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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
upon finding the link, im afraid i may have given you false hope for another in your situation... his fix was really all about sms lagging, but here it is


Hey, no prob. I appreciate the assistance! I found some more avenues I'm exploring. Will report later if I have any luck figuring it out. (My current train of thought is apps that I have used, but aren't necessarily running when the device slows down -- sort of a "leaving system resources open" that doesn't show up immediately nor clear up when you close the app. It's a long shot, but I've tried about everything else.)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 01:55 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

I have experienced a problem similar in the past. I searched around for various video drivers for the touch pro.

I'm on my third touch pro. Each touch pro seemed to respond differently to each video driver. xda, google and ppcgeeks yield various drivers to try. I know there are at least 2-3 out there, so try each and see if you get the improvement you're after.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2009, 09:38 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

Originally Posted by mrtomaso View Post
I have experienced a problem similar in the past. I searched around for various video drivers for the touch pro.

I'm on my third touch pro. Each touch pro seemed to respond differently to each video driver. xda, google and ppcgeeks yield various drivers to try. I know there are at least 2-3 out there, so try each and see if you get the improvement you're after.
That's interesting. I will have to try. I know you said each TP performed differently, but I have to ask: do you have one you recommend anyway? Also, the similar problem you mention -- did a different video driver ever fix it?

EDIT: I just spent a lot of time on the google. The only alternate driver I could find was the ATI Direct3D driver that came out a while back. I think it may have been taken from the Omnia? Not sure. Anyway, I've tried that before with no luck, but that was on a different ROM. So it might be worth it again to try on Mighty 6. If you don't mind, can you link me to the other drivers you speak of? I could only find that one. I'm a bit skeptical because that's a Direct 3D driver and the only graphics slow-down I notice is with the GDI graphics operations. Direct 3D always performs at top speed. However, I'm not ruling it out completely since there might be some odd relationship between the two.

EDIT 2: If you know of any cabs to install alternate ddi.dll drivers, I would also be interested. From what I read, that's the primary display driver in the system and would be more relevant to my case. I could not find anything for CDMA Touch Pros.

Last edited by thx1200; 08-20-2009 at 10:18 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

I may have found the culprit. I'm wondering if somebody else can confirm for me.

Now I'm not sure if this piece of software is the cause or simply a way to trigger something in the OS. There seems to be a particular set of things you have to do to get it to trigger. I've been able to do it reliably now about five times in a row tonight. I never really put two and two together before because I was never really doing all these things simultaneously all the time.

The cause (or a cause) seems to be Pocket Player by Conduits. I listen to music so often, that like I said, I never really put it all together. Also, it doesn't seem that PocketPlayer has to even being playing when the slow-down occurs, just open and having had played in the past.

Here are the steps to reliably trigger the slow down on my phone. I'd love to see some confirmation from somebody else.

1. Enable bluetooth (it's not important that you play through A2DP, and the slowdown can happen without bluetooth, but this seems to speed it up for some reason)
2. Run pocket player
3. Enable a CPU intensive visualization (eg, NOT album artwork -- I've been using Randomization)
4. Play a shoutcast stream (in case the stream might be important, I've been using Energy 98 which is http://sc-rly.181.fm:80/stream/1093 )
5. Turn the visualization on.
6. Connect your device to AC power.
7. Keep the screen on (don't let it sleep -- PP has an option for this or you can disable all screen dim/screen off in WM power settings)
8. Wait a couple hours
9. Exit Pocket Player and open an app that uses a lot of GDI drawing, like Pocket Outlook Email or Total Commander. The apps should be running incredibly slow. To confirm the slow-down, soft reset and compare the speed after the reset.

Doing this, I've made the device slow down five times tonight. For the previous three days, I've been using SPB Radio to play my audio streams with NO slow down. So I'm pretty sure this may be the culprit.

I hope somebody can confirm. Please make sure you let your device run long enough (give it a few hours at least, or let it run overnight to be really sure). I ran my device on mute so I wasn't bothered by the music while I did something else.

Download link for PocketPlayer: http://www.conduits.com/download_cab...ket+Player+4.1

Last edited by thx1200; 08-23-2009 at 12:06 AM. Reason: Added link
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2009, 09:39 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

I ran some more tests. Everything else the same as above, but with visualizations disabled, it took about 12 hours, but the graphics slow down happened. So although the visualization speeds up the occurence, it doesn't depend on it.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2009, 06:29 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro Graphics Slow Down Problem

Update #2...

I did yet more testing! This time I created a skin with no UI elements other than the play button, so I could easily see if the stream was still playing. In my previous test, I still had the timer counting and the playlist activated.

After several days of letting it play overnight while on, there was NO slow down. I can infer from this that the cause of the slow down is, in fact, the graphics subsystem of Pocket Player. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'm guessing there is some sort of underlying resource leak. But I'm just guessing.

Hopefully I can get some feedback from other users or Conduits on how widespread this problem is.
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