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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:25 PM
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Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

im looking at the massive rush to by the TP and just can't help but to think that maybe around march or even in the summer, we will see an HTC HD or something similar hit the US scene. with today's release date, that was not on anyones radar, you just can't go by what HTC, Sprint, or anyone else says about when a phone is going to be available. we already have info that a CDMA HD is in the works and has tested well so far. so im kinda skeptical to go out and get the TP, while i have the feeling that an HD is around the corner. i know it seems like hopeful/wishful thinking....but it seems so clear and not just a conspiracy theory.

now i really don't want to hold out 6 months for a phone that may never come...but i feel like all the chips are in my corner for once. im out of contract with sprint and eligible for the full $150 rebate on both of my lines.

temptation says to get the TP on one of my lines (maybe the one with the mogul and sell it for $150 or so, its only 2 months old thanks to the insurance plan...lol) and hold out for a possible HD on the other line (my wifes line...she don't really care what phone she has, as long as she can yapp a long time on it). i could also wait till my mogul goes crap again (in a about 2 or 3 months) and get the TP through the insurance swap/ecare.

nevertheless, sprint/htc tons of people makin the mass move to grab up the TP....while they know very well that the HD is sitting right on some tech desk working just fine in CDMA. i dont know if this is genius or sinister, maybe both....surely its coming, the WHAMMY!!!
Epic Touch 4g (current) / Epic 4g / Touch Pro 2 / Touch Pro / PPC-6800 (mogul) /PPC-6700 (apache) / Sanyo RL-4930
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:27 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

You're really jumping to conclusions there. Today didn't come out of the blue at all. Sunday's the new launch day, and stores got them a couple of days ahead of schedule, as expected, and decided to sell them. Nothing about today was remotely surprising.

Meanwhile a CDMA Touch HD is NOT in the works, and HTC has made it extremely clear that one is not in the works. Critical made comment that they were able, for the fun of it, to solder together pieces from a CDMA Diamond onto a Touch HD and although it was kind of poorly thrown-together, it DID work. That's completely different from HTC actually planning to make one.

Live in the moment, not in futures based on no current real information.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:30 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

HTC is discussing the Touch HD coming to US, we were requested to mod the HD we had to check it on the CDMA network, rom needed a little modding but nothing major, but with the results we submitted HTC is highly interested in this.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:31 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

While I much rather have the HD, im going to jump on the Pro train shortly. WoooWooooo

If they do decide to make the HD and release it i'll hock the Pro on ebay.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:33 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

I actually read somewhere that HTC had criticalaudioinc solder in a CDMA radio in one of the Touch HD. No concrete information about it coming to North America, let alone a CDMA network but definitely a possiblity.

I also agree with getting something now. I mean if there was something better coming out the week after then, yeah, wait, but with technology there'll always be the next thing out and all the waiting will drive you crazy. Touch HD might come out then what? Then probably a wimax phone. Then Windows Mobile 7. All with waiting times. I'm just gonna go ahead with the touch pro.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

Originally Posted by criticalaudioinc View Post
HTC is discussing the Touch HD coming to US, we were requested to mod the HD we had to check it on the CDMA network, rom needed a little modding but nothing major, but with the results we submitted HTC is highly interested in this.
I stand corrected. I took their previous word as most official.

Even so, it's not as tough the Touch HD is automatically better than the the Pro. I like the small size of the Pro and I need the keyboard. Let's not act like the Touch HD is somehow its replacement.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

who cares. that's then and this is now.

get the tp now. sell it later. get the tp hd when it comes out. wait a few months and get the next new cool device.

that's why we're geek. lol.
PDA's I've owned/used in order... (retentions loves me)... nextel i930, BB 7100i, PPC-6700 (apache), treo 700p, PPC-6700, treo 700wx, PPC-6800 (mogul), PPC-6900 (touch), treo 755p, PPC-6900 (touch), BB 8130 (Pearl),PPC-6800 (mogul), BB 8330 (Curve) Diamond, treo 800w, Touch Pro, BB 8330 (Curve)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:42 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

Originally Posted by TurboFool View Post
You're really jumping to conclusions there. Today didn't come out of the blue at all. Sunday's the new launch day, and stores got them a couple of days ahead of schedule, as expected, and decided to sell them. Nothing about today was remotely surprising.

Meanwhile a CDMA Touch HD is NOT in the works, and HTC has made it extremely clear that one is not in the works. Critical made comment that they were able, for the fun of it, to solder together pieces from a CDMA Diamond onto a Touch HD and although it was kind of poorly thrown-together, it DID work. That's completely different from HTC actually planning to make one.

Live in the moment, not in futures based on no current real information.
im not jumping the gun at all...i think that just like the TP was expected on 10/19, then 11/02, then 10/26, and now out on 10/24, it is highly likely that the HD can have the same type of entry on the US market.

criticalaudioinc has already clarified that HTC requested them to mod the HD they had and to check it on the CDMA network...and now they are highly interested.

the HD is not an upgrade to the TP...its a different device with better features (save the keyboard). i really like both phones...but given the choice, i will go with the HD. i do want the TP just because it is out now and there is nothing remotely concrete about when the HD will be available, if at all. but the "wanting the best i can get" part of me says to hold out and wait. the "i want the best as of now" part of me says...get the TP.

nevertheless...that whammy is coming, believe it or not.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:42 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

One thing I can't stand is someone wondering if they should wait or not. The reality is there will always be something bigger and better just over the horizon. Lets say you wait for the touch HD, there will always be something that will come out that will blow it out of the water a few months later and so forth, its just the nature of technological advancement. If I had the attitude of waiting for the next best thing I will probably be still using the very first cell phone I ever bought 15 or so years ago. And as far as release dates, so what if its off by a few days or a few weeks, stuff like this happens all the time, no matter what a company says about a release date, it will always be subject to change.

Last edited by themuffinman; 10-24-2008 at 10:44 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 10:42 PM
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Re: Don't you see it coming....the WHAMMY!?!?!

Originally Posted by codyppc View Post
who cares. that's then and this is now.

get the tp now. sell it later. get the tp hd when it comes out. wait a few months and get the next new cool device.

that's why we're geek. lol.
wht he said!
I85 Nextel--> LG VX6000--> Moto V710--> Motorola Razr V3c unlocked alltel--> Razr V3c Verizon Red UI--> Motorola e815--> HTC 6700--> Motorola Q--> HTC Mogul--> HTC TOUCH--> Blackberry Pearl--> Blackberry Curve--> Treo 800w--> HTC Touch Diamond--> HTC Touch Pro--> Blackberry TOUR--> HTC Touch Pro 2
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