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murducky 07-18-2009 01:10 PM

User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
1 Attachment(s)

User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using Sashimi
By: LuckySe7en & Murducky

LuckySe7en uses the Raphael (GSM Touch Pro)
Murducky uses the Herman (CDMA Touch Pro)

We have put together this guide for others who have a hard time locating where items need to be backup (like we did). We both use EngeryROM and for the most part some item locations below may be specific to EngeryROM.

Guide Structure

·Information Section – General Info about required apps.
·Windows 6.5 Section – 6.5 related settings
·Titanium Section – Titanium related settings
·TouchFlo3d – TouchFlo3d related settings
·Application Section – Find Application setting
·Work in Progress – To be found settings

Information Section

Download info:
Info Videos:
Sashimi Note:
You don't have to re-install Sashimi after a flash, just run SASHIMI.exe from the \bin directory and SASHIMI will detect and perform a clean install and reconfigure itself.

Place all of your Cabs you want to install in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Cab\

User Customization to Launch Sashimi (Big thanks to DV8Ways)
Okay… I’ve been looking for away to have SASHIMI auto initiate after a hard reset so that there would require no interaction from the user once the Onscreen Calibration process was complete.

I searched both here and over at WinMo Experts and could not find any answers so after about 50 hard resets and twice as may dirty looks from you know who I finally got it to work for me using User Customization (UC). Please keep in mind your ROM must support UC.

Here’s how:

* Navigate to \Storage Card\SASHIMI\Program\2577. Here you will see a file called AutoRun.mscr.
* Create a shortcut to this file within the same directory and name it SASHIMI.lnk.
* Create an SDConfig.txt file with the below commands and save it to the root of the Storage Card. (Included SDConfig.txt attached)

That’s it!!!

Now, every time you hard rest your device will flash the new ROM. Once complete, UC initiates and checks the SDConfig file for instructions. Based on our SDConfig file, UC will copy the SASHIMI.lnk we created over to \Temp where it can then be executed by UC. This will launch SASHIMI that the user can either interact with or if no interaction within 20 seconds SASHIMI will initiate the “Auto” installer, installing all configurations setup within the \SASHIMI\Auto directory. Once all is complete, SASHIMI will then prompt the user to reset the device yes or no. If no interaction within 10 seconds, SASHIMI will automatically reset the device.

Basically, once you initiate a hard reset and complete the onscreen calibration you never have to touch the device again throughout the install and configuration process.


Edit: One thing prevents this from being an completely unattended install... The fact that if the device goes to sleep during SASHIMI Auto install it seems to pause the installation process until you wake the device. This means you have to make sure to keep the device awake during the install process. I'm looking into away to keep the device awake during this process. I'll update if I find a solution.

Edit 2: Only workaround I can find is to plug into external power during the install process. I believe by default Windows will not sleep for 30 minutes which is plenty of time. This will allow a complete userless flash and restore once the onscreen calibration is completed

Windows 6.5 Settings

Owner Info
Download SDConfig.Builder.v0.7.85.PE from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390846

Run SDConfig Builder.exe, go to the 5 tab (Owner Info), type in your Owner Info. Save to xml file. Then go to 4 tab (Cab & Copy).

Browse for the xml you just made for Source XML, set an output directory. then click make cab. Now you have a owner cab you can push with Sashimi put owner cab in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Cabs\

Device Name
Backup reg key HKLM\Ident export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Alarm Settings
backup reg key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Clock export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG (thanks to studentjunk)

Splash Screen (EnergyROM Specific)
  • back up file \Windows\welcomehead.192.png copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
  • Open welcomehead.192.png overwrite with your own image save as a png. Now you have a custom Splash screen that will be pushed.
Startup Sound (EnergyROM Specific)
  • back up file \Windows\PowerOn.wav copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
  • Overwrite PowerOn.wav with your custom Sound save back to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
  • back up file\Windows\PowerOff.wav copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
  • Overwrite PowerOff.wav with your custom Sound save back to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
  • Now you have a custom Startup Sound that will be pushed.
Voicemail Number (when you added your password to it)
  • Set your password
  • Back up reg Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Vmail\ UserProvidedNumber1 export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Email Accounts & WIFI Settings
You will create an XML file and save it to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\XML using Sashimi/Makisu Built program. Watch the How To Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANgzC...B817D8&index=0

