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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 12:22 AM
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Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

Ok here is the deal, I have an unactivated Sprint TP2, I am trying to figure out how to sim unlock without paying money to someone who as undoubtedly already received much moola for his unlock which should be free and public domain, however for some the alimighty $ is more important, anyway... Im my experimentation I found and ran the SimSecurity program, it tells me: "Your phone is SIM Unlocked.", So I put in a Cingular SIM Card (No good though), it reads its phone #, and Contacts, however in network settings I could not get it to find any networks. I am working on getting a good SIM to try this with.

So my question is, does this mean I do not need to do any sim unlocking? Or am I missing something here. Also I want to know how olipros sim unlock procedure works, either way I will reverse engineer it if I can get a copy of it.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 01:13 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security


and Cingular SIM Card?

you should be on top of it in no time..


  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 01:21 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

The Sprint TP2 comes SIM unlocked, but with a catch. It will not pick up any US networks without a patched radio. Also, you can not install a different radio without also having the SPL security unlocked (which is part of the SIM unlocker). If you want to figure it out yourself go for it, but I think it's rather selfish to expect someone to spend that much time hacking things for us so that we can use custom ROMS (among other things) and then not get anything in return. She chose to let the HSPL be free, but charge for the SIM unlock. Hardly unreasonable.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 01:34 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

I wish you luck with the "reverse engineering" my friend...you will definatly need it....just pay the $25 bucks and smile about it....the time its going to take to figure it out has to be worth more than $25 bucks right? Seriously cmonex has hundreds of hours in this project i am sure....So knock yourself out if you must.....
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

The Sprint PCS radio is MCC 310/311 blocked. Visit the upgrade forum and obtain the patched radio & unlocker from Cmonex to allow for domestic roaming. Happy sticking it to the man!
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 01:59 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

Originally Posted by banzaiwolfe View Post
The Sprint TP2 comes SIM unlocked, but with a catch. It will not pick up any US networks without a patched radio. Also, you can not install a different radio without also having the SPL security unlocked (which is part of the SIM unlocker). If you want to figure it out yourself go for it, but I think it's rather selfish to expect someone to spend that much time hacking things for us so that we can use custom ROMS (among other things) and then not get anything in return. She chose to let the HSPL be free, but charge for the SIM unlock. Hardly unreasonable.
Don't take me wrong, I support and agree with supporting the work done, but by now I would assume thousands have paid to unlock their phones, at $25 a pop, thats a lot of money.

There are others out there doing this too, but no where can I find HOW it's being done. A few select people hold the secret, and are holding onto it like the deed to a gold mine.

If anyone out there is willing to give me a copy of their program they used to unlock their TP2, I would be more then happy to reverse engineer to the best of my ability how these hacks work, at either rate I will continue under my own methods to find a way as well.

I might be a new player on this block, but not to the game.

At any rate, any info that could be useful to unlocking the GSM on this phone (Outside of paying someone to give me a program to do it) would be grateful. I got a box full of these things and I plan on figuring them out.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 02:18 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

Originally Posted by matcat View Post
Ok here is the deal, I have an unactivated Sprint TP2, I am trying to figure out how to sim unlock without paying money to someone who as undoubtedly already received much moola for his unlock which should be free and public domain, however for some the alimighty $ is more important, anyway... Im my experimentation I found and ran the SimSecurity program, it tells me: "Your phone is SIM Unlocked.", So I put in a Cingular SIM Card (No good though), it reads its phone #, and Contacts, however in network settings I could not get it to find any networks. I am working on getting a good SIM to try this with.

So my question is, does this mean I do not need to do any sim unlocking? Or am I missing something here. Also I want to know how olipros sim unlock procedure works, either way I will reverse engineer it if I can get a copy of it.
First off, if you had taken the time to read over various posts on the subject, you would have undoubtedly uncovered the fact that while the Sprint Touch Pro 2 does indeed come sim unlocked, the radio firmware blocks registration on US GSM networks (ie. AT&T and T-Mobile). Olipro and Cmonex lent their time (on top of working out an unlocker for ROM flashing) to creating a radio security unlocker as well as patched radios for those who have unlocked to flash to.

I have two huge HUGE problems with your post. 1) The reason that OliNex can charge for a security/radio unlocker is because they are two of the only people in the world that know how to do this type of thing. They already created and released a Hard SPL for everyone to use FOR FREE to unlock the phone to use custom ROMs. Not everyone needs to use a SIM card as well, and as such, not everyone will need to purchase the unlocker software to enable this particular functionality. They have every right to charge for their work. And obviously curb the abuse of the product by freeloaders like yourself. 2) You come into a public forum, belittling these developers for asking for compensation for a completely different product by implying that they're only run by greed for money and that they are obligated to provide everyone this software for whatever reason you've conjured up in your head. What's more is that you've actually had the audacity to claim that you're going to attempt to reverse engineer their hard work if someone will provide you the unlocking software to do so.

I really just don't get people like you. Where the heck does you're undeserved sense of entitlement come from?

Edit - And while you say you might be a new player on this block, but not to the game, boy, you've got a lot to learn.
If I've helped you out at all, please give a quick ! Follow me on

Last edited by electronicrice; 11-22-2009 at 02:20 AM. Reason: Emphasis
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 02:47 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

short version..

madcat maybe my first post was to cryptic?

amf? sei hablo douche?


Last edited by swoope; 11-22-2009 at 03:04 AM.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 03:00 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

I never belittled them, just said I believe it is wrong to rake in a bunch of dough over something they claim to be 'donationware'.

I beg to differ that they are the only 2 in the world, there are atleast 3 other sites out there I have found that say they can sim unlock the TP2, I imagine the original developers of the radio firmware could do it, and I imagine quite a few others out there can and have done it, and also keep it a secret.

I usually work on CDMA stuff, GSM is fairly new to me, but I will figure it out.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2009, 03:03 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 and Sim Security

"I am trying to figure out how to sim unlock without paying money to someone who as undoubtedly already received much moola for his unlock which should be free and public domain, however for some the alimighty $ is more important, anyway... "

I don't see how that can be taken any other way.
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