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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 10:33 PM
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S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

I have been playing with my Raphael for about two weeks now and the last two days I've been tweaking settings for S2U2 and Gyrator2 ...
I just got them configured the way I wanted and thought I would share my setup in-case anyone was having problems getting these apps to play nice or just wants some ideas to make them more productive ...

I've tested this on the stock Sprint ROM and on no2chem's 2.17 with no problems ... Hibby's 2.17 however doesn't seem to be working with the "Lock when screen turns off" option ...

First off ... make sure you have the newest version of both apps since some issues that have been recently fixed will cause lots of trouble if you try to use an older version ...
I'm using Gyrator2 2008.12.10 r1 and S2U2 1.36 ...

The latest release of Gyrator2 is always available at the author's site here http://gyrator.brins0.net/?page=downloads
Likewise, you can find the latest version of S2U2 at it's author's site here http://www.ac-s2.com download the version for VGA devices.

Remember if you like these apps and plan on using them long-term you should donate ... brins0, A_C, and other authors like them work very hard with little or no return to bring the community great software and keep it up to date ...

We will start with S2U2 ... Once it's successfully installed, run S2U2Settings (Start\Programs\S2U2\S2U2Settings) and start rooting around ...
The settings I found to be important are as follows:

Lock when device wakes up: ON
When this option isn't turned on S2U2 doesn't seem to like starting up after you have suspended your TP with the power button ... I rarely use the power button to suspend with my setup but I kept this on for versatility ...

Lock when screen is blank: ON
This is the main trigger we use to lock our TP ... I've noticed that locking by turning off the screen rather than suspending the device makes S2U2 display much faster on wake up and prevents sluggish animation or sliding response ... I assume this is because S2U2 is being executed before the device suspends rather than after it wakes up ...

On Battery Power: Power off in: ??s
This setting doesn't have to be exact as long as its not set to OFF ...

On Battery Power: But blank screen only: OFF
Since we are triggering S2U2 most of the time by just turning off the screen, we need to use this option to make sure S2U2 suspends the device completely ...

Ignore screen rotation: ON
This option isn't completely neccessary but I personally think it makes the whole setup respond alot cleaner ... It allows Gyrator2 to bring your screen back to the orientation your holding it in after having left your pocket or case, without making S2U2 hang up forever trying to redraw itself after rotations ...

On wake, delay the start of S2U2: 500ms
Leaving this option at the default 500ms delay helps prevent some cases where S2U2 re-locks itself immediately after unlocking. It also helps with keeping everything clean and snappy in regards to the rotation issue above ...

We can now save and exit S2U2Settings and do a quick registry edit to remove Internet Explorer from the exception list ...
Open your favorite registry editor and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2 ...
Look for the values titled ExceptionEXE0 through ExceptionEXE9 ... one of them has the data "iexplore.exe" ... Replace the entry with a blank string and update the registry ...
I'm not sure what A_C's original intention was when including Internet Explorer in the list but I removed it since Internet Explorer would otherwise have to be closed for the setup to react correctly ...

Now that we have S2U2 set up correctly we can move on to Gyrator2 ... Once it's successfully installed, run it (Start\Programs\Gyrator2), open the menu on the lower right, and tap events ... Once you have the event screen opened you can add/edit/remove/reorder all the events by tapping and holding on the event name or the background ...
Heres a rundown of the events I have set and thier order:

Hang up phone and lock: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Simulate keypress and Turn screen off
-Advanced: 115
This event hangs the phone up and locks when the phone is turned face-down or upside-down ... This only differs from the included default event in that it is triggered when face-down also, and it turns off the screen to trigger S2U2 ... Unfortunately S2U2 is only triggered if it was running when the call came in, I'm not sure of the reasons but I have a theory if anyone is interested ... Even with the small limitation this event is still very useful ...

Reject call and lock: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone - Incoming
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Simulate keypress and Turn screen off
-Advanced: 115
This event is very similar to the previous except that it rejects an incoming call ...

Answer call: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone - Incoming
-Orientation: portrait
-Actions: Simulate keypress
-Advanced: 114
This is a default included event that answers an incoming call when you rotate to portrait. I changed the name and corrected the application string only ... Unfortunately this event is not triggered if "Reject call and lock" is enabled so you will have to decide which one is more important to you ... This is due to the way that Gyrator2 handles events, hopefully with a bit of feedback, brins0 can give us more options in the future that will allow both ...

Lock: Orientation event.
-Application *
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Turn screen off
This event turns the screen off (and triggers S2U2) when you place your TP face-down or upside-down ... I used these orientations in this and the first two events because I always put my mobile devices into my pocket or case upside-down and I can't think of any situation where you would have it face-down and still be using it ...

Disable (Opera)
Disable (Manilla)
Disable (Teeter)
Disable (YouTube)
Disable (Camera)
These are all included default events that I did not alter ...

