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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 10:25 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

drop you iphone, and its toast...... aaaaaaaand no warranty available on the iphone. but, to each their own
MCSE core cert (expired)
a+ cert

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Played some more. Scrolling is joke. Every time I grab the stylus to pull it out I cringe.

Did they get rid of the cool stylus on Diamond 2?

I'm bringing it back today. Will try checkout diamond 2, Hero and if all else fails I'll get an iPhone.

iGuidance 2009 did work perfectly and it fit perfectly in the car mount.

I rarely text. I thought they would have the size down by now with keyboards but apperently not. It's probably the biggest heaviest phone there is right now. The bigger they are the harder they fall. If you drop it, it's toast and I have dropped my Diamond.

Battery is an issue with Diamond but I get through the day ok.

Diamond feels more modern to me. Sure I'd like a bigger screen so I'll wait for diamond 2 and cross my fingers it's on SERO.
going to disagree I thought scrolling (while not the best) is actually very good for a 6.1 device...as for stylus, unsure but shame you didn't like it. I didn't like iphone and it got boring after an hour so yea
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Because Iphone would cost about $100 more a month for two phones on sero moving to at&t. I do write on forums on the phone. Clumsy navigating with stylus then switch to keyboard for text.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by railslave View Post
drop you iphone, and its toast...... aaaaaaaand no warranty available on the iphone. but, to each their own
In a drop test iphone would be most robust, diamond 2nd, pro 3rd. The more moving parts the more risk. The screens are all about the same. Most of the time their ok. Weight matters too.

I used to get insurance until they raised deductables. deductable plus one year of coverage on a one year old phone would pay for a new phone that's one year old (like I could get a diamond for $150 on ebay). I've never needed the insurance in the last 6 phones. And first year is generally covered if it breaks and doesn't look abused.

Last edited by mswlogo; 09-15-2009 at 11:44 AM.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

wow Id take a touch pro 1 over a diamond geez lol .

TP2 vs Diamond the war begins!! lol

Touch pro 2 has a keyboard bigger screen feels better ten the cheap touch pro or diamond does. Much better interface.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

when yall take the stylus out your phone screens dont turn on??????? the tmobile version does....
(Hummingbird FTW)
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
when yall take the stylus out your phone screens dont turn on??????? the tmobile version does....
The Telus version will wake itself up if I remove the stylus...
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 02:40 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Just checked...my vzw version wakes up with stylus removal.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 01:09 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)


When I saw Imagio and Diamond 2 were a potential for Sprint I convinced myself why I didn't want this phone. I also paid too much and I was bummed I didn't get the screen protector on perfectly (there is always a little luck involved with getting those on perfect).

Any way after seeing Imagio or Diamond 2 doesn't look likely to happen on Sprint I decided to give it another go.

I really do love this phone. I do have some issues with it but I do love it. Even compare to the Droid.

I did manage to get the screen protector on perfectly this time.
And I got the phone for $275 (on SERO) after MIR.

Battery is great (Also worth some extra weight).

I'm currently running stock sprint ROM for a bit, to get base line. I have not decided to go custom just yet. I've seen quite a few issues (theads) with custom ROMs.

As far as GPS lag folks seem to complain about it works perfectly for me. YOU MUST USE GPSGate or similar. iGuidance 2009 works perfectly. And it locked almost immediately without manually running QuickGPS. You could see GoogleMaps get an instant (close lock) without even turning GPS on (using towers). I think some folks don't know they still need to turn GPS on in Google maps even though it looks like they have a lock (that will appear to be off by a block or so). And without GPSGate (or similar) iGuidance and TomTom etc. WILL LAG just like it did on Diamond and Touch.

I decided to leave Touch Flow on this time around. It is getting better but I still have some issues with it. The Email interface in it stinks. But that's not a big deal. And I can't run pocket weather which is way better than HTC's weather. But it all may worth it to use the stylus less. I was impressed how ALL menus are larger so you can use your finger. I might just try running pocket weather as an Application (instead of a Today Plugin).

For some reason the free wheel scrolling works perfectly, first phone would never slow down on it's own (like it had zero friction). However I still have an issue that when ever I try to stop it after a flick it often selects that item I stoped it with, when I don't want it too.

The Speaker in it is unbeleivable, that alone is worth the extra weight.

More applications seem to be auto rotating than in the past.

Tons of memory compared to my diamond.

I still cringe everytime I need to pull out stylus. But I am pulling it out much less than on Diamond. It does indeed still turn on the phone.

I may seem like I'm still complaining, I'm not, overall I love it. I'm not a huge keyboard user but I'm trying. I still find it a bit clunky using the keyboard and touching screen.

My biggest issue right now though is laggy Voice Command (I will start or search for a thread on that). Phone is otherwise pretty snappy.

Amazingly my wife even wants one now.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Agree. Some just flame and whine.The OP just it saying how he feels. If you dont like it, move on. Quit attacking members with opposite opinions. If you want to pick a fight, do it with me. Leave the others aline.
BTW, on a serious note, did you get your TP2 yet as I have gathered that you have wanted one for a while now...lol? Oh, and I still have a Diamond which I love, but it in no remote way can begin considered comparable to my TP2. I have flashed my Diamond over 25 times in search of something that just works (btw, never found it). Guess what? My TP just works and works fast and smooth. Though I am tempted by the 6.5 eye candy, I am afraid to flash because as oxymoronish (not a word) as it sounds, I sincerely feel that I would be taking a big step backwards in terms of performance.
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