Ring Tones
Using the Auto\Root folder Sashimi create the same folder structure to copy over your ring tones.
  • Ring tones go in \My Documents\My Ringtones
  • Text msg/Notification tones go in \Windows
  • Sliding Sounds go in \Windows as .wav
Ex. Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\My Documents\My Ringtones

so here is the run down about ringtones...before you back up these registries make sure you set them how you like first.

Ring Tone Settings
First set the Ring Tone then back up HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0 is where your ringtone registry is, for some reason there is two entries that reference my ringtone file, RingTone0 and RingTone2. I exported both in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

In HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\ there are a bunch of registries for all your alerts, they are all labeled in gibberish like this "{0CD9B91C-BEA7-446d-9857-BD2F1E6BFE80}" You have to use regedit and look at the first value, the first value should contain data that tells you what tone that registry entry is for. If the first value is blank don't back it up, there are more entries than there are alerts so you dont need to back up the blank ones. There is exactly 22 entries you need to export and back up to Sashimi. It was a PITA (Pain in the ***) to go through them and export them one by one, but you get done eventually.
All Registry exports should go into Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Sliding Sound
First set the Sliding sound you want then back up the reg key \HKLM\Software\HTC\SlidingSound export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

All incoming beams off (Start>Settings>Connections>Beams) (thanks rstoyguy)
obexservicemask = 3 ; checked
obexservicemask = 2 ; unchecked

Bluetooth Devices (thanks to Zone23)
I found that if you backup registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Devices on restore it will restore all bluetooth devices. The only catch is I have not figured out how to get bluetooth headsets to work. All computer connections will work, so it’s a start. So at least so far I only have to repair my car and headset. All 3 computers work fine.

Current power plan (thanks to Zone23)
back up reg key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeou ts export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
Turn on your Bluetooth (thanks to Zone23)
Back up reg key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Settings"ScanMod e"=dword:00000005

Contact Ringtones
Use a program called KeepMyTones download here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=540755

How to: (thanks to LordFuzzy024)
There are three simple steps to save your contact ringtones.
1. Install the program
2. Set all your ringtones if you haven’t already.
3. Click File/Save Contact Ringtones. You’re done.

There are also three simple steps for restoring your contact ringtones.
1. Install the program if it’s not already.
2. Make sure all your ringtones are located in the previous locations. (Usually My Documents\My Ringtones, or where ever you store them, it must be the same as before.) and your RingtoneBackup.xml file is located in your install directory.
3. Click File/Restore Contact Ringtones. You’re Done.

The backup file is located in your install directory and it will notify you of that location upon saving.

Restore Contacts:

Outlook w/Active Sync
Murducky uses outlook to sync contacts with their pictures.

PIM Backup:
LuckySe7en uses PIM Backup
just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.

Titanium Section:
We both prefer Titanium.

Setup Titanium the way you like it first before backing up the items below.

Titanium layout
  • First you have to back up HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome reg entry so it will keep your titanium layout.
  • You also need to back up the two .cpr files located in \Windows: Titanium_480x640.cpr and Titanium_640x480.cpr and copy them to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows
Set Titanium as Default | TouchFlow as Disabled
  • Check Windows Default and uncheck Touchflow in Today
  • Back up Reg Key \HKLM\Software\Today\Windows Default export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
  • Back up Reg Key\HKLM\Software\Today\Touch Flo export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG
ATCONTACTS (fave people)
backup reg keys HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\ATFavePeople are all the registry entries that you need to save those settings, I didn't know what to back up so I backed up all of them, they all look important anyways.