Rotate: Orientation event.
-Application: *
-Orientation: portrait, landscape, and reverse-landscape
-Actions: Rotate screen
This is the default included event that rotates the screen after all other events have been parsed ... I removed all but the three orientations listed above to help prevent any other lag or mis-rotation issues ...

To simplify things for anyone who wants to use my event list exactly I'll include the contents of my Events.ini file ...

Hang up phone and lock,Phone ,1,20,160,,115
Reject call and lock,Phone - Incoming,1,20,160,,115
Answer call,Phone - Incoming,1,1,132,,114
Disable (Opera),Opera,1,1,1,,0
Disable (Manila),Manila,1,1,1,,0
Disable (Teeter),TEETER,1,1,1,,0
Disable (YouTube),HTCYOUTUBE,1,1,1,,0
Disable (Camera),IACSP20_Main,1,1,1,,0

Now a few miscelanneous system settings to finish it all off ...

Start\Settings\System\Key Lock: Do not lock buttons
This setting allows you to wake your TP up with any button press instead of having to press the power button ... I usually use the dpad-ok button to wake my TP so that I don't have to use two hands or reposition it multiple times with one ...

Start\Settings\System\Power\Advanced\On Battery Power:
-Turn off backlight if device is not used for: UNCHECKED
-Turn off device if not used for: 2 min
These settings are a matter of preferance but I included them anyway

The Conclusion!!!

So thats it ... have fun ...
Remember if something isn't responding the way it should, try to soft-reset ... Many times during my adventure I hit a wall and a soft-reset was the cure ...

Hopefully this has been useful to someone .... If anyone notices errors or has something to add please do, and if neccessary, I'll edit this post ...
---- volpe Deus ---- Device: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Branded) ROM: Under Construction -- Radio: Sprint 2.32.00WF -- PRL: 60660 -- OS: WM6.5 b23554 -- GUI: Sense 2.5.2012 --
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 10:34 AM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Thanks! I just got my Touch Pro on Sunday and was fiddling around with S2U2 and Gyrator2 last night, but couldn't get them to play how I wanted them to (they kept fighting each other over certain tasks). This pretty much got it down how I want it (there's a few other tweaks I wanna do, but this is good for now).

One thing I changed, just because it annoyed me (personal preference) is that I didn't have any of the turn off screen/lock events trigger with the screen in reverse portrait mode, since often times I will rotate through that orientation while going between the landscapes, and didn't like it locking the screen on me.

Also, I don't know what causes it, but for me, when the device is locked and I try using "any button" to wake it up, I can only use the power button and the center D-pad button. If I try using any of the home/back/call/end keys, they will light up, but the screen doesn't turn on, and then I can't even use the D-pad to wake it up anymore (though the power button still works). Does your device behave similarly?

Last edited by Anonymatt; 12-16-2008 at 10:44 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Originally Posted by Anonymatt View Post
Thanks! I just got my Touch Pro on Sunday and was fiddling around with S2U2 and Gyrator2 last night, but couldn't get them to play how I wanted them to (they kept fighting each other over certain tasks). This pretty much got it down how I want it (there's a few other tweaks I wanna do, but this is good for now).
Well I'm glad someone found it useful If you come up with any other useful tricks make sure to post them here and I'll try to work them into the OP ...

Originally Posted by Anonymatt View Post
One thing I changed, just because it annoyed me (personal preference) is that I didn't have any of the turn off screen/lock events trigger with the screen in reverse portrait mode, since often times I will rotate through that orientation while going between the landscapes, and didn't like it locking the screen on me.
Aww thats my favorite part!!! lol

Originally Posted by Anonymatt View Post
Also, I don't know what causes it, but for me, when the device is locked and I try using "any button" to wake it up, I can only use the power button and the center D-pad button. If I try using any of the home/back/call/end keys, they will light up, but the screen doesn't turn on, and then I can't even use the D-pad to wake it up anymore (though the power button still works). Does your device behave similarly?
I just played with it a bit and yes I have the exact same results (dpad-center or dpad-directional wakes it)... What I did notice was that it only responds that way when it has been locked by turning off the screen ... If you turn the screen off with the power button then any button will wake it up ... even volume buttons and the hard-keyboard ... Although I don't have a problem with it being that way since I always use the dpad-center to wake, I'll play with it a bit more and try to find out what the issue is ...

I can see that it could become a problem if another key was pressed while in your pocket or case and then when you try to wake it in a rush your dpad doesn't work ...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

I don't know exactly what is going on, but this is what I have observed so far with about a weeks worth of use. first off I don't know if this is causing it or not, but I have noticed my battery draining very fast (about 6 hours with minimal usage). I think what is happening is that the screen is turning off, but the device stays "on". I am going to disable s2u2 and/or gyrator and see if i get improved battery life. As it is right now it is just way too short, and as much as I love this set up I can't sacrifice battery life.

