on my HTC Diamond Touch flashed for MetroPCS. The key is to read the instructions throughly and do not miss a step.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: Offical Web And MMS Setting For Metro Pcs!!! Please Sticky!!!

I have a question for anybody that can help. I followed all steps in the first post and all went well...for a while. Now for some reason the internet is still working, but mms isn't. I'm currently using 'Energy' |Jun 2|21907|MaxSense. I'm running the same rom on two tp2s so I don't think it's just the rom
Help please!

p.s. I have used the cabs out there for this as well, but it hasn't fixed it.

Other than this problem it these settings have been such a great help, thank you so much to everyone that contributed to figure this out!

Last edited by keallisf; 07-06-2010 at 05:19 PM.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 02:05 PM
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Re: Offical Web And MMS Setting For Metro Pcs!!! Please Sticky!!!

All flashed phones period are now targeted by Metro pcs to stop data connection for msm or internet regardless of flasher(meaning legally or illegally.)So currently or shortly your flash phone will be only text & phone period!For more information on this Check Howard forum.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 02:54 PM
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Smile Hopeful

Originally Posted by disher1 View Post
All flashed phones period are now targeted by Metro pcs to stop data connection for msm or internet regardless of flasher(meaning legally or illegally.)So currently or shortly your flash phone will be only text & phone period!For more information on this Check Howard forum.
I read that somewhere, but I believed that if that was happening the internet wouldn't be working as well as mms. I was playing with the phone that had a problem and I think I fixed it. I installed the Ryan Mogul's 'MMS Fix Metro WAP and Arcsoft5.2.3.22' cab (HUGE THANKS), then went in and changed the setting found at the start of this post from 'wap' to 'proxy' then restarted the phone. I was able to both send and receive picture on the phone that I have not been able to use MMS on for weeks. I've installed various cab files during those weeks, but this is the only thing that worked. It worked on both of my TP2s, hopefully this really is a fix and not a fluke

Last edited by keallisf; 07-12-2010 at 09:47 PM.
  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2010, 12:43 AM
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Re: Hopeful

Originally Posted by keallisf View Post
I read that somewhere, but I believed that if that was happening the internet wouldn't be working as well as mms. I was playing with the phone that had a problem and I think I fixed it. I installed the Ryan Mogul's 'MMS Fix Metro WAP and Arcsoft5.2.3.22' cab (HUGE THANKS), then went in and changed the setting found at the start of this post from 'wap' to 'proxy' then restarted the phone. I was able to both send and receive picture on the phone that I have not been able to use MMS on for weeks. I've installed various cab files during those weeks, but this is the only thing that worked. It worked on both of my TP2s, hopefully this really is a fix and not a fluke

any problems since then?
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-24-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: Offical Web And MMS Setting For Metro Pcs!!! Please Sticky!!!

As some of you have realized by now, Metro Pcs Has Change Their Password and you can no longer access their web using the password "metropcs" , So Here's The Updated Web Settings.

1. Open your phone and enter ##778# Or ##778 Depending on Which ROM You Used, select "EDIT" and enter your unlock code.

2. Set the following values:

M.IP Settings:

MIP_MODE = Simple IP Only M.IP Default Profile:

NAI = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com

Home Address = (just delete the values and save)

Primary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

Secondary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

Security: HDR AN AUTH User Id = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com

HDR An AUTH Password = Your 6 Digit MSL Number

PPP USER ID = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com

PPP PASSWORD = Your 6 Digit MSL Number

3. Goto Connections and delete any existing connections and setup a new one using the following settings:

Number to dail = #777

Username: yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com

Password: Your 6 Digit MSL Number

Domain: (Leave Blank)

Select Proxy Settings and enter the following values:

wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (http)
Username = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PASSWORD = Your 6 Digit MSL Number

wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (wap)
Username = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PASSWORD = Your 6 Digit MSL Number

wap.metropcs.net port:443 (secure wap)
Username = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PASSWORD = Your 6 Digit MSL Number

wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (socks)

4. Back in the "Connections" screen where you have two tabs at the bottom of the screen of
"Tasks" and "Advanced", go to Advanced, click on "Select Networks" and select the name of the
connection you just setup. Example if you leave as Sprint then choose that one as your internet connection
and do it for both settings.

NOTE: To Get Your MSL Number Go To "http://www.whiterabbit.org/android/"
And Type In Your 11 Digit ESN Number And Hit Calculate,
It Will Give You Your 6 Digit MSL Number, Use That For Your Password.
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