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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 11:55 PM
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Pocket PC: HTC Touch Pro Alltel on Verizon
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Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

I've got a touch pro that I bought because it was an Alltel raphael 800 (non gimped edition). As of right now it makes calls, gets txts, voicemail etc etc, but no data yet And doesn't matter what radio or rom I put in it, the phone still knows its an alltel phone. By that I mean it says "Alltel extended" on my home screen instead of verizon, and no matter what it always says mynumber@alltel.net in the M.IP settings. I can change it to mynumber@vzw3g.com but it doesn't help much as far as getting data to work. I'm basically cloning my HTC titan (XV6800)'s settings because EPST is identical and I have been using QPST and QXDM to copy the MIP settings and get almost to the point where everything matches but no go. *228 puts everything back to alltel settings. So I'm almost out of ideas and I'll probably copy this message into a thread to get more help on because its been a few days and I'm running out of ideas. I've had XV6700's and XV6800's and even a XV6900 and they all come out just fine and work perfectly on stock roms. I first put the sprint rom on the phone to do a few things that included having to use mtty and a couple other things, then mightyrom 6, then the verizon rom, the energy rom. At least now it says Verizon when you turn the phone on instead of "touch pro" so I know that did some good. I've been through a few different radios too. Any ideas why this phone is being a pain in the ass? I also have another old phone that I use to reset the DMU (activating that phone and then the new phone) resetting) and I guess I can give it a few more tries. Just wonder why all the sudden this phone is being such a pain. The only other difference is my other HTC's have all been verizon branded, but I don't know why that should matter because after-all, this phone is what ever brand I flash it to. Any help would be awesome. I do have skills in hacking pretty much any aspect of these HTC's but for some reason this phone not cooperating.

Thanks for any ideas.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 07:42 AM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

I'm sure you have but did you Contact Verizon Tech Support to see if they can possibly put your ESN into our system and maybe make it work?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

yup, the phone does make and receive calls and txt and everything else. But for some reason I still get the Alltel Extended Banner at the top and my PRL and a couple other things change from where I set them at once I do a *228. The PRI is the verizon 1.46.002. So that should be fine too.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 12:23 PM
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Progress. ERI?

Recently flashed to verizon PRI 2.01. Little better. Thought for a while I cured that "alltel extended" eri banner which as it turns out is roaming... duh... But after a while it came back. I was however able to do a *228 update PRL and it downloaded the same PRL that is in my Titan and now the PRL parameters in EPST look identical. So thats progress. Current hardware roms are:
Energy Rom with sense 2.5 (WM 6.5)
1.03.09v radio
2.01 PRI
51897 PRL

How do I change the ERI? I honestly don't know where I should be looking for the ERI version, however it should be the verizon version because I flashed a verizon stock rom once and now my phone says "verizon, please wait while your phone boots up" instead of "touch pro" like it used to when I'd do a reset.
Furthermore, what ERI version should I have.

Maybe I'll just try another DMU reset and see what happens.

PS: any cab fixes for the D-Pad buttons, they're pretty buggy.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 04:16 AM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

OK! I just took searching to a new level. FYI, PPCgeeks has no info at all in the touch pro forums on how to update the ERI. There is mention of the ERI and that it does exist but thats about it. A bunch of members saying update it. So of course I checked with the guys over at howardforums, XDADevelopers, and even the new mobilefiles and finally found it! And I'll even tell you kind people how to update it on these phones because no-one else has on ppcgeeks at all (trust me, I searched with every combo of keywords on ppcgeeks search).

So its simple: updating the ERI can be done two ways one better than the other. Get your ERI.bin file and then do a ##ERI or ##ERI# or ##ERI send (whichever one works for you just like updating the PRL) then you'll get into EPST after you enter in the lock code and then navigate to the folder you put the ERI.bin file into, select it, and then OK and it updates and resets. I've been told sometimes it doesn't actually work, So use QPST. Then navigate to the ERI folder, and drop the ERI.bin file into there. That will work.

And the DMU which I didn't find much info on. Drop the "10.key" file into the DMU folder like the ERI file.

