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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 01:59 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

Just to clarify my previous post, There seems to be 2 CABS:
One is the v1.25 Version which downloads with a 21 day trial. It also prompts you for a registration key but all you do is click on TRIAL.
The second is the v1.25 version 600 Build. When you download this version, it enters the registration key for you which I think bypasses the 21 day trial.
I had issues with both until I soft reset my Sprint Diamond.
I am now using the 21 day trial version v1.25
I figure it is worth the 20 euros or whatever it is.
Also, I have been reading that there is a v1.30 coming out very soon. Was supposed to be available a couple of weeks ago but the v1.30 has some bugs with certain devices but the bugs should be worked out very soon.
Can someone verify if I am correct regarding that thaese 2 CABS do what I described?
One is available from the WMWifiRouter site and the 600 build is available on other sites on the web.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 02:54 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

Originally Posted by oracle646 View Post
What am I doing wrong? I have looked through all the posts and just can't seem to put it together...Thanks everyone who helps!
Check post number 7 here:programs, tweaks for a walk through, and the cab for the free version, it works perfect for me...
Check out my recommended programs, tweaks and games.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

ok so i went to the WmWiFiRouter page and download the latest one, I installed it, selecetd the sprint as the conection manager and i have succesfully connect my laptop to the web. Is there anything else i am missing? I have not installed the ICS, will i get charged or do i have to installed the ics anyway?
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

1. You can tether with a USB cable using ICS for FREE. No software needed.
2. You can tether with bluetooth and ICS for FREE. No software needed.
2.a (Maybe you'll need MightyMike's FREE ROM)
3. Why shouldn't a software developer get paid for his work, whether or not he offered it for free or as shareware or as donantion ware or WHATEVER! You sound like a bunch of whiny socialists. "CORPORATE GREED"? You've got to be kidding me. Two guys working out of their garage is now an example of corporate greed? Are developers not entitled to earn something for their labors? If they sell a lot of software and expand, guess what...They'll have to hire more developers. That means jobs for you and me.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 05:02 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

i don't mind paying or donating all i am asking is if Sprint the Multimillion guys will charge me for either using WmWifiRouter or any other method of tethering
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

Originally Posted by superman426 View Post
i don't mind paying or donating all i am asking is if Sprint the Multimillion guys will charge me for either using WmWifiRouter or any other method of tethering
They will if you are set up to tether with "Phone as Modem" which is the default. If you have successfully changed it to tether via "Sprint" you are good to go.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

Originally Posted by izzyforreal View Post
1. You can tether with a USB cable using ICS for FREE. No software needed.
2. You can tether with bluetooth and ICS for FREE. No software needed.
2.a (Maybe you'll need MightyMike's FREE ROM)
3. Why shouldn't a software developer get paid for his work, whether or not he offered it for free or as shareware or as donantion ware or WHATEVER! You sound like a bunch of whiny socialists. "CORPORATE GREED"? You've got to be kidding me. Two guys working out of their garage is now an example of corporate greed? Are developers not entitled to earn something for their labors? If they sell a lot of software and expand, guess what...They'll have to hire more developers. That means jobs for you and me.
I, am I'm sure others here, get your point - we see your position. We may not agree with it but we see it.

To me, freeware = free (& legal) and donation = optional. If I choose to donate that is purely up to me. That does not make me a whiny socialist. You can continue pounding the soapbox but I'm done.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

If you don't have PAM and you use your phone as a modem in any way, shape, or form, including ICS/Modem/WmWifiRouter/PDANet, you are very likely violating your TOS.

Sprint (to choose one carrier at random) does not seem to care, but can detect this usage no matter what you do... but that doesn't change the violation.

Proceed at the direction of your conscience/guru/priest/rabbi/mullah/whatever-sorry-if-i-left-yours-out.

Yes, we should all be more clear about stating the obvious truth of the above fact. I shall personally endeavor to harsh everyone's mellow by doing so from time to time in all tethering topics in a hopeless attempt to bring harmony to teh intertubes.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

you shouldn't feel bad about using v.91 even if the later versions are paid. If you wish to get the extra features of 1.25, then by all means pay for it, but don't let anyone convince you that you are obligated to pay for the newer versions just because they are shareware now.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 02-23-2009 at 06:15 PM.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2009, 05:21 AM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

I'm having some issues....

I have a Verizon TP. I first installed wmwifirouter .91 on stock verizon rom and it worked great for weeks. One day my wifi stopped working and i couldn't think of one thing i did that would have messed with it. I had to hard reset. Back to plain, fresh, stock rom i installed the app and it worked great until i decided that i would add WPA authentication onto the adhoc connection and rename it for convenience (WPA is said to not work with adhoc connections). the strange thing is that wifirouter still worked for about a week until i changed the adhoc connection WPA password and renamed the connection again.

After that i could not get my wifi to connect to its own adhoc connection. It finds it, wifi router will connect to it, but my wifi would not get p***** the "connecting" stage in the wifi settings. Now, my wifi would connect to my home infrastructure network but would not do anything. Example being gremote would time out and not work on 2 pc's that never had a problem before. I tried removing authentication from the connection, still wouldn't work. I removed the connection and manually recreated it, still nothing. I tried uninstalling wifirouter but it would not uninstall, which meant i couldn't reinstall it. I upgraded to a new version (which added both versions in my program list) which didn't fix my wifi issues.

I was looking to flash with custom rom for various issues so about 2 weeks later when i finally got the motivation to flash and redo my phone i installed mighty rom (which is pretty cool). Once i got everything going i installed .91 and gave it a go. Same issue. Wifirouter created the default adhoc connection but my wifi wont connect to it. Its finding all the connections around me and the wifirouter adhoc connection, but wont lock on it. I haven't even added authentication to it. I have yet to test gremote but this kind of sucks. Any ideas? how could it do the same thing after a hard reset?

BTW - the newer versions of the app are slow and buggy. They take way to long for wifi router to connect and the connection seems to always get "reset by remote party". .91 is fast, simple, and best of all.......FREE!!

Thanks a bunch.
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