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arrrghhh 07-15-2011 09:58 PM

[BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
1 Attachment(s)
FRX07.1 is here!!

This is a maintenance release - basically taking the newest components to make a completely up-to-date (as of Sept. 1).

Quite a lot has changed since FRX06 - the install process hasn't really, but be sure to read the changelog in the next post and the caveats in post #3!

<<<This is a link to the... FAQ Click it!!>>>

I have created a complete bundle of FroYo with a stable kernel from GIT ( August 19 / 1348 ), and rootfs from GIT (Sept. 2).

Please, feel free to DONATE to the XDAndroid project!

Every little bit helps!


1. Download the full bundle (zip). (Updated September 1 2011)

If instead you just want the system.ext2 (zip) (Updated July 15 2011) file by itself... Don't download this if you're not sure! Grab the full bundle!

2. Extract it. You’ll see a folder, FRX07.1, copy its contents to the root of your SD card. If you want to run Android from a folder instead of all the files on the root of the card, follow the steps below.

3. Go into the STARTUPS folder. Grab the appropriate startup.txt for your device (if you don't know what device you have, you should read the FAQ), and move it to the root of the card (or where you run haret.exe from. If you want to change the location of the build, put a rel_path= statement in the cmdline section of the startup.txt. Mine is located two folders deep on the SD, so my rel_path=Androids/TP2Ref)

4. Screen calibration - you have three choices:
  • Re-use an old ts-calibration file if you have it and you know it's good.
  • Download the ts-calibration.zip file and extract it to where you put the rest of the files (root of SD or in a folder - make sure it all stays together!)
  • Manually calibrate - boot with no ts-calibration file and watch the boot process - you'll be asked to hit 5 points to calibrate the screen. If you have issues calibrating, try an older kernel (1225 works well) Once you have the calibration file hold on to it (make 15 copies if it's a good one :p), reboot & go back to the newest kernel!

6. Run haret.exe.. Profit! :D

Let it settle out on the first boot. Many have reported they had to reboot basically because it was so slow - if you let it sit for about 10 mins so the media scanner can go thru everything, etc. it will be much more pleasurable experience. If you want adb in and watch the processes via top, you'll see why the phone seems so slow - there's lots of background processes cranking because this is the first boot ;).

Please read the... FAQ
If you have any issues with the kernel, feel free to change it:
There are some devices that are having issues with the newest kernels. Please see the kernel autobuild service to get archived kernels. Once you download a replacement kernel, go to where you run haret.exe from - remove your old zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz. Take the new zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz and replace the old ones, same folder - where you run haret.exe from. Make sure the ‘zImage’ is named just that. Do not rename the modules file, do not extract it - should be in .tar.gz format.

See Incremental Updates for more information on updating the kernel and other components.

Random issues can often be solved by forcing the system to create a new data.img. If you're worried about losing data (all user data is stored in the data.img!!), Titanium Backup works quite well. If you wish, you can rename the data.img to something else, and let the system create a new one - just to see if it resolves your problem.

Similarly, if you wish try formatting your SD card - I prefer to use the HP Tool - do a full format, FAT32.

Even though this build is considered fairly stable, you are more than likely going to run into issues. The next post will address issues particular to this build - PLEASE READ THESE before asking questions! Feel free to post questions in this thread, I will do my best to address them. Big thanks to stinebd for releasing the system image, and of course the other developers for their hard work on making these kernels available.

arrrghhh 07-15-2011 09:59 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
stinebd's Changelog:


Originally Posted by stinebd
Here’s a new release for you, folks. This is a major release with a ton of changes, new features, and fixes. Our friend hyc/highlandsun did most of the heavy lifting for this release. Highlights include a rewritten RIL with support for world phones and greatly improved CDMA support; fixes for the media codecs; fixes for MMS on Sprint; increased security with the Superuser app.

A list of changes is included below. The FRX07 system image is available for download now, and will require the use of a new rootfs image, also available now. Additionally, we have a new bundle containing everything needed to enjoy a full FRX07 system.

Note: Due to the incredibly long list of changes, this is a somewhat condensed, terse changelog describing only the overall scope of the changes.

