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Old 10-21-2008, 06:47 PM
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Exclamation Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)


This thread is meant to discuss the release of the CDMA Touch Pro and consolidate a lot of the info provided regarding its release. I'll try to keep this first posting updated as I can to help those that don't want to read pages of posts.

I know that a lot of people are anxiously awaiting the Touch Pro and tensions can get high.

I ask that you all follow 2 simple rules for this thread to keep it relevant and to prevent it from being closed.

1. Stay On Topic

2. No bashing criticalaudioinc's reputation or authenticity. Based on the information he's provided publicly and privately, I have no reason to doubt him. I could be wrong, but we are acting on the assumption that he is legit for the purposes of this thread. If you think otherwise, post it in another thread.

FAQ - Most of this info has been so kindly offered by criticalaudioinc and much of it is direct quotes from him.

Who is criticalaudioinc (in his words)
I work in a repair/order/design facility for HTC and 1 other project That I work on. Our building is owned buy another corp But HTC owns the project guidelines. Kinda like how cell phone company lease out call centers for there support. You can lease out facilitys ( cheaper that way ) And set them as projects with in the facility. HTC owns most of it. Except for the Reverse Logistics which is the order portion and handles the shipments.

When is the Sprint Touch Pro going to be released?
11/2 For telesales and EVP orders. When they will be available in sprint stores is a question due to very low stock due to EVP orders and sprint preparing for the Diamond exchanges and telesales. It's in discussion about letting telesales except orders on Nov 1 or possibly Oct 26th but its on discussion from what corp sprint has provided.

All centers are pushing for shipping by 12:01 Oct 24th, That way we can keep the best buy push inline, but again is possible to be delayed until Nov 2. It was discussed its possible to be delayed but only if further issues arrise. But I have not been told anything further then that, So far it looks good.

UPDATE: Quote from official Sprint press release today (10/24) The HTC Touch Pro is priced at $299.99 with a two-year subscriber agreement, after a $100 mail-in-rebate and a $25-or-higher data add-on or Everything plan with data. Customers will be able to purchase the device in select national retailers beginning the week of Oct. 26 and in all Sprint sales channels, including online at www.sprint.com, 1-800-SPRINT1 and Sprint Stores, on Nov. 2.

UPDATE2: (as of 9:30pm CST 10/29) Spoke with sprint today about the release date, As stated there pushing for tomorrow or friday release. Are they promising it no. But that was the main discussion today one if it were possible and why. I did push the idea that releasing early would show customers that sprint values them, Sprint loves that statement from what I have seen. So its look good so far but as they stated it may not be released until Nov 2. and they are sticking to that statement

UPDATE3: Its now available via telesales and EVP. Go order!! - Check THIS THREAD for more info

UPDATE4: You can now pick it up in some Sprint stores. See THIS THREAD for more info.

What about Best Buy?
UPDATE: Some Best Buys have them now (10/24). I just picked up 2 of the 6 they had available at the Frisco, TX store. Tried at the Plano, TX store first, but they wouldn't sell until Sunday.
They are estimated to have them on 10/26. You can also get a 20% discount through their free rewards program through 11/1. See HERE for more info on the 20% discount and to sign up.
UPDATE: Check out THIS THREAD by tpmwr for lots of good BB info.
UPDATE2: Here is a link to the actual 20% Best Buy coupon for those interested - LINK

Can I pre-order?
Not unless you are eligible for the EVP program (LINK). Keep in mind they do have employment verification methods which I had to do for my pre-order. NOTE: Pay a few $ more for next day EVP shipping.

Why the delay?
Partly due to the large demand and partly due to some issues that are being fixed by centers like criticalaudioinc works in. Here are some of the issues listed:

Camera Lag issues - Software
GPS Lag issues - Software/reg edit
TF3D exception issues - software/reg edit/update
Camera Update - Software
System Performace with Processor - Software Update/patch
Speaker Volume issue - Check Hardware - Software/AD Update
Control PAD maulfunction - Software/Update

Was there a Recall?
Shipment of the pros was not recalled but pulled, due to they did not reach customers or stores or main hubs its not considered a recall. Criticalaudioinc is not the only person doing the rom repairs and updates, this means him and other co workers 200+. His HTC location is doing updates to the pro using the systems HTC provides along with serveral other locations. They use computer systems with 16 USB port configuration and his location currently has 153 systems. These systems are designed to flash 16 phones in 7 minutes that is around 2448 phones ever 7 minutes with all 153 systems. That is around 20983 phone per hour all together.

UPDATE: (~11pm CST 10/23) Last truck left the bay and now im just clearing orders/paperwork, and processing the over time ( OMG ). But everything looks good! Lets hope sprint doesnt pull another surpise. I will call the other centers shortly to see if there's also left on time.