Ok so now its got all verizon software and radios and everything. Reset the phone and notice the ERI banner is gone or it says Verizon Wireless instead and disregard the word "alltel" on the top right of the phone because it is now a 100% Verizon Network Raphael 800 phone. After you get the phone to receive its secret keys in epst by A: giving it time or B: getting the phone into 1x mode and having it log onto the data network (Either way will take a few tries for the phone to get them, be patient) the Data part of the phone will now work, and if you happen to have the same radio and what-not like my phone does, chances are the GPS will get a lock on 10 satellites or more in under 10 seconds.

Everything works, everything is verizon... on a (Altell) Touch Pro Raphael 800 with all its real potential like the Touch Pro should have been from verizon.

Thank you Courtney1985 for at least leaving a reply.

PS, I seriously thought about not attaching these files because none of them were found on ppcgeeks but instead I give thanks to xdadevelopers, Howard Forums, and my favorite anything goes site; MobileFiles. Here they are, I consider these files the missing link because everything worked after these were installed and happen to be the least talked about files that make the biggest difference for everything else on the phone as far as porting it to a different carrier:
PRI>2.01 VZW
Thank you ppcg for having some good links to roms and what-not.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Vzw_Public_Dmu_10.key.zip (254 Bytes, 48 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip vzw_eri_4.zip (242 Bytes, 77 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab PPST2.01.CAB (434.3 KB, 41 views) Click for barcode!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

Huge thanks rotary,
Me and my wifes TP's were with verizon. One day I broke my phone and got a replacement through Assurion, but got a verizon TP. Their story was that after merger, they did not hav Alltel TPs anymore. Some time later my wifes data connection stopped working. I hope, your method will fix it.

Thanks again.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

QPST Is warez.
3) No illegal content (Zero Tolerance Rule*)
Posting of Illegal software (cracks, keygens, etc) is not permitted. So DON'T do it. We have a zero-tolerance for anything related to warez and ESN cloning, this includes distributing them via PMs. Do not do anything that would get PPCGeeks in trouble such as posting copyrighted material. Although we may not agree with every takedown notice we receive we have to abide by the The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.

Just following the rules and don't want you to get in trouble.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

If you must know I used MTTY to superCID the phone so that is was fully unlocked to update roms, radios, prls, eris, etc. I didn't use mtty to superCID the phone and make it so I could zero out the ME!D. Verizon had no problem with adding my phone to their network so illegal activity was not used in the process... relax. As for Qualcom Product Support Tool QPST, I obtained it legally, and didn't use it to make money or sell. The copyright still stands on QPST.

However, I could have used BitPim with the settings in a generic phone setting in order to access its file system and do the exact same thing I did with QPST's EFS Explorer. So, should I rewrite the post as if I used BitPim, which is opensource freeware?

No PMs have been sent nor received on this forum regarding E$N or ME!D cloning, repairing, solution's, or modifying in any way, Mods can check my PM box to verify.
I have however received PMs from people thanking me, or asking for clarification or solutions to other problems they're having that I can help them with.

All in all, this is a thread on a subject that has never been discussed straight forward, I think we can all agree this is a benefit to the forum.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2010, 02:54 AM
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Re: Alltel TP to Verizon. one big problem...data. Please help

"After you get the phone to receive its secret keys in epst by A: giving it time or B: getting the phone into 1x mode and having it log onto the data network (Either way will take a few tries for the phone to get them, be patient) the Data part of the phone will now work"
I'm curious what you mean by that. Did you need to do anything with the HA and AAA shared keys? I thought Verizon closed their network to any phones that were non-verizon (like my sprint touch pro for instance)?

When I switched my phone over to Verizon I'm not sure if I messed with the ERI, but I do know I haven't gotten data working. I was informed it might be the HA/AAA shared keys (and of course, the right ones weren't backed up).

Also when people around here read the word "clone" they wet themselves. You did nothing wrong/against the rules, so don't panic.

edit: can you attach the PRI?

Last edited by TPMJB; 06-28-2010 at 02:58 AM.
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