  • frameworks/base:
    • Major frameworks changes for CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
    • Fixes for data connection handling to improve startup time. (hyc)
    • Fixes for wifi handling to avoid issues on hanged drivers. (hyc)
    • Stagefreight (media codecs) fixes. (hyc/viruscrazy)
    • Fixes for Sprint’s wonky MMS markup structure. (hyc)
    • Fix MediaScanner not finding audio files (including ringtones) in system.ext2
  • hardware/libhardware_legacy:
    • Minor GPS driver fixes. (Alex[sp3dev])
    • Rename wifi interfaces to wlan0 on all devices (hyc)
  • hardware/xdandroid-ril: Major RIL refactoring for improved performance on all devices, and added CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
  • packages/apps/Gallery3D: Switched back to Gallery3D as the gallery app (closes bug #111)
  • packages/apps/Mms: Fixes for Sprint’s wonky MMS markup structure. (hyc)
  • packages/apps/Phone: Fixes for CDMA/GSM dual-mode worldphone support. (hyc)
  • packages/apps/Superuser: Added the Superuser package for authorizing su privileges. This, along with our signed builds, provides greatly increased security for the end user (mostly against malicious apps from the Market).
  • system/extras/su: Added as a dependency for the Superuser package
  • vendor/qcom/android-open: Include missing stagefright codec symbols. (hyc/viruscrazy)

To coincide with the FRX07 system image, the following rootfs changes have been made:
  • init.froyo.rc modifications...
    • Adjust wpa_supplicant service for the new abstraction provided by libhardware_legacy, as well as interface rename
    • Abstract the hciattach service to provide bluetooth support on both chipsets
  • Rename wifi interface to wlan0 on all devices
  • apns-conf.xml updated
  • keymaps completely reorganized, and RHOD end-call key has been remapped to be the Home key in Android.
  • default.prop: set ro.secure=1 to lock down the adb shell - su can be used with the Superuser app to authorize root access in adb if needed.

arrrghhh 07-15-2011 10:00 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Layman's Changelog

(As in, the changelog I wrote :p)

FRX07.1 Changelog:
  • RHOD - all buttons on the front no longer wake the device. Only the power button wakes the device now.
  • Updated to the newest RIL
  • hyc's modified libs for video now baked in - *most* HQ YouTube videos (and other HQ videos) should finally work!
  • RHOD & TOPA - Userland (Android) now controls the LED by default now. If you need to debug sleep, you will have to change the behavior manually.
  • Facebook sync should now work, out-of-box.

FRX07 Changelog:
  • Updated RIL (thanks hyc!) - this covers many different bugs that were in the old RIL - I'm only going to cover the major ones...
    • CDMA now works correctly (for the most part). force_cdma (and north_am_dialing) is now deprecated (not needed/ignored!)
    • You can boot with a SIM in on a CDMA device and choose your GSM or CDMA on the fly under Settings.
    • Location based on towers now works on CDMA.
    • 1xRTT now displays correctly, but I never seem to get EVDO Rev.a... I always get 0. This is represented by a 3g icon, as this is what the Android framework provides.
    • Full MMS support! Please see this page for configuration instructions. Will need help fleshing out the list of carriers folks!
    • Spotty service, switching towers, etc should no longer cause the dreaded SoD (Sleep of Death) condition!
  • (Basic audio) 3.5mm support for RHOD400/500
  • Droidwall works out of the box now
  • Keyboard backlight now fades in/out
  • Gallery3D back in! Picasa Web Sync comes with it ;)
  • A couple new apps added to AndroidApps folder:
    • rpierce99's app GetLogs
    • Titanium Backup

arrrghhh 07-15-2011 10:00 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
  • BT - works! But audio doesn't route. See this thread if you're feeling adventurous and want to play with/don't mind using some unstable/incomplete code...
  • CDMA RAPH/DIAM users - see this thread for how to setup FRX07 to run well...

That audio routing thread is in the RHOD section, and I've only tested it on a RHOD - but AFAIK it should work on other devices. Let me know.

stanelie2 07-26-2011 11:11 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
The kernel found in the bundle download is not working, the device loops in the boot process with "smd_tty_buffer mismatch" error.

