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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 11:48 AM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

**** JUST GOOGLED MY NUMBER!!! It says Sprint Plans and Upgrades...
  #52 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

LOL @ this thread.. As usual, RDCRDS is making waves about this phone... THis is at least the third thread I've come across where he is the antagonist, attacking anyone who makes any remote claim about the TP2.

And anyone else think it's funny that he's up in arms about the possibility that sprint would call and offer someone an upgrade? I've receved calls like that, and there were a TON of people who received calls like that when the original TP came out...

Finally, LOL @ the premise that Sprint would never call and offer an upgrade to someone, yet, he magically found a rep who was so mad about the prospect that she offered him a free phone to prove her wrong... As if just giving a phone away on that premise wouldn't get her in deep doo doo...

Hey RCRDS... We shouldn't believe anything you say, because you've only got 25 rep points, right? Wasn't that your entire argument in another thread?
  #53 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by badutahboy View Post
LOL @ this thread.. As usual, RDCRDS is making waves about this phone... THis is at least the third thread I've come across where he is the antagonist, attacking anyone who makes any remote claim about the TP2.

And anyone else think it's funny that he's up in arms about the possibility that sprint would call and offer someone an upgrade? I've receved calls like that, and there were a TON of people who received calls like that when the original TP came out...

Finally, LOL @ the premise that Sprint would never call and offer an upgrade to someone, yet, he magically found a rep who was so mad about the prospect that she offered him a free phone to prove her wrong... As if just giving a phone away on that premise wouldn't get her in deep doo doo...

Hey RCRDS... We shouldn't believe anything you say, because you've only got 25 rep points, right? Wasn't that your entire argument in another thread?
i'm going to agree with rcrds. this thread is bs The op is bored and tattooed which is why he is starting bs threads. Along with this current thread here is another thread where the op is saying he got something. Why is he the only one receiving these emails and calls when he isn't the only premeir customer and definitely doesn't have the most phones on 1 plan.


  #54 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
this thread is bs The op is bored and tattooed which is why he is starting bs threads.
Yes, the OP is bored and has many tattoos. That's why he made this thread.

You are a genius!
HTC Touch Diamond
Energy 23128 / CyanogenMod6 RC3 (Android)
Sprint 1.11.00F
  #55 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
i'm going to agree with rcrds. this thread is bs The op is bored and tattooed which is why he is starting bs threads. Along with this current thread here is another thread where the op is saying he got something. Why is he the only one receiving these emails and calls when he isn't the only premeir customer and definitely doesn't have the most phones on 1 plan.


you can disagree with me thats fine....

but the email is if i sign a new 2 yr contract... which sprint offers people promos to renew contracts daily,right????, so get off my case about that...

the other is a story of how i got a free replacment phone, which again sprint does for people daily, right? so get off my ase about that too.. it was just funny that i went in for a simple repair and they offered a free replacement, which ISNT why i went in... thats why its title "sprint scammed themselves" it was ironic since the day before i posted in that thread on here about "why are there so many scams on here"... thats why i posted that story...

just cuz im bored and tattooed, doesnt mean im not intelligent and active... im a Chef, thats run his own buisness for 5 yrs almost now... im a college grad in psych and criminal justice... and i have a good rep around here...

i have far better things to do with my day than to make up some ludacris story for no apparent reason, about a device that if you go look at my posts around the TP2 forum, i wasnt even supposrtive of and critized just about everytime i posted on it... i wouldnt of even gotten a TP2 probably... go do some research, yeah lets make up a story about a phone i dont want, that seems real logical now doesnt....

if you dont like the fact i got an offer you didnt, cool, dont post...
u dont believe it, cool, dont post...

noone forced any of you here, nooone forced any of you to post...

im sorry you guys cant handle your jealousy very well and resort to childish behavior when someone has something you dont....

thank god i dont live next door to any of you haters, or i might catch you making love to the gas tank on my Denalli in the middle of the night
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Real simple i posted how he could prove it and he declined which proves to me which anyone with sense knows that he is lying.

Was very easy to prove with 1 phone call but as i posted i knew he would not cause it would prove he is a liar.

If it was me i would want to prove what i posed or there is no reason to post it.If you are going to post something have proof which i gave him the way to do it very easy and he said no.End of story if you believe him i got swamp land to sell you.
  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by badutahboy View Post
LOL @ this thread.. As usual, RDCRDS is making waves about this phone... THis is at least the third thread I've come across where he is the antagonist, attacking anyone who makes any remote claim about the TP2.