Also will want to back up \Application Data\ATContacts and copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Application Data\ATContacts which saves image files.

  • Restore your contacts before launch the "fave people".
  • ON First Run after restore - you will have an overlay on your first contact on fave people - make sure you have restored your contacts then just go to the favorite person settings and click okay.. it will fix the overlay

Titanium Weather
Backup key \HKLM\Software\TitaniumWeather export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Manila Section

Manila/TouchFlo3d Fav Contacts Tab**
If you are using TouchFlo3d and want to save your favorite contacts that information is stored in the pim.vol file located in your root directory, just back that up. pim.vol also contains all of your contacts! No need to use pim backup app unless you want to save all ur txt messages, recent calls list, etc.

My Contact Card (thanks to dylan927us)
backup reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\People\OwnerInfo export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Stock market Tab (thanks to lilflip2)
Backup: "\\Application Data\HTC\ygo" I copied whole folder but (2 files ygoservice.db and ygoservice_sr.db) copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\ Application Data\HTC\

Save order of Tabs (thanks to Zone23
backup reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\Configurati on export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Manila Weather (Thanks to Askwhy)
To backup your weather settings you need to save a regfile to SASHIMI\Auto\REG with some of the data from --


In particular, you need to backup 'Weather.CityList' but I would also include:


After running SASHIMI you will have any pre-cooked-in locations removed and overwritten with your own -- and you will only need to hit 'Update'. For instance my file looks like this:


"Weather.ServerURLOverride"="http://weather.not2advanced.com/htcweather/forecastdata.php?ac=XDADevs&locCode=%25ls&version= 1&device=innovation"
"Weather_Focus"="United States"

Not sure if all the chefs have ROMs with the same weather server URL cooked-in, the one above is simply the one that was already in my registry when I went to back it up. I had no idea previously that a special weather patch server tied to the community was even being used to make things happen.

If you have added a custom city using a database editor of some sort, you will also want to backup the manila file (database file) that you edited, and that file is called 2330fc3c_manila -- place that file in \SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows\ to have it restored automatically.

Program Tab (thanks to Scoob)
Back up reg key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Application Section

Place all of your Cabs you want to install in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Cabs\

Facebook IM (fim)
backup reg key HKCU\Software\mosko.mobi\fim export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

Twitter (PockeTwit)
Backup file \Program Files\PockeTwit\app.CONFIG copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Program Files\PockeTwit\
(You will have to create the path in your Auto\Root Folder)

Arcsoft MMS Settings
backup reg key \HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1 export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

HTC Task Manager
backup reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\TaskManager export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

SmartPhone Tracker
Setup all your settings, back up file, Program Files\SmartPhoneTracker/settings.config copy to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Program Files\SmartPhoneTracker

Lumos (thanks to rawdikrik)
Run the Lumos configuration program (just like you always would) then copy the "settings.txt" to "sashimi\auto\root\program files\lumus" you will need to create all these folders or figure out some way to copy them. Anything in the root folder copies to whatever folder on your device. Sashimi will create the folders if they don't exist, but typically it installs all the apps first. After an auto install I don't have to do anything with lumos (nice). You can do the same thing with ringers just make a mirror of what directory in "root" and Sashimi will copy them for you when you run it.

SPB Wireless (thanks to fwt)
Settings: (registry)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House\Spb Wireless Monitor (and all Keys included)
Registration: (registry)
Data: (files)
"\Application Data\SPB Wireless Monitor"

Work in Progress Section
(if you know how to backup the below please let us know)

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Wall is the key you want to back up for wallpaper and theme
  • This is the reg location but on restore it has it set in the today screen but does not actually change the wallpaper till you go to Today and click okay.
  • Facebook registration is at "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Facebook
  • But on restore does not have your login info saved.
  • Reg Key HKCU\Software\Trinket\PowerSMS
  • But still cannot find the registration key location

TBF (To Be Found)

sstrunks 07-18-2009 01:21 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Hey mods can you move this to the main Touch Pro section and can this be sticky'd?