What about Telus (Canada)
We have units shipping to Canada as why we were not told but my order shows canada and they are unmarked. ( meaning no logo. )

UPDATE: (as of 9:30pm CST 10/29) Spoke with them today and there release information is showing in Nov. They have not release a exact date due to delay's with roms and branding. But they did state a nov. release

What about Custom ROMs and Kitchens?
You can discuss those HERE

How much will it cost through Sprint?
It will be $579 if you buy it outright. If you are 22 months into your current contract, you can get another $150 off for renewing 2 more years. If you are between a year and 22 months, you can get $75 for a 2 year renewal. There is also a $100 Mail In Rebate from Sprint, but you must be 22 months into your contract to be eligible. Some have sent in in on past phone that were under 22 months and still got it, so YMMV. With all of these discounts, you are looking at $329 after rebate for new lines of service and those eligible for the $150 upgrade credit. NOTE: I've seen $299 after rebate mentioned as well, so that might be the price at release.

Got a user's guide?
Here is the LINK. It's an 8.2mb PDF for the Sprint version.

Got any Pictures?
Here is a site with pictures, videos, and it shows the TV Out in action - LINK

How about accessories?
It comes with a leather HTC pouch like the Mogul's but with a velcro strap instead of magnetic. This is supposedly due to the way the device turns on when the magnetic stylus is removed. Other than that, it should have the standard things like the extra stylus, sync cable, 1gb microsd card, etc. No TV-Out cable will be included, but you can get them online for about $25 from expansys.

What's so great about this phone?
288MB of RAM, 512MB of ROM, 5 row slide out keyboard, EV-DO Rev. A, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP support, GPS, 3.2-megapixel camera, VGA resolution (640x480), great form factor (smaller than Mogul), and more.

How about an extended battery?
As for the extended battery question, the cover is currently under design it will have either the sprint, HTC, or No logo, The color will match still, The battery will be for the Diamond and Pro. Sprint is leaning more toward the 2400mAH extended which is sounds great to me, Other third party company's may release larger but will require a different case cover. It will be around the thickness of the mogul with the extended battery but it will be a little smaller, Sprint wants the 2400 mAh i know that for sure.

Currently I have one my engineneers attempting to convert the program provided by qualcomm for over clocking and testing the Processors into a smal cab file that could be used for over clocking the pro. But he is also making sure it can be safe done and not risk the device but wheres the fun.

Battery Life & Heat Problems like the Diamond?
Battery life issue on the diamond is due to the radio in constant refresh, basically instead of interval of 300ms the diamond was set to 100ms and causes battery drain. The heat issue is also another cause but the

reason for the heat is due to the heat plate was not added to the sprint version behind the keys like it was supposed to and sprint and HTC are discussing that. The heat plate is on the Pro, also I tested the phone and over clocked the processor to test to see if there was a heat issue, there was not a problem at all, and the processor took the over clock nicely. I tested the radio also for the heat issue and after 2.2 hours it was warm to were it could be noticed but correct me if I'm wrong what phone doesn't get warm with that amount of talk time.

When will Verizon's be released?
Check this thread

I hear the Verizon Touch Pro will be crippled...true?

Yes, will it be crippled SADLY yes, it will have a lower CPU and memory, but from the test model I honestly did not see a difference unless you use some serious programs.
UPDATE: Verizon phone does show a 7501a chipset so its looking like it will be crippled

Why do I get connection errors on the Weather App?
Chere HERE for a fix
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Last edited by Big D5; 11-01-2008 at 02:45 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 06:47 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Reserved - in case I need more space.
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Old 10-21-2008, 06:56 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

My company has the EVP program, do you think its worth pre-ordering the pro through them or wait til its out in the store where I can just go and pick it up.

Besides I called them and they are'nt giving me any other discount than what I would get if I were to call Sprint directly. ($75 off since I am only 1 year into my contract).
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:03 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Sandman, its hard to say what the availability will initially be in stores. You have a good chance of getting it fast via the EVP. I am going the EVP route myself.
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:04 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by stroths View Post

I know that a lot of people are anxiously awaiting the Touch Pro and tensions can get high. I ask that you all follow 2 simple rules for this thread to keep it relevant and to prevent it from being closed.

1. Stay On Topic
2. No bashing criticalaudioinc's reputation or authenticity. Based on the information he's provided publicly and privately, I have no reason to doubt him. If you think otherwise, post it in another thread.
Thanks stroths!

And lets do follow #1 and #2 from above. I understand the skepticism that is associated with threads speculating about release dates, shipping, issues, etc. I also understand the skepticism associated with someone claiming to work for a specific company, etc. Lets stay focused on what is known and understand that some some info may be true...and some may not.

Proceed at your own risk!

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Old 10-21-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

Originally Posted by stroths View Post
Sandman, its hard to say what the availability will initially be in stores. You have a good chance of getting it fast via the EVP. I am going the EVP route myself.
im thinking of either EVP or thru bestbuy. if bestbuy has it on the 26th, theres no reason why i should wait to get it from EVP.
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

What happened to the htc dude thread? did i miss fight or something?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 07:35 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

everyone got off topic for the last few pages, quite a shame though. I hope he continues to post.
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:36 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

I PM'd him the link for this thread, so he can continue to post. We shall see
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 07:37 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Release Info (consolidated criticalaudioinc info)

That sucks that was good reading.
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