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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 04:25 AM
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Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

I was having the popular USB not charging problem with my Sprint Touch Pro and I put on my thinking cap and come up with a nifty solution. Yes this topic has been posted in several threads, but I wanted to put this info into it's own thread so everybody can go to one thread to see what I have to suggest. First of all I will reconfirm some previously mentioned tips that various members have already suggested that are essential for USB charging.

1.) If and when possible, charged battery before tethering. (quite obvious I know)

2.) Turn off your display screen while tethering using the power button on top left corner.

3.) Make sure the USB drivers are all properly installed on your PC for your device.

4.) Keeping your phone cool is essential! If it gets too hot then the protection feature will kick in and you know how that goes. Improvise if necessary to keep your phone as cool as possible when doing heavy data streaming.

5.) When you connect your TP to your PC with the USB cable, you should always choose the "Disk Drive" connection NOT Activesync. Also when connected to your PC, you should see the circular light flashing in the usual rotating fashion the same way it does when you charge with your home ac adapter charger. If it's not then it's not charging. Check for other problems such as usb drivers, faulty usb cable, faulty usb port, etc.

Now that I have covered all those basics that most of you already know, heres the important piece of info that will put your tethering issues way behind you!!! I had the usb not charging suffeciently issue so I started brain storming. I used to be with Verizon and had a wireless usb720 modem that I used for my internet needs. That specific model usb modem comes with a special usb cable with dual male connectors on one end with the single female connector on the other end. The dual male ends both plug into two side by side usb ports. The main male usb connector serves as your main usb cable and can be use by itself. The second male usb connector is only capable of supplying "additional" power to the entire usb cable. So in other words with this special usb cable, you get twice the power to supply your phone with. This special usb cable was designed for this purpose to use with a wireless usb720 modem because they require more milliamps to get peak performance. So therefore I took this cable and took a chance on overpowering my phone and it works beautifully with no issues.
My "Sprint Speed" is faster than before. Go snag yourself one of these dual feed usb cables and give it a try!!! You will be happy you did. Just keep your phone cool if needed and you will have no more undercharging issues!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 04:36 AM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Why couldn't we just use the multi-adapter that came with the phone?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 07:23 AM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Originally Posted by intrlude View Post
Why couldn't we just use the multi-adapter that came with the phone?
It's not the same. You are talking about the awkward audio adapter right?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Do keep in mind that the way those cables are made supply up to 8-10volts of power (at least the majority do--to power portable hard drives). Maybe you got lucky with yours and it was lined up so the amperage doubled rather than voltage (1000mA vs 500mA). Be careful when using the double-male to female connectors, most all of them will do damage to your TP. It's made to take up to 900mA, not 10volts.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Originally Posted by RonDutt View Post
Do keep in mind that the way those cables are made supply up to 8-10volts of power (at least the majority do--to power portable hard drives). Maybe you got lucky with yours and it was lined up so the amperage doubled rather than voltage (1000mA vs 500mA). Be careful when using the double-male to female connectors, most all of them will do damage to your TP. It's made to take up to 900mA, not 10volts.
I will double check milliamps and dc voltage with my fluke meter. I will connect both male ends into my PC and check the voltage on the female end of the USB cable and post back. I'm pretty sure it will not exceed 1000mA. Milliamps will not damage the phone or battery, voltage on the other hand will. In any case I have insurance and besides it's still under munufacturer warranty.... So SHHHHhhhhhh!!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 09:49 PM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

After checking voltage and amperage with my fluke, I have come to the conclusion that final output voltage is just a tad over 5V (5.108V). The voltage stays the same with just one or both usb connectors plugged into my PC. By using both i get more amperage and a solid chargeing state reguardless of data usage when tethered. I have done tests with constant video streaming without a single hicup and I started with under a half charged battery and after a few hours my battery was almost fully charged. Again this was with constant video streaming the whole time while also doing some web browsing at the same time. I am happy with the results and I have no fears of damaging my Touch Pro now that I have confirmed the voltage output. This is with the usb cable that I have. I'm not sure about the other one you mentioned above designed for hard drives although it being usb it should function the exact same as mine does as long as your computer supplies the same amount of dc voltage and is "daisy chained" to neighboring usb ports. For example if your usb ports on the front of your pc are supplied 5V from your power supply on it's own single circuit, then voltage will not double when plugging in both usb connectors. You will still have 5V. On the other hand, if you were to somehow tap into a front usb port and also a usb port from the rear of your computer, you will likely run into trouble as the ports are fed by a seperate circuit in most cases. I wouldn't suggest even trying that, beside you would have to adapt the usb cable and add an extion to accomplish that anyhow. Anyways this setup is working beautifully for me and for whatever it's worth I hope any of you with charging issues while tethering will give this method a try and post back with your results.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
It's not the same. You are talking about the awkward audio adapter right?
Yes, I was speaking of the audio adapter. For some reason, I thought that the adapter, had a usb connection on the side. It's just an audio out.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 12:00 AM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Greetings. Couldn't ya just use no2chems nuebattery fastcharge? It does this. "FastCharge, which allows you to draw up to 900mA from a USB port (or other charger that your phone thinks is just a USB port)"
More info here-

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 12:35 AM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Originally Posted by dschoenike View Post
Greetings. Couldn't ya just use no2chems nuebattery fastcharge? It does this. "FastCharge, which allows you to draw up to 900mA from a USB port (or other charger that your phone thinks is just a USB port)"
More info here-

yup. asdionvionioewoivaoivsoid STUPID FILLER
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: Touch Pro USB Under Charging Solution!!!

Originally Posted by 1999TL View Post
yup. asdionvionioewoivaoivsoid STUPID FILLER
anybody know the probability of damaging your phone with that app?
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