dylan927us 07-19-2009 09:47 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Should back up the My Contact Card (Minor pain to re-enter it every reflash :D )

EDIT: Confirmed to work! :)

proxcee 07-19-2009 10:49 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Alot of good info...wish this thread existed when i was first trying to figure it out...good job! Might be just me...but i got the feeling that Bengalih may have wanted people to register at his site in order to download Sashimi 8.0 rather than having it posted elsewhere...oh well.

chaosbuzz 07-19-2009 12:12 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
some cabs ask for a reset after install, is there a way to configure sashmi to cancel when it gets this prompt? Good thread!

murducky 07-19-2009 03:24 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by proxcee (Post 1045395)
Alot of good info...wish this thread existed when i was first trying to figure it out...good job! Might be just me...but i got the feeling that Bengalih may have wanted people to register at his site in order to download Sashimi 8.0 rather than having it posted elsewhere...oh well.

I have removed the cab, did not know i couldn't post it.


Originally Posted by chaosbuzz (Post 1045493)
some cabs ask for a reset after install, is there a way to configure sashmi to cancel when it gets this prompt? Good thread!

I believe it already cancels them and install the rest of your cab and then ask you to restart.

murducky 07-19-2009 03:30 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by dylan927us (Post 1045356)

Should back up the My Contact Card (Minor pain to re-enter it every reflash :D )

EDIT: Confirmed to work! :)

What is this for? I just check my reg and i don't have "People" under \HkCU\Software\HTC.

dylan927us 07-19-2009 06:13 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by murducky (Post 1045739)
What is this for? I just check my reg and i don't have "People" under \HkCU\Software\HTC.

My Contact Card

CozBoogie 07-20-2009 01:40 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Moved to the general Touch Pro Forum.


sstrunks 07-20-2009 04:07 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
thanks cozboogie


bikeandestroyx 07-20-2009 04:14 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
how about myphone settings. I would like it to save my email and password along with my configuration

sstrunks 07-20-2009 04:56 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx (Post 1047577)
how about myphone settings. I would like it to save my email and password along with my configuration


Originally Posted by murducky
**Email Accounts & WIFI Settings**
You will create an XML file and save it to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\XML using Sashimi/Makisu Built program. Watch the How To Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANgzC...B817D8&index=0

please read the info quoted.


End3r 07-20-2009 06:54 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by sstrunks (Post 1047634)
please read the info quoted.


I believe bikeandestroyx is referring to the login information for Microsoft My Phone (not setting up email accounts etc.)

sstrunks 07-20-2009 07:06 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by End3r (Post 1047904)
I believe bikeandestroyx is referring to the login information for Microsoft My Phone (not setting up email accounts etc.)

Oh I see now, sorry I don't use MS My Phone...so I don't know how you would back that information up. Hopefully someone else that uses it can chime in...


tuscolavol 07-20-2009 07:28 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Well... n00b here.
I usually wait around and check back on threads and eventually my questions get answered. That way, I don't show my n00biness to the world. Can't wait this time. There was a update to Mighty Mike 6 (7/16) that really fixed a lot of things. I spent the next 8 hours tweaking and cabbing. Then I go back to the MM6 rhread and there's MM6 (7/18) update!!!! I want to reflash but I don't want to manually re-enter. So... the question:
When backing up registries (I use PHM), do you hi-lite the registry name and that backs-up the contents or do you hi-lite the contents?

Sorry,,, but Thanks!!

By the way, I'm having a blast with my WM phone (HTC Touch Pro). All this customizing, flashing, tweaking is habit forming. My wife has threatened to flush my phone!

lbcoach3347 07-21-2009 10:00 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
I did the customizing to shortcuts to the cabs and when it rest all the folders and shortcuts were gone except the today button. anythoughts

omahajs 07-21-2009 10:15 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Thanks for the detailed info, the youtube video really helped a frist time user of sashimi.

