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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 12:21 AM
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Need some default values from your registry & SIP auto-deploy questions

Under HKLM/Software/Tegic/eT9/Ime

What is the default value for these two items:


I have been playing around with them and lost track of the default values.

There are two issues related to the soft-keyboard that bothers me:

1) It does not auto-deply on certain text fields, such as user ID and password on certain web pages. Auto-deploy is enabled in the registry. My Diamond and Touch Pro (1) would recognize these fields and auto deploy.

Has anyone else observed this? If so, any fix?

2) Again, when entering URLs in PIE, the XT9 option is not available (again, Diamond and TP1 did allow this). I have certain URLs and user IDs storted in the XT9 database that I can type more easily if XT9 is available. For some reason, the soft-keypad is locked in multi-tap mode.

Any fix for this?

Thanks for any help.
I see people posting their connection speed--but why? It's one thing to show EVDO/HSDPA speeds, but I see people posting wired connections and I am puzzled (especially when the speed is not all that impressive). So, in that spirit, I will post mine:

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: Need some default values from your registry & SIP auto-deploy questions

Bump, a little help, please?
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