a few other tricks worth posting..
so i know a few of these may be already posted on the site, but im sure a few arent.. and let me tell ya, that touchflo performance boost is exactly what it says.. ive noticed a BIG improvement in responsiveness with it. even with flicking through the pics and contacts.. everything is snappy and hardly any lag at all.. actually its not even just tf3d, its the overall performance of the touchpro IMO, check it out for yourselves and post so i dont look like im crazy lol
Boost TFL3D Performance =>> HKLM\System\Storagemanager\Fatfs you have to change the key Cachesize from 16384 to 32768 and also in HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit you have to enter 16384 or 32768 (DWORD decimal) instead of 8192 (the default value) Wake Up on New SMS =>> HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent key usually has the 1 value. Changing this value to 0 will turn the screen on if you want. Enable GPS photo =>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P10 you have to change the enabled key value from 0 to 1 Now this is one of the HTC Touch Pro Tricks I use the most: Adjust screen sensitivity =>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\TouchPanel Value = PressureThreshold Change from the default dword:00000027 or 34 to dword:000000f0 or 240 in decimal Multiple Camera Modes =>> burst can be enabled in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P6 . The enabled value must be changed from 0 to 1 ,just Keep the button pressed down to take more pictures while sport can be done in the same way , but in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P8 ( 5 pictures in quick succesion ) Enable video share by applying the following registry modification to your HTC Touch Pro=>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P9 ; change the value enabled from 0 to 1 Enable/disable HSUPA =>> HKLM\Software\HTC\AdvancedNetwork\SupportHSUPA 1 for enable ,0 for disable Remove or reduce Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbars on your HTC Touch Pro with the following trick: For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar: HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = closer to 0, the bar is smaller. 0 = totally removed (DWORD decimal) For the vertical (right) scrollbar: HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = closer to 0, the bar is smaller. 0 = totally removed (DWORD decimal) ![]() Here’s a cool Opera trick for your HTC Touch Pro=>> Download this opera.ini (http://jiehong.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/opera.zip) , If you have connection problems when you have both MSN and Opera running together and copy it to \Windows\Opera9\ Remove Operator Startup and Shutdown logo =>> under HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAnimation, remove key value of StartupGif, StartupWav, ShutdownGif and ShutdownWav Disabe AutoKill =>> if the applications are closing by themselves, you can disable AutoKill under HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManager, EnableAutoKill key value must be changed to 0
i hate idiots... seriously
samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol Last edited by blue4shizzle; 12-03-2008 at 02:41 AM. |
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