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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 03:01 AM
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Exclamation Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Hey all, just a friendly warning...and has nothing to do with the ROM I'm using. I was on EnergyROM 3 and was just poking around and found under settings, then I think network or something a file called PRI or something like that update, so I hit it. It asked me if it could put the phone in Airplane mode for a few minutes, I said yes, it did some stuff, I seen a progress bar at the bottom doing stuff, then told me the update was successful, and to reset. So I did, once it came back up I had not data, no phone, no nothing. When I try and call my VM I get welcome to the american roaming network. So I decided to call Sprint and see what then could do. Well the kept trying to have me enter ##004491# and of course nothing worked. I got them into the EPST screen and they had me changing some default profile to 1 from 0 and changing the NAI to my username@sprintpcs.com, also on that same page a AAA Secret and some IP changes. Once rebooted it still did nothing. So I hung up, flashed back the stock radio and rom. Called again and they still could not get into the programing menu. So they told me I need to take it back to a store to see if they can fix it. So in recap I cleared the data, flashed back the stock radio and rom and still no data or phone calls. Sprint cannot get into the programming and want me to take it to a store.

So I post this first as a warning to other, I'd advise you not to hit those update prl, profile, pri...something bad happens.

Secondly, by chance I'm hoping someone see this and knows of a fix so I dont have to take it to the store.....

Thanks all

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 03:09 AM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Well that blows.... Sorry to hear that & thanks for the heads up ...hope u get it fixed
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 03:19 AM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

ouch just ouch
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 03:23 AM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
Hey all, just a friendly warning...and has nothing to do with the ROM I'm using. I was on EnergyROM 3 and was just poking around and found under settings, then I think network or something a file called PRI or something like that update, so I hit it. It asked me if it could put the phone in Airplane mode for a few minutes, I said yes, it did some stuff, I seen a progress bar at the bottom doing stuff, then told me the update was successful, and to reset. So I did, once it came back up I had not data, no phone, no nothing. When I try and call my VM I get welcome to the american roaming network. So I decided to call Sprint and see what then could do. Well the kept trying to have me enter ##004491# and of course nothing worked. I got them into the EPST screen and they had me changing some default profile to 1 from 0 and changing the NAI to my username@sprintpcs.com, also on that same page a AAA Secret and some IP changes. Once rebooted it still did nothing. So I hung up, flashed back the stock radio and rom. Called again and they still could not get into the programing menu. So they told me I need to take it back to a store to see if they can fix it. So in recap I cleared the data, flashed back the stock radio and rom and still no data or phone calls. Sprint cannot get into the programming and want me to take it to a store.

So I post this first as a warning to other, I'd advise you not to hit those update prl, profile, pri...something bad happens.

Secondly, by chance I'm hoping someone see this and knows of a fix so I dont have to take it to the store.....

Thanks all

When you flashed back to stock, did you use the Shipped exe or just the extracted NBH? I believe the shipped exe has the PRI in it as well, so if you didn't use that one, try it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 06:45 AM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
Secondly, by chance I'm hoping someone see this and knows of a fix so I dont have to take it to the store.....

Thanks all

This has been happening to people for a while now. It happens when you have a sprint touch pro on sprint service and you have a custom rom along with the dcd sprint carrier cab. Then when you try to do the Update PRI, thats when it screws up your EPST settings. I posted in the Energy Rom thread a couple weeks ago warning people not to do the PRI update cause everyone was using that carrier cab. dcd has a new sprint carrier cab that he put on his website the other day, so i'm not sure if this problem still happens with that one.

Anyways...here is the thread about this problem and the fix. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=64718
If that doesn't fix it, then you have to go on the sprint website and re-activate your phone, then it will work.

Also...make sure you do what banzaiwolfe mentioned above first. You should always flash back to the shipped rom when you have a major problem like this.

Last edited by razorloves; 06-13-2009 at 06:56 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

yea that happend to me the other mine got fix over the phone i did relock it and stock back they when deep down the bios and change some words and i got my data back some how it got a little faster my 1x the person that help was sprint tech advance suport 3
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 12:56 PM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

I've not seen a PRI update option on a WinMo device before. Usually, if the update is on the phone, it's stored in the extended ROM and runs during customization (normally labled radio_refurbish.cab).

Updating PRL or Profile for Sprint shouldn't hurt anything, but as a rule of thumb, leave the PRI alone.

There is a PRI update in the Sprint Updated ROM in the "Stock ROM links". I'm pretty sure that the PRI isn't included with the original shipped ROM, and for sure not in the dumped version. Might try flashing that ROM since it DOES change the PRI. At least it will go back to a good Sprint PRI that does work.

Here's the link to the updated ROM with the PRI (The newer Sprint PRI number included is 1.53, the original Sprint PRI is 1.47 but I don't think it's included in any of the shipped ROMs): http://rapidshare.com/files/17615341...3_Ship.exe.zip

If you extract it and look inside, you'll see a PPST patch. That's the 1.53 PRI. Best to flash the entire ROM though.
PRL: Preferred Roaming List (Totally safe to update)
PRI: Preferred Radio Instructions (I ALWAYS leave this one alone since you can easily damage your device with an incorrect version)

Last edited by veedubguru; 06-13-2009 at 01:26 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Yes, I'm quite familiar with them, I said PRI, not PRL. There are icons for PRL update, and Profile update, but there is no "Update PRI". I'm actually on Sprint and run the stock ROM from time to time. PRI isn't one of the update options. Unless you're saying that when you do a PRL, or Profile update that it somehow updates PRI too, but that's not what those programs do. PRL update is supposed to update the roaming list, Profile Update is supposed to update your Sprint user information. He didn't say that it was the PRL that messed up his phone. He said a PRI did it.

And just to clear this up once an for all, can the OP post what's in thier "Device Information" screen? That way we'll know what PRI and PRL you're running.

Last edited by veedubguru; 06-13-2009 at 02:19 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

I have the same issue after I updated stock roms before from 6.0 to 6.1 on my mogul. Exact same symptoms. It took them 2 days to figure out all they had to do was re-activate my phone on sprints side.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: Warning! Hosed my phone with PRI Update....

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
Yes, I'm quite familiar with them, I said PRI, not PRL. There are icons for PRL update, and Profile update, but there is no "Update PRI". I'm actually on Sprint and run the stock ROM from time to time. PRI isn't one of the update options. Unless you're saying that when you do a PRL, or Profile update that it somehow updates PRI too, but that's not what those programs do. PRL update is supposed to update the roaming list, Profile Update is supposed to update your Sprint user information. He didn't say that it was the PRL that messed up his phone. He said a PRI did it.

And just to clear this up once an for all, can the OP post what's in thier "Device Information" screen? That way we'll know what PRI and PRL you're running.
It doesn't matter what prl he's running. The problem is he installed a dcd sprint carrier cab that was created for the Mogul. That cab installs the old PRI from the mogul. And when he clicked on Update PRI, it screws up the EPST settings when it attempts to install the new PRI. All he has to do is flash the shipped rom to put the original rom, radio, prl, and pri back on the phone then follow the suggestions i made in my post above. Or, as someone else suggested above, he can get a hold of someone at sprint that knows what they're doing and they can walk him through fixing it.
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