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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 07:49 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

My wife loves the Diamond hand-me-down. She think it's the best phone since sliced bread. My wife is basic when it comes to technology though - phone, few games, contacts, some internet. I on the other hand need everything under the sun. She appreciates the Diamond's size, fit, and finish.

Different needs for different folks. I think this is a simple case of a.) the users needs do not match correctly with the offering of the phone and b.) slab style phones are not sliders... they are almost always bulkier, and more complex.

Sometimes having the best phone that does a whole lot of EVERYTHING is not better then having a phone that just does what one needs.
Samsung Focus running on the Telus Network... LG Optimus 7 runningo n the Telus Network
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 08:04 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

mine wants a tp2 basically for the battery life, she has to charge her diamond 2 times a day vs my none, plus, she has a big purse to hold it.lol
(Hummingbird FTW)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

my wife loves her instinct. tried the tp and hated it. my brother had the 6700, 6800 and 6850. he now owns a palm pro. not everyone are winmo or htc fans. (now watch how many posts behind this one defending htc and winmo lol)

Last edited by Dr.8820; 09-15-2009 at 01:07 AM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:10 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

I really like the size and look of my Diamond but every time I want to write something I instantly hate it! It was my first phone with no real keyboard and probably my last. I've had my eye on my wife's Samsung Impression which is almost same size as the TP2 and I think I can deal with that. It's coming tomorrow morning so we'll see!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:31 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
iPhone feels so classy
Hit me up with that giving.
Verizon Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S)
Clie -> Clie TG50 -> XV6800 -> Touch Pro2 -> Fascinate
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:47 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by mr.8820 View Post
my wife loves her instinct. tried the tp and hated it. my brother had the 6700, 6800 and 6850. he nows owns a palm pro. not everyone are winmo or htc fans. (now watch how many posts behind this one defending htc and winmo lol)
i agree with you, winmo is not for everyone. I don't mind being the minority because it keeps us off the radar and we get to keep our sero and other grandfathered packages. Honestly winmo is not very user friendly until they started with touch flo. Now windows is trying to change that which is now why the tp2 and all of the other new winmo devices don't have control pads because 6.5 and above should be very user and finger friendly. We are all ppcgeeks on this website so we can make it work but there are so many people out there with ppcs who just want them to work without having to jump on websites like this. the iphone, android, and blackberry's are user friendly and efficient right out of the box, as you can tell by this website we need to tweak our phones. But in the end we do need more tweaks but our phones can also do 10x more then any other phone out there, iphone included.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:50 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Here are my thoughts for those on the fence about upgrading to the TP2.

I switched from a Diamond to a Touch Pro 2 and would never go back. The Diamond was my first pocket PC/smartphone and there were some things that kept nagging at me for the year I've had it. Sure the Diamond could do most things that the Pro can while maintaining a small form factor. I didn't even bother with a case for the Diamond because I carried it around in my pocket and it was barely noticeable.

What bothered me almost from day one was the small screen compared to the iPhone that made Internet browsing somewhat challenging and typing on the screen keyboard was difficult at times. The battery life was not good even with all of the tweaks applied.

IMO, the TP2 solves these problems. The screen is nice and large and I can read most web pages (like this one) without even zooming in. The on-screen keyboard is useable and it's actually taking me a while to get used to having a big hardware keyboard. Not only that but, my co-worker has a TP1 and I can feel the difference described by others when compared to the TP2. The TP2 feels nice and sturdy. The battery has been much better than my Diamond's even at stock settings.

For the past five days that I've owned the TP2 I've been carrying it around in my jeans pocket and don't really notice it. I don't see what the big deal is when people describe it as being a "brick" or big and bulky. It feels "just right" to me.

As far as the "classiness", the TP2 looks classier to me because next to it, the Diamond appears to be more plasticy with the huge button in the center. The TP2 has the metallic colored buttons miniaturized and out of the way beneath the screen.

The screen is what really makes it worth its weight in gold. The screen alone is what motivated me to switch. The keyboard is just a luxury to me, but the more I use it the more I'm glad it's there.

In short, I'd say that the upgrade from a Diamond to a TP2 is worth the cost. It's a totally different experience. In my opnion, the large, crisp screen alone is worth the upgrade.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

i concur slim, i love my tp over my bb when it comes to web, and sprint tv, i watch alot of movies on my tp. i love winmo. but the bb just does some of the simplest things and i still have great battery life. i just don't trust htc anymore and i've had a couple of the models. i will say that they are better than palm lol!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by transcend73 View Post
Here are my thoughts for those on the fence about upgrading to the TP2.

I switched from a Diamond to a Touch Pro 2 and would never go back. The Diamond was my first pocket PC/smartphone and there were some things that kept nagging at me for the year I've had it. Sure the Diamond could do most things that the Pro can while maintaining a small form factor. I didn't even bother with a case for the Diamond because I carried it around in my pocket and it was barely noticeable.

What bothered me almost from day one was the small screen compared to the iPhone that made Internet browsing somewhat challenging and typing on the screen keyboard was difficult at times. The battery life was not good even with all of the tweaks applied.

IMO, the TP2 solves these problems. The screen is nice and large and I can read most web pages (like this one) without even zooming in. The on-screen keyboard is useable and it's actually taking me a while to get used to having a big hardware keyboard. Not only that but, my co-worker has a TP1 and I can feel the difference described by others when compared to the TP2. The TP2 feels nice and sturdy. The battery has been much better than my Diamond's even at stock settings.

For the past five days that I've owned the TP2 I've been carrying it around in my jeans pocket and don't really notice it. I don't see what the big deal is when people describe it as being a "brick" or big and bulky. It feels "just right" to me.

As far as the "classiness", the TP2 looks classier to me because next to it, the Diamond appears to be more plasticy with the huge button in the center. The TP2 has the metallic colored buttons miniaturized and out of the way beneath the screen.

The screen is what really makes it worth its weight in gold. The screen alone is what motivated me to switch. The keyboard is just a luxury to me, but the more I use it the more I'm glad it's there.

In short, I'd say that the upgrade from a Diamond to a TP2 is worth the cost. It's a totally different experience. In my opnion, the large, crisp screen alone is worth the upgrade.
it would be hard to believe anyone would wanna stay with a diamond over a tp2, but to each their own...
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: Disappointed so far (coming from Sprint Diamond)

Originally Posted by mr.8820 View Post
i concur slim, i love my tp over my bb when it comes to web, and sprint tv, i watch alot of movies on my tp. i love winmo. but the bb just does some of the simplest things and i still have great battery life. i just don't trust htc anymore and i've had a couple of the models. i will say that they are better than palm lol!
I got a bb tour when signing onto verizon (less than 30 days ago) i really liked it for texting emails etc but when it comes to web browsing it really falls short. Im doing an exchange for the TP2 which will arrive tomarrow, i cant wait to jump on skyfire and customize the device
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