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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:02 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Originally Posted by snovvman View Post
Thanks for your input.

@themuffinman: I presume your tweaked TP1 also included other apps and such. Do you think that "everything" that was done to TP1 had an adverse effect on the battery. Do you have any data between unmodified TP1 and 2? I wonder why my experience is so different...

@2k4mach: My idle discharge rate for all 3 devices are less than 100 mA (using Homescreen ++ UI). Sometimes I wonder if software are calculating the drain based upon observable factors and therefore have sharp differences in reported value.

I will continue to keep notes on my experience with the TP2 and report back.

Edit: What is your real-world run time with TP2 compared to TP1/Diamond?
I don't have any concrete data on a stock tp1 vs. stock tp2 so I can only speak from experience. All the tweaks I did to my tp1 definitely made an improvement on battery performance. When I go to work, my daily routine as far as phone use is basically the same. I usually send the same amount of emails and texts everyday as well as about 2 hours worth of phone calls(this is all during work from 8-5). I pull my phone off the charger exactly at 7am as I am walking out the door to go to work. By noon, I may have anywhere from 20% to 30% left and I have to recharge my phone fully to make it to the end of my shift. With the tp2, again taking it off the charger at 7am, with the same use up until noon(give or take a 5% margin of error in estimated use), I am sitting at about 70% with no need for me to recharge at that time. Now I know this is by no means scientifically accurate but based on my experience there is definitely a huge difference in performance for sure. As for my diamond, I really don't use that as much. Thats more of a casual weekend phone or when I don't feel like having anything bulky. But my diamond did perform better than my tp1 but not quite as good as my tp2

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I'm with muffinman, no scientific concrete proof here, but battery life was one of the top two issues I had with the TP1, the other being signal strength. I just got my phone yesterday. I pulled it off the charger last night around 9:30pm to get a full charge. Since then here are my stats:
Standbye time: 10hrs 33 min
Talk time: 4min
Device Usage: 3hr 8min

With all that I'm still at 30% on my battery. It might not sound good, but I probably viewed over an 1hr of video from sprint tv. Lots of internet. I have my screen a tick above the middle setting on brightness. I don't know if its the signal strength thats helping or what but, this guy is way better on battery and signal. That with a solid feel to the phone, I love it.

I've also heard people stating that their battery life improved constantly over the first week they had their phone. I guess after a few charges and discharges. Hang in there.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:21 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I have seen a drastic improvement from my TP (with custom rom and battery tweaks/hacks) to my TP2 (stock). I talk about an hour each day at work on my phone. I text and use the Internet a total of about another hour. I email about 30 emails. I play Need for Speed Underground about a half hour during work (bathroom trips and meetings). I pull my phone off the charger at 7:30am and by noon my TP would be around 50% and require a charge. I then also charged it on the way home at 5pm (20-25 minutes drive) and I would be at 30-40% when I went to bed about 11pm with similar usage after work as at work, except for the game.

I got my TP2 yesterday and charged it fully on the way home. I talked on the phone for about 1.5 hours last night. I played around with the device for another hour, installed some apps and games, and surfed the Internet for about 30 minutes. I sent and received probably 50 texts and sent about 10 emails. I didn't charge it last night because it was at 70% when I went to bed. This morning I woke up and it was at 62% (after receiving several emails and texts). I have talked about 30 minutes on the phone so far today, sent/received about 30 texts, sent/received about 50 emails, and showed a few people the cool new toy. It is currently sitting at 51%.

We'll see after a few days, but so far this is hands down better for me on battery life.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Thanks for sharing your experiences folks. I would be curious how things look in a few of weeks. I added some content to the original post unrelated to power. I'd appreciate some feedback. Cheers.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I got my touch pro 2 last night around 8 and played with it till 9:30(movie started then). Got home around 11:45 and I had 2 bars left. So I continued to use it till the warning came on, from there I plugged it up and went to sleep. Pulled the phone off the charger this morning and went straight onto the internet for 2.5 hours easy. Downloading and surfing it got down to 2 bars. Now if I did this with my pro, it would be dead(it had all the battery tweaks!) The battery life is great on my device!
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I have come to find that one of the greatest improvements over the TP1 is the improved battery life on the TP2. Honestly if I was on the phone for any significant part of the day I would either need to swap batteries or charge my TP1 at work- now I can reliably make it through the day- and that is with the increased time spent playing with my new toy!
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I think it's wayyyyy better, just from using it today I haven't charged it at all since I got it yesterday and still at 40% I charged it when i first got it yestersay aroun 1pm
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 09:32 PM
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Touch Pro 2 Battery Tweaks

i didnt find a thread on this and am here daily and havent seen any yet, if this is a duplicate thread, mods please delete....

Now the tp2 has awesome battery life compaired to the tp1, but of course if battery can last even longer that would be great....

what tips do you use get the most use outta battery.....

ive done, beam off, bluetooth off, disabled voice command, have the brightness up 2, and no push emails or emails checking periodically.....
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

Update on battery performance:

So this morning I took my phone off the charger right at 8 am. I haven't been using it as much, but I would say I have sent and received about 20 texts, about 10 emails, web browsed for a few minutes, used slingbox for about 5 minutes and maybe 20 to 30 minutes of phone calls and it just dropped to 90% 2 minutes ago(11:30am). Not bad for 3.5hrs.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: How's your battery life so far? Let's discuss ways to prolong battery life...

I've merged a bunch of battery threads together in hopes of keeping the discussion in one thread.

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