I just tried this for the first time last night and I had very mixed results. I used the auto folder for my cabs, reg backup entries and root folder entries. After a hard reset of the latest nrg rom I ran in auto mode and everything seemed to install (aebuttonplus, bing and voicecommand) all required me to OK a few messages, but everything else installed easily.

The first time sashimi finished, when asked to reset I clicked on yes, phone reset but did a hard reset......

So, I repeated the above steps and selected no and got a normal reset. My apps were all there from the cabs I selected, but my start menu did not copy over correctly and some of my reg keys did not export correctly (resco explorer, etc.).

It's probably something I am doing wrong, but this did make things much easier. My exchange settings all copied over perfectly as did my titanium plugins. Just not having to reinstall dozens of cabs after a reset makes this a great tool.

Thanks again for the post!

lbcoach3347 07-21-2009 02:03 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
when you backup the pim file for your contacts does it also back up the assigned ringtone file for each contact

sstrunks 07-21-2009 04:21 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by lbcoach3347 (Post 1049665)
when you backup the pim file for your contacts does it also back up the assigned ringtone file for each contact

I believe pim.vol should have the ringtone settings for each contact, don't quote me on it though. I did notice that all of my contacts profile pictures were still intact when I backed up pim.vol file, so I don't see why it isn't the same way with ringtones.


murducky 07-21-2009 04:56 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by tuscolavol (Post 1047975)
Well... n00b here.
I usually wait around and check back on threads and eventually my questions get answered. That way, I don't show my n00biness to the world. Can't wait this time. There was a update to Mighty Mike 6 (7/16) that really fixed a lot of things. I spent the next 8 hours tweaking and cabbing. Then I go back to the MM6 rhread and there's MM6 (7/18) update!!!! I want to reflash but I don't want to manually re-enter. So... the question:
When backing up registries (I use PHM), do you hi-lite the registry name and that backs-up the contents or do you hi-lite the contents?

Sorry,,, but Thanks!!

By the way, I'm having a blast with my WM phone (HTC Touch Pro). All this customizing, flashing, tweaking is habit forming. My wife has threatened to flush my phone!

I use total commander and/or regedit, using total commander you just hold on the reg key and say copy to the folder you want to back it up. If you use regedit you say export to a folder. hope that helps.


Originally Posted by lbcoach3347 (Post 1049010)
I did the customizing to shortcuts to the cabs and when it rest all the folders and shortcuts were gone except the today button. anythoughts

I'm confused as to what you did?


Originally Posted by omahajs (Post 1049037)
Thanks for the detailed info, the youtube video really helped a frist time user of sashimi.

I just tried this for the first time last night and I had very mixed results. I used the auto folder for my cabs, reg backup entries and root folder entries. After a hard reset of the latest nrg rom I ran in auto mode and everything seemed to install (aebuttonplus, bing and voicecommand) all required me to OK a few messages, but everything else installed easily.

The first time sashimi finished, when asked to reset I clicked on yes, phone reset but did a hard reset......

So, I repeated the above steps and selected no and got a normal reset. My apps were all there from the cabs I selected, but my start menu did not copy over correctly and some of my reg keys did not export correctly (resco explorer, etc.).

It's probably something I am doing wrong, but this did make things much easier. My exchange settings all copied over perfectly as did my titanium plugins. Just not having to reinstall dozens of cabs after a reset makes this a great tool.

Thanks again for the post!

I never have had Sashimi do a hard reset after finishing auto mod. it should only do a soft reset. I did notice with voice command cab you should install that manually and not place it in the auto cab folder. Pull it out and see if it helps.

redd214 07-21-2009 05:34 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
awesome post, lots of good nuggets in there, thanx bro!

CovKid66 07-21-2009 06:00 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Excellent compilation! Some very good tips here. Thank you.

