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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 05:36 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

**** Update on my phone.

SO to all of you who said that i was dumb because my hotmail wouldnt set up without Windows Live. I win. I just did a hard reset on the device and i set up the hotmail just as i did every time before, WITHOUT windows live. so there.

As for the new update that removed the multi select emails / text msgs. this appears to be true, although you can now find in the Menu - select messages - all/several/all below.

and the txt msg issue i had with it showing i have a new message after i select it, it is now fixed.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

soooo.....do you love sprint again?
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

Originally Posted by djhes View Post
**** Update on my phone.

SO to all of you who said that i was dumb because my hotmail wouldnt set up without Windows Live. I win. I just did a hard reset on the device and i set up the hotmail just as i did every time before, WITHOUT windows live. so there.

As for the new update that removed the multi select emails / text msgs. this appears to be true, although you can now find in the Menu - select messages - all/several/all below.

and the txt msg issue i had with it showing i have a new message after i select it, it is now fixed.

I'm not taking back my good bye.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 06:28 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

OMG, you mean to tell me that after all this rant and raving you just now did a hard reset!!! LOL You must never read the posts on this site! Knowledge is power. If you research a little you can resolve most problems on your own. I am not calling you dumb. I am actually just laughing and I am glad your back in business.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

Originally Posted by bikeithard View Post
OMG, you mean to tell me that after all this rant and raving you just now did a hard reset!!! LOL You must never read the posts on this site! Knowledge is power. If you research a little you can resolve most problems on your own. I am not calling you dumb. I am actually just laughing and I am glad your back in business.
i was wondering the same. i guess all is well until the next fire!
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 07:26 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

FREE TP2 FROM TMOBILE! http://wmdeals.com/
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

Originally Posted by titaniumgiant View Post
FREE TP2 FROM TMOBILE! http://wmdeals.com/

NOOOOOOOOooooo.... Thanks.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2009, 08:05 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

Originally Posted by titaniumgiant View Post
Here ya go buddy...send off a message to him and see what happens. Also, if you got any names from these csr's feel free to use them too in your letter to them.

Mr. Daniel R. Hesse
Chief Exec. Officer, Pres, Director, Chairman of Exec. Committee and Chief Exec. Officer of Local Telecommunications Division
Sprint Nextel Corp.
6200 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66251-4300
i emailed dan.hesse@sprint.com at one point and got an issue resolved

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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

regardless, it still does not eradicate the fact that sprint is outright horrendous in taking care of their customers.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 12:24 AM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

I feel your pain, and boy does it hurt. I am going through the same type of situation with my Mogul right now (I am on my 6th replacement in 2 months because they are defective when I receive them). They offered me the Snap and the Treo Pro, both crappier phones. Get this... The rep at the sprint store told me that I can't have a touch pro "because they have so many problems" and they don't sell them anymore. I pointed out that you can buy it off sprint's website and she gave me a BS excuse that "the internet is different" She went on to explain how windows mobile phones are horrible. THEN she questioned why I even NEED windows mobile. One question I vividly recall is "Do you even use word and power point?" I replied that I do and she actually looked surprised! Was she implying that nobody uses those features? Who knows. *I spoke to this rep at the sprint store AFTER speaking with "account services" about this problem. Account services instructed me to go to the store to work this out because they "can't get me any other phone over the phone."

I've been bounced around countless times at this point and am getting nowhere. I'm beginning to think that my only option is going to be to take a treo pro, sell it on ebay, and use the money to cancel my contract. It's really the principal of the matter at this point and nothing else. I have been told many different things by many different people. Two different stores told me I would have to call sprint in order to rectify my situation and then when I called, and FINALLY talked to the right person, they told me I have to go back to the store. Being given the run around is insulting to my intelligence. It is impossible to be "nice" to people who seem to make up company policy instead of being honest with you. I was told that "someone in Sprint decides what devices are comprable to your device as far as replacement goes." That person is either an idiot or an as***le because a Snap is not in the least bit comprable, it lacks a touch screen and wifi, just for simplicities sake. I raised the point that this was about money, and the rep quickly shut me down. I said "If it wasn't about money, and about pleasing a customer who is extremely unhappy, with valid reasons, then I would have any phone I want." If you go to a restaurant and your steak is cooked incorrectly, they do not offer you a burger instead! They give you a new steak!

I do not have SERO but I get a 25% corporate discount, but money is not everything. I would glady pay more money every month for better customer service. The unfortunate thing is that I hear that no cell phone company really has great service. That unfortunately leads you to a paradoxical situation that addresses many of the people who say "If you don't like it, go to another provider" If you can't get good service (that you would gladly pay more for) wouldn't it then make sense to spend the least amount of money possible on bad service?

What do I want? I want some one at sprint to just admit that these are my options and that's it. Like the poster, who was promised something that they didn't give, it is insulting to be given false hope. If their policy is what it is, and they would rather lose customers than change it, then they should say that. Something like. "Sir, I understand your frustration with our policies, unfortunately though, we will not change them for you, we hope you will continue to be our customer as we do value you as a customer, but these are your only options and that's all there is to it, let us know what you would like to do and we respect your decision."

I for one, am going to try another carrier if sprint does not make things right by me. The grass is always greener isn't it?
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