This kernel http://zimages.googlecode.com/files/...ackage.tar.bz2 is also unusable, the device barely responds to any input.

arrrghhh 07-26-2011 11:36 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by stanelie2 (Post 2132009)
The kernel found in the bundle download is not working, the device loops in the boot process with "smd_tty_buffer mismatch" error.

This kernel http://zimages.googlecode.com/files/...ackage.tar.bz2 is also unusable, the device barely responds to any input.

First post, and you didn't read the caveats?


Originally Posted by arrrghhh
CDMA RAPH/DIAM users - let me know what kernel works, newest kernel seems to blow your folks' phone's up...

Some dude over at XDA claimed to find the magic combo on a DIAM500 - but it seems no one has been able to reproduce his results.

arrrghhh 08-04-2011 09:50 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Figured I would bump this.

With the gracious assistance of hyc, there is a fix!

See here!

knchris 08-08-2011 01:12 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
I can confirm what people are saying over on xda forums. No data, carrier says "XDANDROID", time doesn't get set (started at 5:00pm for me).

But, phone calls work, and overall it feels speedy!

Backlight looks like it's on when phone is sleeping.

arrrghhh 08-08-2011 01:26 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136051)
I can confirm what people are saying over on xda forums. No data, carrier says "XDANDROID", time doesn't get set (started at 5:00pm for me).

But, phone calls work, and overall it feels speedy!

Backlight looks like it's on when phone is sleeping.

Carrier should say XDAndroid.

Data *should* work fine... did you add the crap above?

Time should get set from the carrier. Mine always does once it connects... I guess if it doesn't you can use ClockSync?

On the backlight - do you have auto-backlight enabled in Settings -> Display? Turn off autobl and see.

knchris 08-08-2011 02:23 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Unchecking Auto backlight fixed it the backlight.

What "crap" are you refering to? The ril update?

arrrghhh 08-08-2011 02:38 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136068)
Unchecking Auto backlight fixed it the backlight.

What "crap" are you refering to? The ril update?

Yes, the RIL update and the kernel update. You'll more than likely need both.

knchris 08-08-2011 05:37 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Yep. I did a fresh copy of FRX07, updated kernel, rootfs to the latest, and then did the RIL update. No Data. Also, BT doesn't seem to be any different than usual. Pairs, but no services.

Just for kicks, I undid the RIL update and I got "(No Service)" and the phone is pretty much locked up after it boots. However, The time was correct. Weird.

knchris 08-08-2011 05:48 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
So I went in the date&time in settings and noticed it was set at gmt. Changed that to my time zone and now it is correct.

arrrghhh 08-08-2011 06:06 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136134)
So I went in the date&time in settings and noticed it was set at gmt. Changed that to my time zone and now it is correct.

Heh, that explains it :p.

As for no data, I'm going to need your help triaging this issue. I don't have data on my tester RAPH800, so I can't really test data...

Do you have an APN configured? It is "enabled" (radio button should be green, not gray...)

If that's all set correctly, reboot and use GetLogs (in AndroidApps\Other) to pull logfiles for me. Pull all three, although I'll probably only need logcat and radio logcat.


knchris 08-08-2011 06:14 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
No apn is configured. I haven't had to add an APN for a long time. What should the settings be?
Tried Name: Internet, APN: Internet. I get the location icon (little satellite dish looking thing), but no data

arrrghhh 08-08-2011 06:37 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136140)
No apn is configured. I haven't had to add an APN for a long time. What should the settings be?
Tried Name: Internet, APN: Internet. I get the location icon (little satellite dish looking thing), but no data

That location icon is just that, location. It's GPS attempting to get a fix (blinking) or has a fix (solid).

As for the APN, I don't think name/APN matter - I put in Android/internet and Sprint/internet and Sprint/MMS on mine and they all seem to work just fine.

What are you entering for the MMSC? Thanks.

knchris 08-08-2011 06:41 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Nothing, didn't know I needed to. What should I be entering?

arrrghhh 08-08-2011 07:30 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136146)
Nothing, didn't know I needed to. What should I be entering?

Well, I think MMSC is only for sending MMS... However, this is what I have for Sprint on my phone:


Do you have 310/00 for MCC/MNC? Is there anything else set?

