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-   -   UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1 (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=33359)

ajbang 04-07-2009 02:52 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
NFSFAN has a new rom version out for alltel (Ver. 1.05) it fixes MMS. I confirmed it to work on two different Alltel Touch Vogues. Get it over at PPCHaven.com

Sanddunejunki 04-12-2009 12:43 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
just to throw my .02 in...

I have tried several other ROMs including the new NFSFAN 6.5.. I give those chefs all the credit in the world but nothing yet holds up to the 10-21 ROM from Con...

So I may play the field a little but I am going to keep checking back here..

Thanks Con hope to see something new from you...

Firsttimer 04-13-2009 07:46 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
We need to keep asking Con to come out with an update via PM's and posting in the Diamond section he oversee's.

ali3nfr3ak 04-14-2009 02:20 AM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1

Originally Posted by bigdaddy-romie (Post 797312)
do you have a diamond or a vogue? who's your carrier?
walk us through the steps your taking during your flash. maybe if we can see the steps your takin, omaybe we can help ___

I have the vogue... sprint is my carrier..... i was lookin for the steps to unlock the vogue but it seems like i'm either doing something wrong or it must be for the diamond.... when i search the forums to unlock the vogue it's taking me to unlock the diamond.... and i can't get my tpcmp player to work. i have alot of videos and a few movies thats on my storage card and i can't watch them because the player won't work with the 6.1

Dude read this thread infact read it twice and then read it again and then b4 you do anything if you have any questions ask them b4 DOING ANYTHING TO YOUR PHONE and please make sure u are aware of the dangers of flashing your phone http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=20370

and this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/arch.../t-388412.html

panchog66 04-27-2009 05:24 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
So is there any working ROM that works with Windows 6.5 now for our Vogues?

Sanddunejunki 05-08-2009 09:05 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
Looks as if this ROM is going to fade away.............

Oh well thanks for the work Con..

2007Screw 05-08-2009 11:05 PM

Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1

Originally Posted by Sanddunejunki (Post 904367)
Looks as if this ROM is going to fade away.............

Oh well thanks for the work Con..

Yes, there is! I'm running NFSFAN's 6.5 rom. It's a very well put together rom. Very stable, everything works. Customizations are already in process. I've been running it for a week and a half now, no issues. You can select between the 6.5 home screen or the built in manilla 2d - whichever you desire. Lots of new programs. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to try out something new. I couldn't be happier with it. Con's rom is still awesome - but so far no complaints on nfsfan's from me.

Link to rom here:

See this link for a full FAQ on installing this rom plus a bunch of updates/new programs/customizations for it:

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