If I can add one thing I learned early on with Sashimi. I use SKTools and found out that you should replace the sktools.exe in the SASHIMI\Program\Bin folder (back it up first) with the copy from your actual SKTools installation. Reasoning and full explanation can be found here.

jgarder 07-21-2009 07:18 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
great post.. i have been hunting for 6.5 stuff for a little while now.

studentjunk 07-21-2009 09:04 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
I posted a couple of scripts and other info at the xda thread of this topic. I was glad to see some of it was updated on the first page.

lbcoach3347 07-21-2009 09:35 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
I'm confused as to what you did?

I did the shortcut customizing for the cabs. Creating the customlink.ini file. which when you run auto, buts the shortcuts where you specifie them. but when I did this and the phone reset. it white out my start menu leaving only the today button.

obernow 07-22-2009 03:13 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Thanks for the post, very helpful especially with the registration info from my apps (like facebook)

elosogrande7076 07-23-2009 03:10 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Great post...does anyone know how to backup the weather and programs info for tf3d? That would be great....thanks and please keep up the great info.

garifo 07-24-2009 07:12 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
does sashimi work with wm6.5? I set up the part to setup my email accounts but when I run it, it does not actually set it up. I did exactly what the youtube tutorial shows and no go...maybe i'm doing something wrong. I'm currently using EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) Built July 22nd .

Thanks for the guide.

pr1923 07-26-2009 03:04 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by garifo (Post 1058159)
does sashimi work with wm6.5? I set up the part to setup my email accounts but when I run it, it does not actually set it up. I did exactly what the youtube tutorial shows and no go...maybe i'm doing something wrong. I'm currently using EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) Built July 22nd .

Thanks for the guide.

Yes it works with 6.5 using now to set up a google and yahoo account plus exchange settings.


rawdikrik 07-29-2009 07:01 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Still looking for the files to back up the following:

opera logins and bookmarks
registration for Rescoe explorer

askwhy 07-29-2009 09:00 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by rawdikrik (Post 1067280)
Still looking for the files to back up the following:

opera logins and bookmarks
registration for Rescoe explorer

For Opera bookmarks, backup the file called 'opera6.adr' in \WINDOWS\Opera9 and just drop it in the corresponding SASHIMI\Auto\Root\WINDOWS\Opera9 folder to have it auto-restored when you run SASHIMI.

Dunno about the logins or Rescoe, but I have a few minutes before I have to go see clients -- let me see if I can turn anything up. I will edit this post if I do...

EDIT: You might try using CeRegEditor if you haven't already to find your Rescoe registration data in the registry (if it's there) and then export it to a file. Take a snapshot before you register it, then after, then compare snapshots to find the differences.

askwhy 07-29-2009 09:34 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by elosogrande7076 (Post 1055203)
Great post...does anyone know how to backup the weather and programs info for tf3d? That would be great....thanks and please keep up the great info.

Not sure about the programs tab, as I keep it disabled anymore -- but I can help with the weather. To backup your weather settings you need to save a regfile to SASHIMI\Auto\REG with some of the data from --


In particular, you need to backup 'Weather.CityList' but I would also include:


After running SASHIMI you will have any pre-cooked-in locations removed and overwritten with your own -- and you will only need to hit 'Update'. For instance my file looks like this:



"Weather.ServerURLOverride"="http://weather.not2advanced.com/htcweather/forecastdata.php?ac=XDADevs&locCode=%25ls&version= 1&device=innovation"
"Weather_Focus"="United States"
Not sure if all the chefs have ROMs with the same weather server URL cooked-in, the one above is simply the one that was already in my registry when I went to back it up. I had no idea previously that a special weather patch server tied to the community was even being used to make things happen.

If you have added a custom city using a database editor of some sort, you will also want to backup the manila file (database file) that you edited, and that file is called 2330fc3c_manila -- place that file in \SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Windows\ to have it restored automatically.

fabrijack 08-01-2009 07:45 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
ok, apparently I am more of a noobie than I thought. I don't understand how to get the information from the registry to place in the shashimi/auto/reg folder. What program and process do I use? I understand the logic of how it works, just not how to get a .reg file that tells shashimi where to put it.