All I have configured is Name (Android), APN (internet), MMSC (above), and MCC/MNC. Everything else is <Not set>...

I seriously doubt this will fix your no data issue, I'm just grabbing at straws. Assuming it does not, can you get some logs for me? The GetLogs app (in AndroidApps\Other) is a great tool that does all the hard work for ya ;).

knchris 08-09-2011 11:54 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
k, will get you logs in a bit. How do you want me to send them? is it ok to attach here or do I need to worry about being secure? Funny thing, I just logged into the android market and the carrier reported there is "Mid-Tex Cellular". Very odd. Always said Sprint before.

arrrghhh 08-09-2011 12:29 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136305)
k, will get you logs in a bit. How do you want me to send them? is it ok to attach here or do I need to worry about being secure? Funny thing, I just logged into the android market and the carrier reported there is "Mid-Tex Cellular". Very odd. Always said Sprint before.

Post 'em here, pastebin, whatever you're comfortable with.

I noticed my phone said "Mid-Tex Cellular". Must be a by-product of the name change of our service carrier (XDAndroid now). Not positive, but that's my best guess.

knchris 08-09-2011 12:37 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the radio log. I scanned through and this is the only one that looks like it might be interesting. Shows a few errors and things. Of course that all might be normal for all I know. :scratch:

arrrghhh 08-09-2011 12:48 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2136317)
Here is the radio log. I scanned through and this is the only one that looks like it might be interesting. Shows a few errors and things. Of course that all might be normal for all I know. :scratch:

Thanks, I'll pass these on as well!

knchris 08-10-2011 05:21 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Saw on the chat logs that a rewrite of the RIL is needed to support RAPH800. I can send winmo logs if necessary. Not sure how to get them but I'll start googling.

knchris 08-10-2011 05:58 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
1 Attachment(s)
and here is the winmo radio log...

knchris 08-16-2011 12:10 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
any word on this?

arrrghhh 08-16-2011 01:39 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by knchris (Post 2138107)
any word on this?

hyc is very busy with real life, and was hoping someone would pickup where he left off, and write the RIL to support these older radio versions. He's right, all the code is there... but someone with the know-how needs to do it. I haven't had much time to fumble around with it, and I can't even test it since my RAPH800 has no service.

Basically if you're waiting for hyc to rewrite it, it'll be a while.

knchris 08-17-2011 02:49 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
Let me know if I can help out. I can definitely test. I'm willing to play in code too, but again I'm coming from the C# world and I have no cdma data experience. When I saw the AT codes in the logs memories of BBS's, AOL, and chatting to a friend using MacTerminal on a 2400 baud modem all came rushing back! :)

Solo1 08-29-2011 01:42 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!
thanks for all the hard work. Currently, I have installed your android build on the Touch Pro 2. Works really well, once I could got the SD card formatted / erased. Also, rebooting Android really sped up after doing some settings

Will the Touch Pro work as wireless WI-Fi tether source? I have four of them sitting on the shelf.

Re wifi tethering, my HP Touch Pad can see the android enabled HTC TP2, but the auto IP settings are kluged... It shows an improper gateway (similar to but shorter by 2 gigits than than the assigned ip address). And, it shows only one DNS Server which is registered to be same as the gateway ip address.

I can manually configure the IP settings, but not sure what to use for IP gateway address and DNS IP address. Can you help with this?

Thanks in advance!

arrrghhh 08-29-2011 01:55 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by Solo1 (Post 2141394)
thanks for all the hard work. Currently, I have installed your android build on the Touch Pro 2. Works really well, once I could got the SD card formatted / erased. Also, rebooting Android really sped up after doing some settings

Will the Touch Pro work as wireless WI-Fi tether source? I have four of them sitting on the shelf.

Re wifi tethering, my HP Touch Pad can see the android enabled HTC TP2, but the auto IP settings are kluged... It shows an improper gateway (similar to but shorter by 2 gigits than than the assigned ip address). And, it shows only one DNS Server which is registered to be same as the gateway ip address.

I can manually configure the IP settings, but not sure what to use for IP gateway address and DNS IP address. Can you help with this?

