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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 04:09 AM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

My Mogul doesn't have a CTRL key, so I guess I can't miss that, and I must already use the arrow keys for Tab, becuase I just had to look to verify that it even had one.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 04:21 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

I'm waiting for Verizon to finally release the TP2... which I will get (I've had the Apache, Titan, and now Touch Pro), but if a Samsung Omnia Pro 2 comes out (Omnia 2 looks awesome, but I need a keyboard!), then I will trade my TP2. But no, I won't pass on the TP2. Why would I do that?? If you can't afford to buy it, then don't buy it, but don't pretend to take a stand and say you want to wait another year before the next phone is out, or huff and puff and say it's too expensive. You want the best, you gotta pay for it!
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01 View Post
I'm waiting for Verizon to finally release the TP2... which I will get (I've had the Apache, Titan, and now Touch Pro), but if a Samsung Omnia Pro 2 comes out (Omnia 2 looks awesome, but I need a keyboard!), then I will trade my TP2. But no, I won't pass on the TP2. Why would I do that?? If you can't afford to buy it, then don't buy it, but don't pretend to take a stand and say you want to wait another year before the next phone is out, or huff and puff and say it's too expensive. You want the best, you gotta pay for it!
I agree with everything you said except for the Omnia part lol IMO the TP2 is a better phone and i don't care what u tell me lol
YounG E
YounG BreeD Entertainment
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 05:14 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

I'm passing.
The display is larger than my Pre but the Pre's display is so much nicer than the TP2.
I can never go back to using a Winmo device the WebOS is so much richer/nicer, I dont miss my TP1 one bit. Anybody wanna purchase ny TP1 drop me a pm
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 06:03 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

there is no way i could pass on it, at first i was gonna cause i was naieve and didnt think it was much of a upgrade, but wow ow wow was i wrong, i even left sprint for tmobile just to get this bad boy, and its night and day over the original pro its not even funny, battery alone was enough to make me wanna switch, and lets just say the battery is almost 3 times that of the tp1, so answer is

no, i didnt pass on this bad boy, im sure sprints will be just as great, i recommend getting one,
(Hummingbird FTW)
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
im sure sprints will be just as great, i recommend getting one,
i'll get one alright, as soon as they run out of tp1s! just read the article over at xda with people talking about dead pixels and they had theirs since june.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

Originally Posted by mr.8820 View Post
i'll get one alright, as soon as they run out of tp1s! just read the article over at xda with people talking about dead pixels and they had theirs since june.
dead pixels vs every month having a dead keyboard :think ill vote possible having dead pixels....
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

true but kinda backs up what i've been saying about htc is all. the 1st batch of tps were bad. i wouldn't expect anything different!
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

Hard to believe I read all 11 pages of this. I guess I am destined to get this phone.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Anyone going to pass on the tp2?

I've been going back and forth re tp2, but having to pay full price since no upgrade for me is the real clincher. My reality is cost cutting right now anyway. Also, I'm sorely addicted to the dpad as I found out when I used a "touch hd" for a few months. And get this, but I'm lovin' that magnetic stylus. Fantastic idea. Makes it so easy to use.
From what I've been hearing in various forums the tp2 comes with some similar issues as the tp1. Nothing that can't be tweaked out tho. The screen,speaker,and more spacious kb is the real deal for me, otherwise imo it is way to similar to the tp1. My sprint touch pro is working very well for me for now. Finally got most of it's bugs worked out. Half the fun of winmo tho, right?? Tweaking,tweaking some more and so on and so forth. If I didn't love it, I'd just get an eye phone.
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