The reason I think this is happening is because i have observed (as you noted) that when the device locks by the screen blanking (like when placing face down), pressing the hardware keys will only light them up, but the screen will remain blanked. If the device is locked with the power button, then the hardware keys will turn the device back on like normal.

Also, if locking by turning off screen (ie placing face down), then applications like music and other programs that use the speaker will continue to run like normal, but if the top power button is pressed then those applications stop.

i did try going a day by only locking with the top power button, but I'm not sure it saved much battery (it looked a little bit better, but not sure). i think the hardware buttons kept getting pushed, though, and then the screen would eventually time out, but again, perhaps the device didn't turn off.

So it seems like this setup might only be turning off the screen and not the device, causing excessive battery drain (or maybe something else might be causing it, or maybe the battery life really is this terrible).
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 11:27 AM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

I'm new to gyrator and have tried it in the past but couldn't figure it out, I saw your post and decided to give it another try. But here's my problem... Using your settings when I'm in a call my screen orientation rotates to landscape and I can't hang up the call. I have to wait for the other caller to terminate the call. Also, I had to create this:
Reject call and lock: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone - Incoming
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Simulate keypress and Turn screen off
-Advanced: 115
This event is very similar to the previous except that it rejects an incoming call ...

and didn't have the option for phone - incoming. Just had to select 'phone'. Is that still correct? thanks!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 11:29 AM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Originally Posted by nursemm05 View Post
I'm new to gyrator and have tried it in the past but couldn't figure it out, I saw your post and decided to give it another try. But here's my problem... Using your settings when I'm in a call my screen orientation rotates to landscape and I can't hang up the call. I have to wait for the other caller to terminate the call. Also, I had to create this:
Reject call and lock: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone - Incoming
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Simulate keypress and Turn screen off
-Advanced: 115
This event is very similar to the previous except that it rejects an incoming call ...

and didn't have the option for phone - incoming. Just had to select 'phone'. Is that still correct? thanks!
Im right with you, i used his settings, was finally enjoying both...until i got a call..lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 12:20 PM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Originally Posted by nursemm05 View Post
I'm new to gyrator and have tried it in the past but couldn't figure it out, I saw your post and decided to give it another try. But here's my problem... Using your settings when I'm in a call my screen orientation rotates to landscape and I can't hang up the call. I have to wait for the other caller to terminate the call. Also, I had to create this:
Reject call and lock: Orientation event.
-Application: Phone - Incoming
-Orientation: reverse-portrait and face-down.
-Actions: Simulate keypress and Turn screen off
-Advanced: 115
This event is very similar to the previous except that it rejects an incoming call ...

and didn't have the option for phone - incoming. Just had to select 'phone'. Is that still correct? thanks!

I think in Gyrator when you select the program it is listed as "Call - Incoming" but once you select it it changes to "Phone - Incoming"

I set my Gyrator to disable screen rotation for the phone screen, since it annoyed me when it happened. I haven't had any problems like that with it always in the portrait orientation.
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:02 PM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Originally Posted by Anonymatt View Post
I don't know exactly what is going on, but this is what I have observed so far with about a weeks worth of use. first off I don't know if this is causing it or not, but I have noticed my battery draining very fast (about 6 hours with minimal usage). I think what is happening is that the screen is turning off, but the device stays "on". I am going to disable s2u2 and/or gyrator and see if i get improved battery life. As it is right now it is just way too short, and as much as I love this set up I can't sacrifice battery life.

The reason I think this is happening is because i have observed (as you noted) that when the device locks by the screen blanking (like when placing face down), pressing the hardware keys will only light them up, but the screen will remain blanked. If the device is locked with the power button, then the hardware keys will turn the device back on like normal.

Also, if locking by turning off screen (ie placing face down), then applications like music and other programs that use the speaker will continue to run like normal, but if the top power button is pressed then those applications stop.

i did try going a day by only locking with the top power button, but I'm not sure it saved much battery (it looked a little bit better, but not sure). i think the hardware buttons kept getting pushed, though, and then the screen would eventually time out, but again, perhaps the device didn't turn off.

So it seems like this setup might only be turning off the screen and not the device, causing excessive battery drain (or maybe something else might be causing it, or maybe the battery life really is this terrible).
I seem to be having the exact same issues as you do with battery life.

I want to run these two programs along with IFonz to make my HTC Touch Pro have a slick IPhone like interface. However, when the battery drains like crazy it isn't worth it!
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

Here is another problem I noticed with Gyrator and S2U2.

Sometimes when S2U2 is running along with Gyrator, the S2U2 unlock screen will pop up, only to be followed by the default unlock screen in Gyrator. I really don't want to have to unlock my phone twice!

Any suggestions?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: S2U2 and Gyrator2 on TP .. my setup

I don't understand how to disable screen rotation? I am trying to disable screen rotation for galarm but can't seem to figure it out. I added GAlarm in the applications.ini, then created an event, but can't seem to disable GAlarm roation?
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