Thanks in advance!

You're posting in the TP section.

Please see this thread:


But on my TP2 wifi tethering is flaky at best. USB tethering has been solid for me. Both should work, but wifi tethering had issues last time I used it - random drops, wouldn't re-enable after disabling, etc.

knchris 09-23-2011 05:51 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
Found a brand new TP2 for $100. Gonna try it out for a while. My Sprint contract is up next month, and I could get a real android phone, but I've got an old grandfathered in plan where I pay only $69/mo for 2 phones and 1 with data. Would hate to pay an extra $60/mo minimum when the TP2 could do what I want on the same plan.

Goodbye Raph800, you've been fun.

SNYPE2K9 10-30-2011 05:07 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
So what would we need to do to get data working? I mean I'm kind of okay with using wifi, but I'd really rather not.

YouTube isn't really working for me either to be honest.

arrrghhh 10-30-2011 06:46 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by SNYPE2K9 (Post 2153245)
So what would we need to do to get data working? I mean I'm kind of okay with using wifi, but I'd really rather not.

YouTube isn't really working for me either to be honest.

Data works OOB for me on Sprint. It says you're on Sprint in your profile, is that not true...?

YouTube works great for me. On wifi and on 3g.

huckl3b3rry 10-31-2011 03:40 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by arrrghhh (Post 2153255)
Data works OOB for me on Sprint. It says you're on Sprint in your profile, is that not true...?

YouTube works great for me. On wifi and on 3g.

I'm on sprint and mine didn't work. What radio do you have flashed? Could that be difference? Did you modify the froyo.user.conf file before you initial boot or after? Thanks in advance for the help.

arrrghhh 10-31-2011 09:31 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by huckl3b3rry (Post 2153341)
I'm on sprint and mine didn't work. What radio do you have flashed? Could that be difference? Did you modify the froyo.user.conf file before you initial boot or after? Thanks in advance for the help.

Nope, data 'just works'. Do you get any errors? A 3g icon at the top? Anything? You need to give me something to go off of. Did you setup an APN? I only had to do that for MMS, not data.

I was on 2.32 (latest Sprint radio) and now I'm on 2.37WV, the latest VZ radio. Shouldn't matter tho.

So please, tell me as much as you possibly can about what you've tried, what you see, etc. Troubleshooting doesn't occur by me just guessing :p.

huckl3b3rry 10-31-2011 10:45 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by arrrghhh (Post 2153355)
Nope, data 'just works'. Do you get any errors? A 3g icon at the top? Anything? You need to give me something to go off of. Did you setup an APN? I only had to do that for MMS, not data.

I was on 2.32 (latest Sprint radio) and now I'm on 2.37WV, the latest VZ radio. Shouldn't matter tho.

So please, tell me as much as you possibly can about what you've tried, what you see, etc. Troubleshooting doesn't occur by me just guessing :p.

Thanks for responding quickly. I'll try to get some data for you tonight. I really appreciate the help. I hadn't tried running android on this phone for several month so I need to do some reading too. I'm even having trouble with the phone connection. It worked when I brought it up with an older kernel and I was able to make test call (used the old kernel to get a good calibration file), but I've had no joy even with the phone since then. I'll try to work on it tonight. Thanks again for offering to help!

huckl3b3rry 11-21-2011 05:22 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by arrrghhh (Post 2153355)
Nope, data 'just works'. Do you get any errors? A 3g icon at the top? Anything? You need to give me something to go off of. Did you setup an APN? I only had to do that for MMS, not data.

I was on 2.32 (latest Sprint radio) and now I'm on 2.37WV, the latest VZ radio. Shouldn't matter tho.

So please, tell me as much as you possibly can about what you've tried, what you see, etc. Troubleshooting doesn't occur by me just guessing :p.

Sorry I never got back to you. I actually picked up a new TP2 for cheap. Data works fine on it. :) I did see on one of the TP2 threads that you have done a couple of tweaks with FRX07.1 in the TP2 to increase performance (min memory and app startup tweaks) and you mentioned you were going to write that up somewhere, did you get a chance to do that? I haven't found it yet. I have it running pretty well, but am always looking for me tweaks.

