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Old 10-22-2008, 08:53 AM
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Test: ppcKitchen Manila2d Rom w/oem Package...Updated 10/23/08 7:40am

Good day folks!

I heard somewhere that this was how the ppckitchen was intented to be used. What I have provided here is a Flashable Rom, plus the additional OEM's, and selections.txt needed to build your own rom with the ppcKitchen using this base.

In this thread I would like to test that theory. I wanna see how user friendly it is, what problems you have etc...

Version 1.0.1 is here!!! Cleaned up the start menu and this is a good base to build on. I took my basic "stuff" and made a clean base. This is much easier to handle... Here it is: (btw v1.0 was scrapped )

The Files you need:
rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_OEM_v1.0.1.rar -- Misc OEM's needed for the rom
rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_v1.0.1 Selections.txt -- The Rom's selections.txt file.
rstg_Manila2D_Sys20273_v1.0.1 Selections.txt -- The Rom's selections.txt file. (the above OEM pack will work just fine)

rstg_Manila2D_ppcKitchen_OEM_v1.0.2.rar -- Misc OEM's needed for the rom
rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_v1.0.2 Selections.txt -- The Rom's selections.txt file.
rstg_Manila2D_Sys20273_v1.0.2 Selections.txt -- The Rom's selections.txt file. (the above OEM pack will work just fine)
changelog v1.0.2: Added Gullum Diamond Keyboard, Batti v2.4

Work got ya locked down? ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/rstoyguy/ppcK_rom_packs/

The Basics:
Here is what you need to do to make it work:
1. In your ppckitchens directory, create a new directory: USER_OEM2

2. Extract "rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_v1.0.1.rar" into the USER_OEM2 directory

3. Copy "rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_v1.0.1 Selections.txt" into the Projects directory

Open buildos and enjoy.

The following rom's will need the RomUpgradeUtility.rar.

Here is a flashable rom: rstg_Manila2D_Sys20755_v1.0_SprintNBH.rar

I'll elaborate more and pretty this up later. This is just a test, so I'm not going to spend too much time on this post.

The sys: 20755
The Carrier: Sprint for the NBH, select your own now!
Add your own programs with this base.

What's inside....briefly:
- Vogue style Diamond theme dialer..............Anyone got a good dialer that works with this thang?

- dotFred Task Manager.............................checking out the program...

- Diamond_Keyboard_gullum........................Much better!

- HTC Vogue Camera.................................gotta have it

- BT FTP ................................................pl aying with my help at work.

- ## Codes............................................. seeing what works in here.

- QuickMenu......................................... ...A must have for me!

- OEM_Batti-v2.4......................................Good battery guage for top of the screen. Gotta tweak the colors...

- SPB Tensor Calculator Skin.......................Until I get my diamond skinned one to work in here...

- BL OSXGraphite Keyboard Skin..................looks good

- SpbScreenshot..................................... .To show you what your getting into!

- HTC_Diamond_MP3_Trimmer.....................looks good

- MegaPack_Manilla2d_OEM_V2.15...............The beef of the operation here.

- MegaPack_Manilla2d_Skin3_MM_Black_ICE..The skin for the beef. (auto selects the following Today Theme)

- TodayTheme - MobileMatt_Black&White......Black up top, white down below.

- MusicID-T1_3_0-Coke_signed....................Playing at work with Sirius

- Game Mega Pack v1.3..............................Most ppckitchen_oem games +

- OEM_MyUtils_Megapack_v1.4.1.................See my oem request thread. My utils

- TouchPal_wm6_1_v3_5............................see ing if it works in here.

- zzz_My_Files_OEM.................................. .Misc graphics files and others.

- zzz_My_Registry_OEM..............................W hy select 10 registry edits?????

- zzz_My_Sounds_OEM...............................My Sounds. And spread some Benny Hill love!

- zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM...Specially designed for ppckitchen. Will work with any of the current modular kitchens, any device.

- zzz_My_TodayScreen_OEM........................Usua lly to clear today screen items, used here to set applauncher widget apps.

Don't forget to check out my tutorials in my sig! Enjoy guys and gals!

And if you don't like my rom????

Use my tools/base


If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 11-02-2008 at 04:57 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 08:53 AM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

here is the selections.txt file:

Originally Posted by v1.0.1


2fcc4f60-7a6c-45cf-918c-eed667aa8e28, True, TodayTheme = carbon_extrablack_blackbars
0cfc3dc0-5fbc-4153-9ce9-72df4d8c2922, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
6327354b-cf17-4539-92f4-c590558d3b46, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
2401a89d-1c1a-448a-b204-051d1866e37f, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
6dea1fb5-657b-41de-b282-d3ee7c6c149c, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker
110a1202-f5ca-49bd-90e3-3cf58e40a2b8, True, Sprint
ffffffff-4a1e-4088-93b3-53268718b13a, True, Vogue style Diamond theme dialer
6b2f9ad0-f5a6-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, dotFred Task Manager
fffffff8-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Touch Keyboard
ffffff1f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Vogue Camera
f1d746e0-97d9-48a2-b9ca-84886fd5488a, True, BT FTP
8d52763c-3c3f-4133-b72f-79440cf8bbc4, True, ## Codes
eac8995c-be58-47fe-9dea-ae030cf2b2b6, True, QuickMenu
ffff2d7f-3b1d-4fd1-bba4-b0bba891628d, True, SPB Tensor Calculator Skin
62cee0ec-eafe-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, BL OSXGraphite Keyboard Skin
336697cd-489f-455b-bc8d-af9e86e0fe06, True, SpbScreenshot
1381b615-1a02-4a7a-a007-7af23ce90031, True, HTC_Diamond_MP3_Trimmer
ca749e48-9ef9-4e2b-8359-304100281800, True, MegaPack_Manilla2d_OEM_V2.15
ca749e48-9ef9-4e2b-8359-304100281803, True, MegaPack_Manilla2d_Skin3_MM_Black_ICE
50735398-eaa5-4445-a0d7-dc36de662eb3, True, MusicID-T1_3_0-Coke_signed
ffffe33b-30c7-4e14-b9ef-9e517123f557, True, Game Mega Pack v1.3
19594e17-43bc-4d58-84c9-74dd2e5931f3, True, OEM_MyUtils_Megapack_v1.4.1
71791f02-554b-4cf3-a6a9-7c06c8670c04, True, TouchPal_wm6_1_v3_5
f2c614c7-4536-42ad-924d-ed96275488e1, True, zzz_My_Files_OEM
ffffffc7-4536-42ad-924d-ed96275488e1, True, zzz_My_Registry_OEM
ffffa07d-5a9e-4efe-9a4f-527b04880440, True, zzz_My_Sounds_OEM
ffc614c7-4536-42ad-924d-ed96275488e1, True, zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM
fff614c7-4536-42ad-924d-ed96275488e1, True, zzz_My_TodayScreen_OEM

Last edited by rstoyguy; 10-22-2008 at 11:25 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 09:00 AM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

And if I could have boggsie take at look at the provxml file inside the zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM, I sure would like to you to check the formatting and see why it isn't working!!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 11:42 AM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

Awesome idea, trying it now
Dont Forget To Say Thanks!

Help Me Help You
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

I failed to mention, or ask, IS THIS NOT A GRAND IDEA?

How is everyone going to respond to this? Thumbs up or Thumbs down...If this hits off good, I'll release a more proper/cleaned up rom if I get good feedback from this and it is easily implemented by end users.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 12:08 PM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
And if I could have boggsie take at look at the provxml file inside the zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM, I sure would like to you to check the formatting and see why it isn't working!!!!
The proxy filters deny all of the file sharing places, so I won't be able to take a look until pm. You could drop the provxml file in your ftp director and I could take a look at it ... but more than likely it is the provxml choking because it is running into something unexpected.

But, if you want me to get a head start, let me know.

... and I don't know how to say it without sounding disingenuous, but the fact that you would suggest that I could help out is more than a little bit humbling ...

I'll do my best!

Best regards,
Mine has theft deterrent!
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

Since im a HUGE NOOB with this stuff, where do i put my own files and cabs and what not that i want to put into the rom?
, i got about 700-800 overwrite files....is it that im selecting stuff thats already in there that im not looking at?

ok, ill wait till this is all done...jeez
got a directory not empty error, but after that, build went good....starting it up now....

Last edited by piranah; 10-22-2008 at 12:21 PM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 12:18 PM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

Originally Posted by piranah View Post
Since im a HUGE NOOB with this stuff, where do i put my own files and cabs and what not that i want to put into the rom?
One thing noticed so far, i got about 700-800 overwrite files....is it that im selecting stuff thats already in there that im not looking at?

Each OEM that you want to include can have a unique directory off of the USER_OEM directory.

You mentioned CABs, which are programs, etc. that install after the cab file is run/executed. You can use an OEM package to copy the cab file into your ROM, but that does not install the application that is packaged in the CAB.

In order to provide specific answers to the overwrite question, you might need to copy the contents of your selections.txt file into the reply.

Best regards,
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

Originally Posted by piranah View Post
Since im a HUGE NOOB with this stuff, where do i put my own files and cabs and what not that i want to put into the rom?
, i got about 700-800 overwrite files....is it that im selecting stuff thats already in there that im not looking at?

ok, ill wait till this is all done...jeez
got a directory not empty error, but after that, build went good....starting it up now....
you own files you can add into the zzz_My_Files_OEM that is included in the USER_OEM2 directory. This is where I have some graphic files. And this does include manila2d, so it already has everything for that...too many to mention..

And I too am at work, so I can't upload it. Here in a bit I'll see if I can just post it here....
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 12:37 PM
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Re: Test: ppcKitchen Rom w/oem Package

that was challenging from a ppc...

edit: deleted lllloooonnnggg post.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 10-22-2008 at 11:24 PM.
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