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View Poll Results: Is the Touch Pro Fragile ?
This poll will close on 10-15-2009 at 01:06 AM
Yes! 11 4.87%
No, not at all !
2k4mach, 2kmy477, 30Glock, 353Entertainment, 8notime, Adrianh85, alex800, allwires, amongunz, appzattak, AstainHellbring, Atomic2Mod, AVakil, axeae, b0hr, banzaiwolfe, Bearclaw, beejmeister, BenC, BetaMan, bignadad, BillJr106, bishop0114, BLiT, Blitzed26, bmrisko, boca300, borisherr, Brewsbro, btstarcher, buckrub58, butler360, butterfly25, cambunch, chazman, Chimits, chrisloveskaos, christak, Clem2, Clipp, commander24, correct, CovKid66, cpiman, dallastx, danny6514, DanteDrac, DarkManX4lf, dbldwn02, dclane, ddavtian, debojr, Delvorak, deseral, Detroit808, digitaliceblast, domotang, Dragon2, Drewidian, dutchman71, eldersoul, em2y0, eman, emerald, evilecho, ewatson660, eyeoutthere, fishingmedic, FordPrfct, freeza, Gesani, Gill, glintz, GoodThings2Life, grad20_09, grandpanda, grim359, Gulanowski, gutrrob, ht311, i700plus, Iceman5000, IGGUS, igl007, imnuts, infinitemethod, izuzu, J0KER, JackG058, jahruh, janko10, jbbosu, jboy001, JCerna, Johnson1566, JoJoCal19, jsanta11, jthomas8946, Keronin, kevinb13, khudson23, KoolFrank87, KrazyKevin76, kxs783kms, land2634, LilRico, linzgeneral, loube, Lukas718, lw00d, mackdaddy1, MackMarvel, marcus_cruz, mayoko185, mdphoenix, Meanee, meatgel, Merdinh, mickeyleah, MightyMike, mjcole2003, mjon13, mp1, mrrogers1, Mr_Alexander, msh441, MstaCDLite, Mutiny32, m_kranzler11, NinjaDuck, NYC Guy, oldpueblo, op12, orlandojumpoff, Othelious, Paragon, patrickoneal, pbeaul, pdawg17, phat78boy, phoenix316, pirate, pirish, pito2k6, pizzzle118, ponicg, racedog, Ranger093, ravic, razorloves, realimpact4g, relagustin, Richcop, RobsOnLine, rogerp, rtandon87, ruskiyab, RX7LS1, Sauske, savage25rcracer, schoenof, Scotty_Two, searcher61, sevin7, sfxc13, shatterday, shong6, sinistrm3, skip1216, Slack3r, Slevin, slopokdave, SolApathy, sonofliberty, southphillysean, Speed_419, sportsnut, stanglifemike, stevedensmore, stung93, sumo911, supdawg, SweetBearCub, TalliWackr, tarjas, Tech Addiction, tek818, TheBundo, themuffinman, theTastyCat, Ticklemepinks, tmac15, tmorgan147, travisgreen, tree2, twilk, twistedfish, UnXpectedError, vakbrain, vzwdts, w7excursion, WhiteBlazer01, wooffy, Xartist1, xboxp, xjgriffx, xpsworm, Young_breedent, zkravinz, zoglog, ZuneNinja!
215 95.13%
Voters: 226.

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