And anyone else think it's funny that he's up in arms about the possibility that sprint would call and offer someone an upgrade? I've receved calls like that, and there were a TON of people who received calls like that when the original TP came out...

Finally, LOL @ the premise that Sprint would never call and offer an upgrade to someone, yet, he magically found a rep who was so mad about the prospect that she offered him a free phone to prove her wrong... As if just giving a phone away on that premise wouldn't get her in deep doo doo...

Hey RCRDS... We shouldn't believe anything you say, because you've only got 25 rep points, right? Wasn't that your entire argument in another thread?
Was not a rep that was so mad was a supervisor who would give me the phone to show me that this was not ture and she was not mad at all.Cause she was so sure she wanted me to be assured this was not the case.

As for believing me i gave the phone number to call and also the name of the rep so take it for what you will but if it was me and i came on here to toot my horn i would want to backup what i posted.

Last edited by rdcrds; 08-23-2009 at 03:33 PM.
  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:34 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by rdcrds View Post
Real simple i posted how he could prove it and he declined which proves to me which anyone with sense knows that he is lying.

Was very easy to prove with 1 phone call but as i posted i knew he would not cause it would prove he is a liar.

If it was me i would want to prove what i posed or there is no reason to post it.If you are going to post something have proof which i gave him the way to do it very easy and he said no.End of story if you believe him i got swamp land to sell you.
your phone call thing isnt even a plausable way to prove it....

by law, they cant tell you anything about my account or anything about me... its illegal for them to tell u anything relating to me or my account... so your Nicole i think you said her name was, would lose her job, 5mins after i call back in and say "oh, so you told some random guy, about things notated in MY legally protected account, let me talk to the supervisor"... im sure the super would LOVE to know that not only did she, but you claimed another guy in the begining also promised u a free handset if you could get me to call back in, so they could then verify to you the contents of the notes in my account...

not gonna happen buddy..... they all know they cant tell you anything about me, by law, and im sure by terms of their employment as well....

atleast my storys consistent....

NOONE would ever do this, but 2 people offered you FREE TP2s now in the matter of an hour...

NOONE knows the price yet, yet a 2nd rep told you $299 after the fact...

i hope im making your last 24hrs enjoyable, because your sure making mine...

others people jealousy and ignorance is a fun thing to play with, manipluate, and mold your own outcomes with... simple minds create simple pleasures i guess...

since you OBVIOUSLY think im lying, and im not making your phone call.... is there a specific reason you keep coming back and posting??? i can paste the "quote" in from awhile back where u said you were done... so why arent you done yet? your convinced i cant or will not prove you wrong in this matter, so what is your motive?

we all know you disagree, cool, but how many times and how many ways do WE ALL need to read about it.. get over your distain for the situation already
  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

WHOEVER said they would tell me anything about you???? all she said was for you to call in and if it was true she would do as i posted.She would never give me any info on you at all.Just another way for you to go around it.
  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 03:47 PM
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Re: And away we go..... Sprint TP2 around corner, MUST READ...

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
your phone call thing isnt even a plausable way to prove it....

by law, they cant tell you anything about my account or anything about me... its illegal for them to tell u anything relating to me or my account... so your Nicole i think you said her name was, would lose her job, 5mins after i call back in and say "oh, so you told some random guy, about things notated in MY legally protected account, let me talk to the supervisor"... im sure the super would LOVE to know that not only did she, but you claimed another guy in the begining also promised u a free handset if you could get me to call back in, so they could then verify to you the contents of the notes in my account...

not gonna happen buddy..... they all know they cant tell you anything about me, by law, and im sure by terms of their employment as well....

atleast my storys consistent....

NOONE would ever do this, but 2 people offered you FREE TP2s now in the matter of an hour...

NOONE knows the price yet, yet a 2nd rep told you $299 after the fact...

i hope im making your last 24hrs enjoyable, because your sure making mine...

others people jealousy and ignorance is a fun thing to play with, manipluate, and mold your own outcomes with... simple minds create simple pleasures i guess...

since you OBVIOUSLY think im lying, and im not making your phone call.... is there a specific reason you keep coming back and posting??? i can paste the "quote" in from awhile back where u said you were done... so why arent you done yet? your convinced i cant or will not prove you wrong in this matter, so what is your motive?

we all know you disagree, cool, but how many times and how many ways do WE ALL need to read about it.. get over your distain for the situation already

I only posted again cause of the guy who decided to jump into the discussion and call me a liar.But in noway would they tell me any info on you so that does not wash as a excuse.When others drop i do not reply.

It is all good i know your bsing so do others.The ones who post not are just trying to keep it going.
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