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View Poll Results: Are you text messages arriving about an hour or so after the sender sent it?
Yes, my text messages come in an hour or more later. 68 49.28%
I'm not getting my text messages at all. 1 0.72%
No, I haven't had any issues with text messages. 69 50.00%
Voters: 138. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 12:25 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

Here in San Angelo, TX, I can confirm that myself, my wife, parents, and brother (total of 5 people) are getting texts from each other hours after they were sent. This started today and caused a lot of confusion. Any chance this is a massive network issue?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 12:32 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

If you want to start a conspiracy, lately there have been sporadic outages in various places, also the semi-long YouTube outage, so maybe these things are related. But people have a tendency to see connections where there are actually none, so who knows. With telco companies you rarely or ever get straight answers and admissions about these kinds of problems when they happen unless they make the news. Sprint is hardly alone in this.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 12:37 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

Well, I do know they professed to have a citywide data outage last week here. They said it affected everyone, but it seemed to only affect those that had new Touch Pro's.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 02:01 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

I've never experienced the kinds of delays with previous phones that I'm noticing with the Pro. I think it's a problem with the radio personally. I also notice my voicemail notifications being 20 minutes delayed or longer at times.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 02:01 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

Perhaps I can help a little - this was a big problem for me ever since I got the TP - never had the problem with my prior Mogul. I get a lot of texts, and they started rolling in all throughout the night, even though they were sent in the afternoon. Some I received instaneously - others delayed by up to 12 hours.

Called Sprint Tech Support - first person just had the same "network outage" excuse, gave me a $60 credit, and refused to do anything else.

Called right back, demanded to go to the next level of Tech Support (level 2?) - finally got someone that actually wanted to help - and said the network outage was BS and has nothing to do with text messaging (!). Spent 2.5 hours on the phone with them. While they couldn't help me at first, they then went to their supervisor (level 3?) - and they had the solution that even this person hadn't heard of. He immediately knew the problem - said there was basically a "text message clog" in my routing, and they have a command that runs a "text message plunger" (I couldn't make this up if I tried) through the routing to my phone. Immediately worked - text messages became instantaneous and no further problems - old text messages came in right away as well - success!

I can also tell you the following did NOT work that tech support tried:

1. Changing the routing number on the phone
2. Resetting the phone
3. Turning off and then turning on SMS's on Sprint's side
4. Re-entering in account and plan information and/or resetting plan
5. Updating the profile

Unfortunately they didn't really give me the technical details - but I think if you consistently have this problem, you need to work your way up the tech support chain to get some of the uber-knowledgeable people.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 03:33 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

I don't get them an hour late, but it's definetly not immediate. If I send one to myself I get it about 5 to 6 min. later. It was like that with the Mogul and now the Touch Pro, so it's not device specific, it's Sprint's network.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 07:31 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

Originally Posted by eryeal View Post
Perhaps I can help a little - this was a big problem for me ever since I got the TP - never had the problem with my prior Mogul. I get a lot of texts, and they started rolling in all throughout the night, even though they were sent in the afternoon. Some I received instaneously - others delayed by up to 12 hours.

Called Sprint Tech Support - first person just had the same "network outage" excuse, gave me a $60 credit, and refused to do anything else.

Called right back, demanded to go to the next level of Tech Support (level 2?) - finally got someone that actually wanted to help - and said the network outage was BS and has nothing to do with text messaging (!). Spent 2.5 hours on the phone with them. While they couldn't help me at first, they then went to their supervisor (level 3?) - and they had the solution that even this person hadn't heard of. He immediately knew the problem - said there was basically a "text message clog" in my routing, and they have a command that runs a "text message plunger" (I couldn't make this up if I tried) through the routing to my phone. Immediately worked - text messages became instantaneous and no further problems - old text messages came in right away as well - success!

I can also tell you the following did NOT work that tech support tried:

1. Changing the routing number on the phone
2. Resetting the phone
3. Turning off and then turning on SMS's on Sprint's side
4. Re-entering in account and plan information and/or resetting plan
5. Updating the profile

Unfortunately they didn't really give me the technical details - but I think if you consistently have this problem, you need to work your way up the tech support chain to get some of the uber-knowledgeable people.
My story is almost exactly the same as yours only I never have found the right person to fix this. I've been with Sprint since the beginning of time and this is the first phone, that offered true text messaging, that I've seen this with. I would encourage people to open up text messaging and send themselves 10 messages in a row and see how fast they trickle in. Mine take hours at best.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2009, 08:18 PM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

I think this is certainly phone related, though it may be Windows Mobile related. I had three generations of Treo before I upgraded to the Touch Pro and this is the first time I've had widespread issues like this. This can't be a network problem exclusively.

I'll have to see if I can get this elusive plunger treatment. Problem is, the phone shouldn't have changed this.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

Not just on my TP, but I also had the delay on my Mogul. The network coverage in my apartment isn't the best but its pretty annoying.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 01:33 AM
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Re: Anyone having delayed text messages on their TP?

this text delay problem just starting happening to me again for the 2nd time. I called sprint today and they stated that this is a nationwide problem. But my brother,girl and about four of my friends live within block from each other and I'm the only one to have this problem. First time was in January and it went on for about a month. Sprint needs to step their game up on this.
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