Re: Won't charge with wall charger
The phone does stop charging when it gets too hot. Try disabling WiFi and Bluetooth before charging. If that doesn't work, try turning off the radio. If you don't want to do that, try putting a plastic bag over a ziplock bag of ice, then placing your phone above [the extra bag is to prevent condensation from getting on your phone]
Removing the battery cover and opening the keyboard also helps heat dissipate.
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
Lol, I'll go one step further. I'll run an extension cord to my fridge in the kitcen and charge it in there. Seriously though, nothing on but BT. This is retarded if heat is actually the issue here. Why is it so hard for HTC to make a phone that is issue free? (overheating while charging is ridiculous) I'm thinking about getting rid of my TP and becoming Amish. |
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
I had the exact same problem with the orginial Touch. Is there a regedit or something so that we can up the limit before the thing stops charging. It seems a little ridiculously low.
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
There must be something... When I installed WMWiFiRouter, it initially wouldn't even run because it said that it detected too high of a battery temp. (Which was not the case, the device was freshly turned on and cold). Something is making the device think that it is running hot when it is not.
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
Has anyone still had this problem? Here is my situation, I used a car charger for my GPS to charge my TP. Now for some reason my wall charger will not charge up my phone, I have to charge my phone thru my laptop or PS3. I bought a new battery thinkin that would help, NOTHING. I still have to charge my phone thru a computer. The guys in the sprint store told me that it could be the charger or the battery or even defect on the phone. My phone is runnin on the METROPCS network so Sprint reps don't really wanna help me because its on there network.... Any suggestions on what the problem could be?
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
So you tried a new battery, but did you try a new charger? Sounds like your phone is fine if it is charging elsewhere, but if the only thing its not charging on is your wall charger then my assumption is its a bad wall charger. |
Re: Won't charge with wall charger
I have almost the same problem 3 car chargers won't charge my TP but work on everything else like my gps so I know there good but it will charge with the car power usb from the gps and will charge from my laptop.desktop and my htc wall charge have to try a reg wall charger