Also, do you run a one of minimal windows ROM's to boot from? Does that matter for anything once android boots or just for boot up times?

One thing that I did as well that seems to work well (but may be my imagination and have really helped anything) is with overclocking. I set the string in the startup and then I used the "setCPU" app to change the minimum frequency in the 480MHz and the max up to the 748MHz. Seemed to be a bit more responsive and I know from benchmarks in it that setCPU is actaully doing something. SetCPU detects the processor, etc correctly too. Again, it's possible that it's my imagination that it's helping overall.

Thanks for keeping this up!

arrrghhh 11-21-2011 06:03 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by huckl3b3rry (Post 2156736)
Sorry I never got back to you. I actually picked up a new TP2 for cheap. Data works fine on it. :) I did see on one of the TP2 threads that you have done a couple of tweaks with FRX07.1 in the TP2 to increase performance (min memory and app startup tweaks) and you mentioned you were going to write that up somewhere, did you get a chance to do that? I haven't found it yet. I have it running pretty well, but am always looking for me tweaks.

A while ago, but never made one here in the TP section. You do realize you're posting in the TP1 section, not the TP2 section right?



Originally Posted by huckl3b3rry (Post 2156736)
Also, do you run a one of minimal windows ROM's to boot from? Does that matter for anything once android boots or just for boot up times?

Doesn't help Android whatsoever. Just helps you get into Android quicker. Titanium from Energy is good. I'm not on WinMo anymore tho.


Originally Posted by huckl3b3rry (Post 2156736)
One thing that I did as well that seems to work well (but may be my imagination and have really helped anything) is with overclocking. I set the string in the startup and then I used the "setCPU" app to change the minimum frequency in the 480MHz and the max up to the 748MHz. Seemed to be a bit more responsive and I know from benchmarks in it that setCPU is actaully doing something. SetCPU detects the processor, etc correctly too. Again, it's possible that it's my imagination that it's helping overall.

SetCPU I don't think has userland control, but overclocking certainly will help (and is covered in that thread ;)).

huckl3b3rry 11-21-2011 11:17 PM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
Thanks for speed Improvement link. I thought I looked for it pretty well, but I guess not. :) I guess I was looking for it in the development section of TP2 android.

I did realize I was in TP. My first couple of questions for you were when I only had a TP. Picked up a new TP2 for cheap, but thought I would respond in the TP section where my questions were so the context would make sense.

I've been using Energy for WM side of house while I figure out how to get android configured well enough to never use WM. Just wanted to make sure the very small ROM's like Caulkin made were just for boot times and that WM wasn't actually taking any memory at all from android.

Moving to TP2 section now!

schteve 01-06-2012 11:07 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release
Hi all,

I've done some hacking on hyc's RIL and have data working on my Touch Pro. I'm running this modified RIL on top of FRX7.1, which is really sweet BTW. However, this is on a frankenstein TP: it's a Sprint branded TP (RAPH800), but running on Verizon's network, with a Verizon Radio (1.03.09V). So, I don't know if my mods are going to work with other radios or on other networks.

There's still some stuff I'm looking into: The carrier name is still displayed as XDAndroid,

Anyway, is anyone interested in trying this out?

arrrghhh 01-06-2012 11:56 AM

Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by schteve (Post 2163297)
Hi all,

I've done some hacking on hyc's RIL and have data working on my Touch Pro. I'm running this modified RIL on top of FRX7.1, which is really sweet BTW. However, this is on a frankenstein TP: it's a Sprint branded TP (RAPH800), but running on Verizon's network, with a Verizon Radio (1.03.09V). So, I don't know if my mods are going to work with other radios or on other networks.

There's still some stuff I'm looking into: The carrier name is still displayed as XDAndroid,

Anyway, is anyone interested in trying this out?

Carrier name is 'static', don't bother looking into that further (I can kinda detail what was done in PM if you want).

But load it up! I'm sure RAPH users would love to give it a shot. Assuming it works, I expect to see some patches from ya ;).

Hey, if it doesn't work - would you be willing to look at some logs to help out some users? I have a thread over on xda-devs, if you could bump that too w/this info (and a link to download if possible). Thanks!!!

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