Endless GPS Troubles
So I've done just about everything possible that I have ever found regarding how I can make GPS work on my Verizon Touch Pro and am yet to ever be successful. I've had it replaced twice which makes me feel like it has to be a problem I'm responsible for.
To further complicate things, I am currently in Austria for the next two months where my phone couldn't work even if I wanted to- however, I am not ready to completely give it up yet.
I upgraded to the Verizon ROM that supposedly unlocked GPS to no avail (even did that in America, still didn't work), did registry tweaks, just now while I've been in Austria have tried EnergyROM as well as Juicy 8 and neither have helped me at all.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be the problem here? Or better yet, any direction that could point me toward what the problem could possibly be?