Using the ringtone as an example:

*Ring Tone*
First set the Ring Tone then back up HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0 is where your ringtone registry is, for some reason there is two entries that reference my ringtone file, RingTone0 and RingTone2. I exported both in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

I can see this entry with total commander, do I just copy the entry to the above reg folder on my storage card?

Thanks for your patience.

murducky 08-05-2009 01:08 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by fabrijack (Post 1075789)
ok, apparently I am more of a noobie than I thought. I don't understand how to get the information from the registry to place in the shashimi/auto/reg folder. What program and process do I use? I understand the logic of how it works, just not how to get a .reg file that tells shashimi where to put it.

Using the ringtone as an example:

*Ring Tone*
First set the Ring Tone then back up HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0 is where your ringtone registry is, for some reason there is two entries that reference my ringtone file, RingTone0 and RingTone2. I exported both in Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

I can see this entry with total commander, do I just copy the entry to the above reg folder on my storage card?

Thanks for your patience.

yup, click and hold on the file in total commander, when it pops up the menu select copy, browse to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG and click copy. and that is it, you have back up the reg key !

let me know if that doesn't work.

codydavis22 08-05-2009 11:00 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
How do you create a custom device name? I can't seem to find an option in activesync. I manually changed it in the registry and deleted all mobile devices from activesync, did a soft reset and synced it but it went back to wm_adminis1 or whatever

codydavis22 08-05-2009 11:34 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by askwhy (Post 1067404)
Not sure about the programs tab, as I keep it disabled anymore -- but I can help with the weather. To backup your weather settings you need to save a regfile to SASHIMI\Auto\Root\Reg with some of the data from --


In particular, you need to backup 'Weather.CityList' but I would also include:


After running SASHIMI you will have any pre-cooked-in locations removed and overwritten with your own -- and you will only need to hit 'Update'. For instance my file looks like this:

Not sure if all the chefs have ROMs with the same weather server URL cooked-in, the one above is simply the one that was already in my registry when I went to back it up. I had no idea previously that a special weather patch server tied to the community was even being used to make things happen.

You have to put in root????? is that a mistake? There is no Reg folder in the Root foler

murducky 08-06-2009 08:04 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by codydavis22 (Post 1084185)
How do you create a custom device name? I can't seem to find an option in activesync. I manually changed it in the registry and deleted all mobile devices from activesync, did a soft reset and synced it but it went back to wm_adminis1 or whatever

change the value of HKLM\Ident then export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG and push with Sashimi


Originally Posted by codydavis22 (Post 1084251)
You have to put in root????? is that a mistake? There is no Reg folder in the Root foler

yup, he meant export to Storage Card\SASHIMI\Auto\REG

the root folder is for any file you want to be copied over to your root directory of your phone.

rogerp 08-09-2009 07:59 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
man took me a minuite to figure out but this is the best thing i have found yet for my phone. now i can flash and flash and flash lol

THANK YOU for all the work that went into this and for the great tuturial, and vids to learn how to set up

agrenwa 08-09-2009 09:17 AM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi

Originally Posted by rawdikrik (Post 1067280)
Still looking for the files to back up the following:

opera logins and bookmarks
registration for Rescoe explorer

for Resco try to backup/restore the following
this should hold all Resco programs registration info.

rawdikrik 08-13-2009 06:57 PM

Re: User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using sashimi
Just reposting some stuff from NRG thread. People are talking about Sahimi back ups. Gonna try to recommend people come over here:

Run the Lumos configuration program (just like you always would) then copy the "settings.txt" to "sashimi\auto\root\program files\lumus" you will need to create all these folders or figure out some way to copy them. Anything in the root folder copies to whatever folder on your device. Sashimi will create the folders if they don't exist, but typically it installs all the apps first. After an auto install I don't have to do anything with lumos (nice). You can do the same thing with ringers just make a mirror of what directory in "root" and Sashimi will copy them for you when you run it.

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